Any ideas on how to quit smoking with out putting any weight on.? -

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Any ideas on how to quit smoking with out putting any weight on.? -

here-s the best way to quit smoking:

smoke normally for a week, and keep a very accurate account of how many/when you smoke.

looking at this information, begin to cut out cigarettes one week at a time. take your time with it, as long as a couple months even. after all, if you-ve been smoking, another 6 weeks of it won-t make things much worse :P

the smoking is the only thing to change. this allows you to keep the other elements of your routine the same, as well as helping you avoid urges because of the gradual step down from cigarettes.

i hope this helps :D
hey babe if i had the answer i would have given up years ago but i don-t but good luck to you anyway
I exercised when I stopped smoking so my metabolism wouldn-t slow down and I didn-t gain any weight.
Go cold turkey, and replace smoking with exercise. Take up running, swimming, or cycling, or whatever that suits you.
try to find a substitute for your cravings like gum or jogging
replace your smoking lifestyle with an exercise life style.
stop eating like a pig and hit the gym
Sew your mouth up!
When I quit I drank TONS of water all the time
chew lots of gum
one word answer - Determination-
Stop eating as much, or take more excercise....

.... or just carry on smoking.
I quit smoking for 2 years and didnt gain any weight! I just snacked on healthy foods and drank a lot of warm tea,coffee,and broth.
stopping smoking will not make you gain weight. It-s the food that goes in the mouth that is the problem! Just don-t eat too much! Find something useful to do with your hands - learn to juggle, play the guitar, walk on your hands etc etc.
Improve your self confidence, being nervous will make you want to do something with your hands (previously smoking) so now find something else for them to twiddle.
I always prepare some fruit whenever i feels like smoking i take fruit eg. raisins.. Reduce taking lunch in day time.. + some exercise..
It always amazes me that there are humans out there who are more afraid of fat cells than they are of cancer cells.
Do some jogging for 1-2 hours at a time. By the time you-ve finished the last thing you wanna do is smoke.
you wont put weight on just by stopping smoking! Fact! you-ll put weight on by eating too much, if you eat as you normally do then you wont gain weight... simple really, like when ppl say --oh, i just cant lose weight,,,-- answer is dont eat so much....
Do gym for losing the weight and yoga for toning up
take up a sport and it will combat the fact that you are no longer smoking - its better for your health too!
Smoking is an addiction. When you stop smoking the addiction is still there in your brain. It will look for the next best substitute to relieve stress--FOOD. You must look for ways to treat your addiction first. Alcoholics Anonymous helps Alcoholics deal with their thinking problems after they quit drinking. Therefore, you may have to do an inventory on your personality and find out what are the triggers for you wanting to smoke and take it from there. Try looking for a group similiar to AA for this psychological support.
Hi, well i am going through the quitting program now. go on the nicotine replacement program. I am on the patches. That takes care of the ciggies. Now to take care of the habbit of putting your hand to your mouth. As you suggest a lot of smokers tend to put on a little weight. Well what I do is to cut strips of carrot and celery, and use them to have a nibble. Pieces of fruit is good as well.

Best of luck...lets quit it together.
Any ideas on how to quit smoking with out putting any weight on.? -