Ive just recently quit smoking pot, i use to smoke 4-5 times now im suffering from anxiety any help? -

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Ive just recently quit smoking pot, i use to smoke 4-5 times now im suffering from anxiety any help? -

its been 7 days now and im forced to quit due to probation, like i said I use to smoke 4-5 times daily for atleast 4 years, now my heart races im always worried/nervous, my hands are always sweaty -never happened before i quit- its hard to fal asleep, shortness of breath, and i panic for no reason which of course leads to my anger. Im guessing this is anxiety?
j boy chill out am now 30 i smoked weed from the age of 15 breakfast dinner tea and all night long am now in china and i had to give it up it get easyer after 2 weeks its been a month now for me and i have started to dream at night this for me is very scary as i not had a dream in 15 years it dose get easerer hang in there ya do get the sweets and cant sleep at night thr having a vodka and coke it helps a little ya doing well as if i was back in the UK i would never have given up it was my life weed = me happy me - weed ment hard time 4 everyone hope this helps hang in there buddy
It sounds like a bit of withdrawal even though they say pot is non-addictive physically, it really gets you psychologically. I think it-s natural that you are experiencing some anxiety due to this change in your life, it will probably take a little while for your body and mind to adjust. Try some deep breathing, meditation or yoga to focus your energy on something tranquil. It will probably become less frequent as time goes on. Good luck!
So much for the theory that pot isn-t addictive.

It will take some time to get over the withdraw symptoms...after all you have taken away a major part of your lifestyle.

If I were you I would go to a doctor and see if you can be put on anti anxiety meds and/or a non-habit forming sleep aid.

Another thing that I would start tomorrow is:

Drink water, at least 8 glasses a day (helps fight dehydration which can stress you out, believe it or not).

Walk for an hour or so at a leisurely pace (at least 4 hours before going to bed, doing it any closer can further screw up your sleep habits)

Avoid caffeine at all costs.

Avoid sugar as much as possible.

Good luck and take care.
yeah the only proven symptom from quitting the grass is anxiety. I know how you feel too though, I used to smoke 3-4 times a day last semester in college and I got all a-s and b-s, now I quit this semester and I-m lucky to pass my classes. It-s a wonderful thing.
You are having anxiety due to chemcial withdrawls. Because your body has become dependent on the checmical THC (the thing in marjuana that gives you the sensation of being high) cutting your body off from that chemcial has put it into a form of shock. Smokers go through similar withdrawls when their body stops recieving nicotine. I-ve read that the withdrawl symptoms can last between 3 days to 3 weeks depending on the concetration of the chemical in your body when you quit the substance. In your case since you smoked 4-5 times a day you probably have a high concentration of THC. It may take some time for your body to return to normal and you will be able to function without feeling anxious. If you can make it 3 weeks without smoking your normal body chemistry should take over again and the anxious feeling should subside because the chemical THC has dispated enough from your body that you are no longer dependent upon it to funtion normally.
i know what you are going through must be very frustrating. when my ex use to smoke when he would go without it he would get very antsy and agitated like that too. only thing i can tell you is to wait it out. it takes a little time to get your body use to not having it in your system. these feelings will go away and you will feel better. just give it a little time.
Can-t you just go to the emergency room for tonight and go to the doc tomorrow, I-m sure they-ll be glad t help you, maybe even through your probation officer? I suffer anxiety and have meds for it so I feel for u. Try gum, sunflower seeds maybe a Tylenol PM til tomorrow. Good luck and hang in there!
Firstly, it will pass, I can assure you. It-s a pretty horrible feeling and takes a while even to realise that it is a result of not smoking, but it will pass in time. (A matter of weeks in fact). High level anxiety is the right word and it definitely results in shorter temper, inability to concentrate for any length of time without getting agitated and yeah, nervousness and worry (possibly paranoia to a degree). Very difficult to sleep too and it feels like you wanna sit bolt upright every few minutes because there-s so much buzzing go on.... not very nice, I know.

