Why is it so difficult for some people to quit smoking and not others? ? -

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Why is it so difficult for some people to quit smoking and not others? ? -

Is there a difference in addiction levels and why?
I was told that second hand smoke was worse than actually smoking. So common sense said to start smoking to stay healthier. I-ve never felt better.
Smoking addiction does not pick people on basis of gender, age, social status or nationality. For as long as a person is capable of sustaining the habit, the smoking addiction will continue.

The habit of smoking turns into a smoking addiction that can be stopped but much willpower will be needed because the smoking habit, as far as the addicted smoker is concerned, has gone beyond what is just a leisurely thing and became a need for one to feel satisfied, fulfilled or happy.

As with a lot of addictions the problem is in the mind, it’s the subconscious that is addicted, and we all have our own way of seeing things.

Despite everything we make our own choices.
But not in our own best interests!!!
Excellent question!

Yes I have noticed that people who picked up the habit just because everyone else was doing and they do it because it is just a habit, then these people have a relatively easy time quitting.

However, the people who actually use nicotine to calm down, these people have a very hard time quitting. They are physically dependent on nicotine. Not only is there the withdrawl of not having the cigarette, but there is also a great deal of anxiety that accompanies the need to calming down effect created by the nicotine.

With the second group of people wellbutrin, clonidine or chantix work wonders. With the first group, cold turkey works the best.
Nicotine is a very interesting drug.

It increases certain aspects of awareness and -brain power- without affecting judgment. The only other drug which can be said to do this is caffeine.

Pregnant women will have those amazing food cravings. Beleaguered husbands will be sent out at two in the morning with instructions to bring home gummie bears, bananas and red meat. Whereas a day later, the list of foods may change radically, with gummie bears, red meat and bananas inspiring nausea if they don-t fit the bill. Some women have even reported feeling cravings for things like chalk and road salt.

It is understood that this is the body-s way of directing the mother to consume all the various building blocks required for a healthy baby to form. Having lived with a friend who was going through this process, I found it amazing that the body could be so intricately aware of its own needs and have such specific control over how it drives the person to collect the shopping list of required ingredients.

I believe that this body knowledge extends to pharmaceuticals as well. People who get a taste of nicotine will understand on a deep level what it does for the brain, and people who have mental imbalances will know to seek it out.

It is a common fact that there is a much higher percentage of smokers among people who suffer from schizophrenia and other such disorders.

Indeed, pharmaceutical companies recognize the benefits of nicotine and are studying ways to use it in various drugs.


When I consider all of this, it seems to me that -Addiction- might very well be simply the body shouting out for something it actually has a legitimate use for, and that the whole anti-smoking thing is a rather ham-fisted and thoughtless over-reaction.
addiction is typically genetic. I litterally have TRIED to get addicted to things simply for a -science experiment- of my own. Ive tried smoking cigs for months at a time... all i did was lose weight, and then when i stopped gained weight.. i cannot get addicted i dont know why, ive done drugs yes yes bad i know i know.. ones that are very addicting for weeks at a time and no longer cared to do any of them again.. i dunno, i heard it was all genetic on the drs. tv show.
Some people have more will than others.
Why is it so difficult for some people to quit smoking and not others? ? -