Quit smoking and strep? -

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Quit smoking and strep? -

I quit smoking a week ago....Now, I-ve developed strep throat. Is it common to get sick after stopping smoking? I wasn-t sick at the time I was smoking, and I haven-t been around anyone who has been sick. Just wondering if something happens to your immune system when you stop smoking? (I was a pack a day smoker for 8 years) Thanks.
It may just be a coincidence, I did not get sick after I quit smoking, I smoked for 14 years and gave it up one year for lent, that lasted five years until a-mountain- fell on me, then I smoked for two years... I am now a non smoker again ( one year)
I did not personally get sick when I quit smoking but I believe the reason you got sick is because of all the stuff that had accumulated in your lungs for the past 8 years coming out of your system through your throught that made your throat weak and prone to disease. Please don-t lose this battle, or get discouraged, it has been six weeks for me and I feel great. Keep smoke free and good luck to you.
Quit smoking and strep? -