How To Quit Smoking ? -

Sunday, November 24, 2013

How To Quit Smoking ? -

How to Quit Smoking I Have Tried Everything Like Quiting Cold Turkey, The Patches, The Gum, The Pills, And Nothing Works, And It Is Getting Worse I-m Up To A Pack And 1/2 A Day And It Just Bothers Me So Much That I Can-t Quit And They Just Cost So Much So Please Help Me....
Have you checked out the electric cigarette yet? The ones that actually look like a cigarette..I am going to try them in a few months (when I can afford it)! What is cool is that you still get the nicotine, but not the other chemicals and you can decrease the amount of nicotine until you are to the point of not needing it anymore. A good website is
Smoked for 50 years and gave up over 3 months ago after reading the book -Allan Carr-s Easy Way to Stop Smoking-. No patches, chewing gum or anything else as a substitute, so I suggest that you give it a go. It worked for me, so why not you? I was regularly smoking 15 cigarettes per day.
Sometimes something personal needs to happen. I smoked for many years and then I quit once for a week and said, -well, it is good to know I can quit if I want to!- I then immediately started smoking again. Then, back on 8/9/08, I found out someone I knew (who wasn-t a smoker, but hung out with smokers) had lung cancer. The fact that I was harming those around me impacted me more than just knowing it was bad for ME. So, I quit on the morning of 8/10/08. I used 8/9 to smoke the last cigs I had (I didn-t go out and buy new ones, but I did finish my pack). I haven-t smoked since and I turned to excersise as my new vice:). So, think about how not smoking is going to have a positve impact on your whole life, not just your health. Maybe that will help.
My mom went to church and got SAVED! She was delivered from cigarette smoking. That day when church service let out.. she went to the car to get the pack of ciggs and crushed them by stomping on them. i personally witnessed this and she has never smoked since! And its free!! By simply asking Jesus into your life you can be delivered from anything! But you have to understand and believe that he can save you!
Go visit a couple cancer wards with dying lung cancer patients. if that doesnt wake you up, nothing will. Than look at the statistics of you being one of them in the future.
How To Quit Smoking ? -