What do u do if ur boyfriend wont quit smoking pot? -

Sunday, November 24, 2013

What do u do if ur boyfriend wont quit smoking pot? -

The next time he is stoned mention things to him that are totally stupid and not to be believed because he will. Mess with his head. Then when he is not high ask him why he believes those crazy ideas. After several episodes he will either smoke more or tell you he needs to quit. When all is said and done... you might just want to start looking for a new guy.
If ya can-t beat him, join him.
You could get yourself another boyfriend. This one just might not have much of a future in life.

The decision is entirely up to you.
Force him to make a choice: pot or you.
Smoke his pot so that he won-t have any. He-ll have no choice but to quit
leave him,he is being foolish. he knows how to smoke it but does he understand what it does to you/? he make think it takes his troubles away,but it dont,i know .my son wouldnt listen either. now i visit him,but cant talk to him, he is with god. please talk to him. it is wasted money. giving it to someone to destroy there lifes. i will pray for him.
Make sure he learns how to run his own business because he will never get a good job working for any company.
Get a new boyfriend. I mean, you are better than that aren-t you. I-ve been there, trust me, he-s not going to quit. It will be hard to break up and find someone new. Don-t settle for less- ever. The right one is out there.
Break up with him...Seriously pot is something u do for 1 reason to make urself feel better and it usually hurts everyone else bc its ppl do stupid stuff when they r high. I would not recommend dating anyone that was a regular user. It-s true 1 high leads to another.
Give him an ultimatum... If he really values he will quit. My friend-s ex-boyfriend quite pot, drugs, stealing, drug dealing and everything else so that he could date her and he was in love with someone else at the time.
I am not sure but i struggeled with it about four months ago. Then i had Five baby girls born and i just lost the desire when i realized there was more to life than that.

Maby you can say that you love him so much that it hurts you to see him like that and that he hurts all the people he loves when he does that.
i also sugest you help him sever all ties between him and his bad inflluences.
when you look good you feel good so maby take him shoping for some non thug looking clothes abercrombie, Old Navy, Or even just some collerd shirts.
my boyfriend smokes pot too....wat ive leaned to do is make a deal with ....like if hes comeing to see u then he cant smoke pot before he comes that way yall can both be happy 2 gether ....trust me it works
What do u do if ur boyfriend wont quit smoking pot? -