Any one have any ideas on how to quit smoking? -

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Any one have any ideas on how to quit smoking? -

I-ve given this answer on Yahoo Answers several times.
It really worked for me, as I smoked for 10 years, and quit 25 years ago. Yet, nobody else who asked this question has ever thought this was the best answer.

The American Cancer Society recommended in their literature at the time I quit to use water to help you quit, and it works. Water on the inside; water on the outside.

Drink lots of water. Substitute a glass of water for your cigarettes... always have it on hand. It gives you something to do instead of smoke, and helps flush the nicotine out of your system.

Take lots of showers. It helps give you a distraction, and it washes the smell of smoke from you faster.

You might try consulting their website for further ideas.…

I started smoking at 14. It was cool in those days. I smokedat least 11/2 pk a day until age 44. Before I got the patches I began eliminating all the -I have to have ones now- cig. like with coffee, with a mixed drink, when the phone rang, when I ironed clothes, as soon as I got in my car, always after a meal. I refused to have any on any of these occassions. That broke the habitual light-ups. Then I put the patch on and had tremendous success. Now 66 and never touched another. Much prayer helped!!Also I created what I called my own scripture that stated -Greater is He who is in Me than this lousy cigarette- That helped. When You are really ready-you will succeed.
everytime you get the urge, tell yourself -5 more minutes- wait those five, and by that time you would have preoccupied yourself and you will forget about it. chances are that you are bored. you dont need it, you just think that you do remember: 5 minutes!
just quit. i never somked so i don-t know how hard it is to quit.
For starters clean your house of any cigratee, yours, your old roomates the ones your friend left. the pack that you didnt even get to open. throw it all away the only expetion is if it belong to your friend if thats the case you can either keep it in a place away from temptaion or throwing them away and slipping your friend a quick $5.

2nd Try to keep yourself from any enviorment where you will be offerd ciggartes, im in my first year of highschool and people have already offerd me drugs and i know if i go to certain parties or certian friends house i will be offerd drugs though i can simply say no and thts that thier my friends and they wont pressure me but in your case your over 18 (legal) and you may have some friends, co-workers, or family memberes that smoke you need to try to aviod times when you smoke. for example at the bank my mother use to work at, people would walk out the bank and talk, socailzie and SMOKE during their lunch break. try to aviod places where people will be smoking because you dont wanna make the wrong desscion.

3. try to build up motivations. if your a mother try to make your motivations your childern if you have a girl/boy friend that your care about alot or a husband/wife try to make them your motivions if your single and no kids try to do it to make someone who cares and belives in you and if they dont belive in you give them reason to beive in you proud if your parents have been stressing you on your smoking try to do it for them show them that you really care and that you have determantion

4. beliving in your succeus and realizing your progress. - my cousin was addicted to porn ( wierd but intresting huh ? ) and he told me that whenever he was about to give up he thought of all the occasions where he didnt give up and overcame the temptation and he didnt wanna give up his record for all this so if you have smoked in 2 monthes do you want to mess it up for 1 ciggrate.

Joey, 14, US

finally take one day at a time. it takes hard work but I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT.
hi, my idea is that you have to control yourself on doing so. you have to remind yourself always that someking is dangerous to your health. just control yourself that-s the best way on how to quit..
i just quit cold turkey. its been like 3 months, and i havent thought about a cigarette since the second day.
It is a hard process, I tried Lazer, do not do that for sure, it does not work, you have to have to want to quit and stay focused. I mentally was not ready for quitting, be calm, and if you want it bad enough it will happen. Buy a lot of licorice and gum. Have you tried the meds you can get from your doctor?
I smoked 3 packs a day for 30 years when I stopped the first time it didn-t work, the dependency was just too great. The second time i used the patch started on 21mg. used them every day the first thing in the am. 4 weeks then graduated down to the 14mg patch,2 weeks, then 7mg patch. By that time i forgot to put the patch on half of the time. Been QUIT10 years. Dont let anyone fool you it is a hard habit to break, the longer you smoke the harder it is to QUIT.
visit the smoking line...
i took up dipping snuff, a lot of guys and gals are doing it. it helped me break a 30yr habbit
everytime you want a cigarette suck on a lollipop prefre sugar free so it doesnt totaly rot your teeth
use the patch too it works
mind set is everything
All kinds... they work too. I-ve been off them for over a month now.
I chewed gum to get rid of my bad habit.........mb that-ll work for you too :]
Be disciplined and stop now, if you really don-t want to smoke then don-t, its all on you, force yourself no matter how bad the urge is, if you really want it, Just do it. Good Luck Champ!
honestly cold turkey worked for me.

