I want to quit smoking so badly ...any tips? -

Monday, October 21, 2013

I want to quit smoking so badly ...any tips? -

I-ve been smoking for like 10 years already and I smoke more than a pack a day. I want to kick the habit for good. I just need some ideas.
Hey this is a terrible thing. My wife smoked for 9 years and she stopped in 1 month. All the free info you need is on the net. This website helped hew heaps to stop smoking just from the info.
Cut down the amount of cigs you smoke , decreasing the amount each day, go as long as you can in between cigs , the cravings usually begin mild then intensify they can get bad but they will start to get better ,so try to remind yourself that it will not last forever. set a quit date , like give yourself 30 days to cut down and quit , mark it on the calendar and keep it in a visible place and stick to it. get rid of all ashtrays and dont let anyone smoke around you or at least stay away from them while you are in the process of quitting. it helps to buy cigs that you dont like to help yourself stay away from them! change your routine a bit , stay away from the areas you usually smoke in and stay away from activities you usually smoke doing if possible.if the cravings get bad try to go to sleep while your asleep you wont be consciously wanting the cig. Its a very hard thing to do but its will be the best thing you could ever do for yourself and those around you! talk yourself thru the cravings tell yourself that you can do this , look at a ashtray how gross it looks and smells and imagine all that going into your lungs, smokers dont realize it but they really do stink bad!! and would you want the reason for your death to be because of a stupid smelly and extremely expensive cig? keep those thoughts in your mind as well. the hard parts will not last forever once you get through the bad you will feel so good about the accomplishment and not to mention smell alot better to! you can do it!!!!!
Go to your doctor. I-ve heard of medications that are for that and there-s also the nicotine patch you can buy over the counter at drug stores.
Perhaps you can find some useful tips in
I went to the doctor and was prescribed Chantix. I didn-t think anything would work, but that medicine worked wonders. Good Luck!!
you can stop smoking 3 hours from now
I want to quit smoking so badly ...any tips? -