Im going to try to quit smoking..need tips..? -

Friday, January 18, 2008

Im going to try to quit smoking..need tips..? -

What helps ease the need for a cigarette? Any tips would be greatly appreciated even small things that might have helped you quit smoking.. Thank you
Quitting cold-turkey is never a good idea. If possible, slowly decrease the amount of cigarettes you smoke a day. Say, cutting back by one cigarette every few days, or whatever works for you. If you smoke inside, go outside to smoke(that one really helped my dad) or make yourself do something every time you have a cigarette, like clean something(some sort of -punishment- to make it more of an inconvenience to smoke). To help with the oral fixation, keep gum, mints, and/or a water bottle with you all the time. Also try to avoid situations where you normally smoke or plan a distraction for those times. It-s hard to be around friends/coworkers who smoke, as you-re used to smoking with them, so find an alternative. My problem was smoking while driving. It was like second nature to me, and I didn-t feel right NOT smoking while driving, so I distracted myself with music and would always have a drink(i.e. water bottle!) with me and, at first, little snacks like crackers.

Don-t quit unless you-re 100% commited. I-ve been reading about the effects of smoking on the lungs, and it-s actually worse to quit and then start again than it is to just keep smoking. While smoking, your body try to fight off any problems. When you quit, your body lets its defenses down a bit, and doesn-t expect it when you start smoking again. Make sure you have your plan hammered out before hand :)
For those who tell you that you will feel better and have more money if you quit smoking, I say - bah!
I sure don-t know where the money I spent on cigarettes is going now but I do know I don-t have any more money now.
As far as feeling better, I don-t know that I feel any better - I still have allergies that kick in every season. People used to tell me that my stuffy nose was caused by smoking but I still get stuffed up and it has been over five years since I last smoked.
I quit cold turkey while my wife was still smoking and it was pretty tough traveling with a smoldering cigarette in the car but I just kept reminding myself that there was only one cigarette I didn-t need to smoke, and that was the next one. To this day, I still find times when I want a smoke - especially when I am in a situation where I used to light up but I always remind myself that I don-t NEED to.
I-ve talked to people who have not smoked for 20 years and they still get a craving once in a while. They just don-t give in to it is all.
Maybe if you carry some sugarless gum for those occasions when you habitually light up you might have success.
Good luck
It will be tremendously difficult to quit smoking when you-ve become so accustomed to it. That-s for sure. So, you can start by trying to minimize your sticks per day. Women, in particular, are likely to miss the habit more than the nicotine found in cigarettes. So maybe you can try to divert your attention to a new, healthier, and engaging habit. It could be anything. The logic is to take your mind as much as possible away from smoking. Read this, it may help you:
There are so many different methods to quit smoking like the stop smoking herbs but you need to choose the one that-s right for you.

Additionally no matter which method you choose, make sure to drink lots of water as this will help flush out and clean your system. The more you drink, the more you will need to go to the bathroom and rid yourself of the poisonous nicotine. If you are not a water drinker, drink orange juice however orange juice and cigarettes do not go together.
Okay there are a few important things I remember I did. 1 you gotta stay away from your friends who smoke ciggeretes second hand smoke to you is like what crack is to a recovering crack addict. Also you are giving up an addiction, so your body and mind is going to want to fixate on something else, do what I did and choose sports as your new addiction, I chose boxing because its something that makes me not want a ciggerete after, and its addictive. So choose jogging every morning or reading just pick up a new addiction. Also your going to be orally fixated so chew gum or suck on a mint when you see others or are craving a smoke. Good luck, save your money and your life for something better!
Here-s what I did. I decreased the number of cigarettes I smoked gradually.
I started at one pack a day. When I did that for couple of days, I went to 18 smokes a day. When I adjusted to that in a couple of days, I went to 16. When I got used to that in two or three days, I went to 14, and on down from there.
maraijuana could be an alternetive...
sugar free gum
what i do is chew stuff not eating because you could gain weight ...

good luck xxx
just think about it u waste money. U can use that money for something else.
It’s important to make sure you’re completely ready to quit. Many smokers think about quitting often. In fact, every smoker I’ve ever spoken to has considered quitting more than once, no matter how hardcore they are about it. You will probably never be totally ready, so it’s very important that you make sure you’re mostly ready and face your fears. Expect to fail, but don’t fail on purpose. Self destructing never got anyone anything in this life and everything that we gain of importance typically takes hard work and a lot of effort.
Im going to try to quit smoking..need tips..? -