Also there is that laser treatment now too i hear is pretty good.

good luck, u can do it!
Stop buying cigarettes. Stop bumming them from friends. Stop putting them in your mouth. Stop lighting them. And most of all, consceiously tell yourself, -NO- when you want to have a cigarette. After about a year, the craving go away completely. Now that I have been smoke free for 3 years, I can go into a crowded smoky bar with all my smoker friends, have some beers and never crave a cigarette. But uderstand it wasn-t like that for a long time.

If you are still having alot of trouble read the book, -Awaken the Giant Within- by Anthony Robbins. In that book it teaches you how to make lasting changes in your bad habits by altering your brain. I know that sounds far out but it is for real.
I think the best motivator of all for me was when I saw, on t.v.,a dead person-s lungs that had smoked; they had black all over them! That was two months ago, and I have only picked up two since then.
stop smoking!!! if your serious about it you will be able to do it cold turkey
Well, while I am reading your question, I have a fag in my mouth. I do not know...maybe cold turkey...but this could drive one crazy. I have never used the patches, but some of my friends have , did not work. Hypnotisism , worked for about 3 months.
I still think maybe cold turkey...I know this will be hard, but if you do it , I will do it with you as well.
is totally depends on your motivation
Its not just the nicotine. Its also the other 50+ chemicals they out in cigarettes. Also the main problem is habit.
We have been used to having body sensations which we translate as -my body needs something, which we have attempted to satisfy by having a cigarette.
When we try to stop smoking, we still get these -my body needs something- sensations, and we still feel that we want a cigarette. We have to train our body to be more selective. When we feel we need something, we have to work out what it is that we actually need.
A glass of water is an excellent substitute if nothing else comes to mind, as it helps with the clearance of the toxic substances in our body. Another good substitute is a bag of salted peanuts, used in combination with the water.
Another thing to do is to find an activity which occupies the mind or body. Go swimming - nobody wants to smoke while they are swimming. Slowly, as our body adjusts and translates the -want something- feelings into something other than cigarettes, then the feelings begin to go away. We know its not a cigarette that the body really needs, because as soon as we-ve had one we still have the feeling, and want another!
It-s easy I-ve given up loads of times!
you could quit cold turkey .i heard patches don,t work, you could try chewing gum when you have a craving.
sunflower seeds i guess
and carry lemons with you
if you try to smoke a cigarrette, put lemon juice on it first and you wont like cigarettes anymore
i had a family member who smoked 37 years and one day she quit and threw away all her cigarettes
yes, simply start to hang around with kids more often (assuming your not sick in the head or anything). it-s totally unacceptable to smoke anything around kids, and maybe you-ll make a difference in a kid-s like v. smoking yours away!
thank me very much :-|
best answer?
I quit a long time ago before my daughter was born. I did not want to expose her to the second hand smoke. I had to chew on something (like gum) and had to have something in my hand to keep it occupied and everytime I felt like I needed a smoke I would inhale the fresh air deeply into my lungs. Look into Quigong and breathing techniques and see how that helps naturally without drugs and their side effects.
I smoked for 14 years (half of my life) and quit cold turkey 4 weeks ago. How did I do it? I made a decision to not smoke anymore, and that was it. Ignore the cravings. They will always exist, but they will be less frequent as time progresses. The gum, the patch, the pill... all these things are constant reminders of smoking. The key is to get the idea of smoking out of your mind. The physical addiction goes away after 21 days. The rest is all in your head. Take control of your mind, and it will control your actions. Good luck!!
Any one have any ideas on how to quit smoking? -