Where can I go to get my ear stapled to quit smoking? -

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Where can I go to get my ear stapled to quit smoking? -

I believe there is a company called share way or something similar. I cannot find this through a web search.
How would stapling your ear shut help you quit smoking? Wouldn-t stapling you mouth be more effective?
check your local acupuncturist but be careful cause there-s a lot of maybes in there. try mind setting, more inexpensive. i quit smoking and relapsing back to the habit by thinking that -I-m gonna smoke tomorrow-. also try being with someone who doesn-t smoke or who is trying to quit too so you have someone to quit it with.
i-ve never actually heard of that
it is actually using a acupuncture point. I found that the over the counter nicotine gum is really very helpful. It costs about as much as cigarettes at first,but over a period of a few weeks, you will actually be chewing it less. One benefit to the gum is that it allows you to indulge your habit in places that forbid smoking.
What-s the relation between EAR - Smoking
try this site to find acupuncturist in your area.
I .had it done years ago but I can-t tell you a company name, it was done at my doctors office
I have never heard of that, but I do know they have lazer surgery and it is supposed to take away the cravings allowing you to quit smoking.
it wouldn-t work...try fireballs or hot spices when you think about smoking...just have a hot sauce or something
in your local phone book look for acupuncture
Where can I go to get my ear stapled to quit smoking? -