If you quit smoking, will you have a stronger willpower? -

Thursday, November 10, 2011

If you quit smoking, will you have a stronger willpower? -

Yes. Quitting smoking is a very hard thing to do. It takes a lot of willpower and in the end you-re a stronger person. You-re also a healthier person.
you will feel alot better
Humm..maybe..for sure a stronger temper and apetite..would be like PMSing 24-7! I am sure there is a reward for stopping.. but until you can kick that habit, your family would like to kick you...out!
Maybe not. If the need for smoking is due to a low blood sugar condition (hypoglycemia) (www.hufa.org), then quitting will be very healthy for you, but then you will have to fight the cravings for food or sweets. So you will need even stronger willpower after quitting, because a food addiction is even worse that a cigarette addiction.

I have read that if you start on a diet that levels blood sugar, prior to quitting smoking, it makes it easier to quit, and helps to prevent the post quit cravings - and the post quit weight gain that results.

Best wishes.
Actually the act of quitting takes more willpower than staying off the cancer sticks, so I would say no. Willpower is something you conjure up as needed. What-s more important than willpower is WON-Tpower.
It helps great deal, also look for behavioral techniques to help. Find way to keep your mouth and hands busy during those habitual times you smoked. Chew regular gum or lick on hard candy. Carry pad a paper and pen, and write yourself a note when urge hit. It was around the 14 day when stuff in my system call the loudest.
Yes, of course. You will become far stronger, because u will realize that u can.
Thankfully, ppl like me dont have to try and quit smoking because i already know that i can and thus have a powerfull will power.
i would say so cause it takes a lot of will power to stop in the first place
yes and also better lungs
If you quit smoking, will you have a stronger willpower? -