Im trying to quit smoking cigarettes amp; is looking for a good site to obtain info.? -

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Im trying to quit smoking cigarettes amp; is looking for a good site to obtain info.? -

I-ve been smoking since 12 yrs.old now 26,I need real help not just someone I could talk son has been praying for me to stop I have actually been praying myself but the urge is stronger then our pryaers. I go on sites and they ask me info. refers me to support groups,I don-t think talking about it will help any... as I write these couple of words it makes me want to go fetch one. so quickly I return to the main course. WANTING TO QUIT.....
I-ve taken a course to learn how to hold smoking cessation classes. You-ve got the best thing already....WANTING TO QUIT.
If you can hold off the first 3 days, you-ve got the hard part over with, according to most who quit. ALL symptoms should be gone in a couple weeks.
Just keep trying. I personally recommend the -cold turkey- method because if you use a product to help you stop smoking that contains nicotine it will continue supplying your cravings for nicotine, prolonging the process. If you can find a stop-smoking product that does NOT supply nicotine in any way, it-s probably safe.

Try to distract your urge-most of them won-t last more than a few minutes. Try:

Chewing some gum
Go for a walk
Take a shower (one place it-s difficult to smoke!)
And anything else that will distract you!

You can make it!

P.S. I-ll email you with more info if you-re interested. Add to your post saying so, if you want.
Try this ebook. I-ve heard it-s pretty effective
american lung association. american heart association. both have very good help with stopping smoking. good luck I will be quitting soon myself I hope
Im trying to quit smoking cigarettes amp; is looking for a good site to obtain info.? -