But it will pass, hang in there, it will start to feel better in as little as another week or two, honestly. If you want to see a doctor for any legal drugs you can have it wouldn-t hurt I guess, but to be honest, it-s probably best not to. Not sure how fit you are but extra exercise helps a lot, it will help you sleep too and ease those shakes.

I started swimming and running at the time and that helped me. Glass of wine doesn-t hurt either but try not to substitute one thing for another and rely on it.

It’s hard but the most important thing to do is realise what it is that-s causing it and remember that when you feel the worst. (I have no idea about the medical / biological side of withdrawal of this substance and it doesn’t matter at all) – you know that’s all that’s happening and it will soon get better.

I know sometimes you feel like you want to just run from yourself or the physical and mental feelings you are having, or slam your head into a wall to stop the buzzing, but just know it will soon be over. Try and occupy your mind as I said with exercise, reading, whatever.

It will feel a lot better soon. Take care, all the best !!
If you think you have an anxiety disorder, the first person you should see is your family doctor. A physician can determine whether the symptoms that alarm you are due to an anxiety disorder, another medical condition, or both.

If an anxiety disorder is diagnosed, the next step is usually seeing a mental health professional. The practitioners who are most helpful with anxiety disorders are those who have training in cognitive-behavioral therapy and/or behavioral therapy, and who are open to using medication if it is needed.
A therapist helps a lot, get your phone book out and start searching for the right help.
For sure it is anxiety and i get anxiety because of stress and u probally are all stressed about not smoking but talk to urself and u will be okay and put a wet rag in the back of ur neck and take deep breathes always worked for me.
See a MD.
yes it is.

find a hobby. ANYTHING TO KEEP YOU BUSY WILL HELP! personally i-d get a punching bag. because if i were you i-d probably get pissed off easily :]
The same thing happened to me. I don-t know what it is but when I quit smoking weed I became afraid of everything and had beginning anxiety issues. Starting smoking pot again doesn-t make it go away either. There is a lot of things you can do to help with anxiety such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, and cutting down on caffiene products. Meditation really helps. Try it out!

just dont worry about it.. itll pass.. just do something else to pass the anxiety.. like smoke cigarettes or something....
Your body is going through withdrawals, this is the same with any drug. Even with drugs like caffeine will have the same effect on some people. Drink a lot of water, this will flush out toxins from your body. Keep your diet healthy and it should help the detoxificaton process quicker. Having a bad diet doesn-t really help matters. Go to a health food store and tell them your looking for a relaxant, this will ease the anxiety. Camomile maybe. You can get it in tea nowadays.

Remember everything you ingest ends up in your blood stream which in effect travels to your brain and has a chemical reaction.
This is a very hard step, but it will help you in the future. Find something that will get your mind off of it. When my friend quit pot, he got a job and bought an IPOD. His music helps him focus and not even worry about it. He-s been sober for about 3 months now and he-s never been happier. Just try to find things you can occupy your time with, and when something gets on your nerves, just remember what you are doing will benefit you later.

Well you are probably experiencing withdrawals. If you smoked that much for that long, your body is ridding itself of the toxins and it also is not used to not being filled with pot smoke. And weed usually calms people down, mellow, so you are probably experiencing anxiety.

I had the same thing when I quit using cocaine.

It will get better. You have only stopped using a week. Good luck.
Smoking marijuana and using other drugs often masks a more serious problems dealing with life in general. When I stopped doing drugs years ago, I felt paranoid, anxious and fearful for a couple of years. Looking back, I realized that this was because even though I thought the drugs were helping me cope with life, they were really just giving me a big rock to hide behind. When i stopped smoking, I felt alienated from the rest of the world (the non-drug users) and unable to communicate effectively with other people. The problems I hid from got bigger - much bigger - and when I came out from behind that rock, it was a very difficult transition to create a new lifestyle that was sensible, understanding and healthy. It would have been easier if I just faced my problems in the first place, rather than attempting to hide.

What you are experiencing (and what I experienced) is a common problem among people who give up any substance abuse. Give it time and be forgiving of yourself - it is the best thing you can do. You will feel better.
Ive just recently quit smoking pot, i use to smoke 4-5 times now im suffering from anxiety any help? -