I Want To Quit Smoking But Hubby Doesnt--What Do I Do?? -

Friday, October 4, 2013

I Want To Quit Smoking But Hubby Doesnt--What Do I Do?? -

My hubby is being a bit of a jerk and doesn-t want to quit on January 1st like I do. How will I quit smoking when the person I live with will be smoking still? Has anyone else encountered this? How do you handle it?
I quit smoking Jan. 4th of 2006. YEAH!!! Almost 1 year. I used the store brand nicotine gum and this worked great for me. I don-t have a partner that smoked but one that didn-t. I quit for me first and then for all the others in my family. This is something that you have to do for yourself whether your hubby wants to or not. Take care of yourself. I quit drinking 5 years ago also. My spouse did not (he-s a casual drinker and doesn-t drink often) but he still drinks in front of me when I-m home. I just did that for ME also. This was hard too but I guess sometimes you have to have a lot of will power. Even if your husband doesn-t want to quit smoking with you, maybe he-ll have enough common courtesy/decency to smoke outside when he has to. Ask him since he won-t quit with you to at least do this much for you.
If you really really want to stop smoking then do it. Do not let the fact that your husband still smokes be an issue as this is merely an excuse not to quit. My mother quit smoking for a year a long time ago but then started again because -my dad didn-t quit-. Long story short she never asked him to quit so it was just an excuse for her to start smoking again. Quit and don-t worry about your husband not quiting because if you really want to quit you can do it either with or without help depending on your situation.
You-re not one and the same person as your husband. Just do it. Although, once you have quit, you might find it easier to not smoke any longer if you ban smoking in your home.

You haven-t said anything about if, but you have children, it-s agood idea to ban it in the house anyway.

Your husband, however, could use to be reminded of that old adage -if Mama ain-t happy, ain-t nobody happy-.

Congratulations on your decision.
are you my wife? i am dealing with the same thing, same quiting day too

i am thinking about quiting but not sure, if you want to quit that is your business and shouldn-t matter what someone else does.
It-s going to make it a little harder, but good for you for making that decision.

The first thing to do, if you haven-t already is to make him smoke outside. No cigs in the house.

When you-re tempted, just remind yourself of your goal, and why you-re doing this. Hey, you may even pressure him into quitting when he sees how well you-re doing. And when he has to go outside in the cold to get a fix. :)
Talk to your nearest doctor on how to quit you and your hubby-s smoking. Remember that Quiting Smoking takes a lot of practice...
It-s called willpower. You can-t make him quit smoking. It-s his choice, you can-t make it for him. YOu can ask him to compromise and only smoke outside or in the basement or garage, etc. (But then again you-d still smell it on his clothes, so that might create temptation). But you just have to suck it up (so to speak) and use your willpower
I Want To Quit Smoking But Hubby Doesnt--What Do I Do?? -