Has anyone tried bioresonance to quit smoking? -

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Has anyone tried bioresonance to quit smoking? -

I quit smoking close to 5 years ago and stayed off, but not with bioresonance.

First of all, you must plan to quit and be sincere in your efforts. The more you put in front, the more successful you will be. Don-t just plan to quit one morning.

Second, you need a method to help you with the side effects. You are thinking about bioresonance, I used the patch. Different techniques work for different people. Do the one that works for you.

Warning: I had borderline high blood pressure and I used the patch wthout checking with my doctor. On a day I went to give blood, after taking my BP 4 times, the blood donor workers were ready to call an ambulance and wouldn-t tell me how high my BP was. After that, I ripped off the patch and went cold turkey (but that was 3 weeks into it, so I was pretty good to go)

Have a clear reason to quit. It doesn-t have to be a good one. People who quit because it costs too much start smoking again because they reason -hamburger is cheaper than t-bone-, so I-ll by hamburger and cigarettes instead of t-bone. Blackmail reasons also don-t work, like -I don-t want my children to see me smoke-. Quit for a reason such as, -It makes my breath, clothes, or hair smell-, or -I lose valuable time with others or productivity when I have to go outside to smoke-

Finally, have a backup plan. I used a fake cigarette to help me through. Some drug stores sell them, or you can fing a round ball point pen the diameter of a cigarette, cut it to length, and then put some cotton inside to act the way a filter on a cigarette does. This helps to simulate the hand motions that one is also addicted to, not just the nicotine. Also, you can use this anywhere, as not restricted like cigarettes are. You can use it at your desk, but then again, if others around you are smoking and you still want to go outside with them at -smoke time-, you can stand upwind of them and suck on your plastic cig.

As a final piece of advice, I needed something extra to kick me off into quitting smoking. Almost 5 years ago, a young, beautiful little girl in Seminole, FL was in the hospital with a Whelms tumor on her neck. Her mother stayed with her night and day until the danger was over. I loved both of these people very much and made a promise to God that if he would save this little 6 year old girl, I would also try to help myself by quitting smoking 2 1/2 packs a day of Marlboro reds. God did save this little girl, and he saved me too, as I am now close to (as of March 5, 2007) 5 years smoke free.

I don-t know for sure what will work for you, but I do know you have to commit to quit, get help, and get support from family, friends and others to make it work.

I wish you the best of luck in overcomming this!
There-s a reason why bio-resonance is peddled by a handful of clinics - it doesn-t work. if it did, everyone would be using it - the benefits of stopping smokers would be huge. but it doesn-t work - beyond a placebo effect. So stick to the advice above MZ

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Actually, I started smoking to quit bioresonance.
Has anyone tried bioresonance to quit smoking? -