I want to get my mom a quit smoking kit, is there one that actually works? -

Friday, October 9, 2020

I want to get my mom a quit smoking kit, is there one that actually works? -

i wanna get it for her b day and some earrings but anybody know? she tried nicolette, didnt work
Aw, you are a good kid.

I-m an ex smoker, so here is a good quit package for your mom:
A note telling her why you want her to quit
Allen Carr-s book on quitting smoking
A box of patches (Nicoderm makes them but get the clear patch... its less irritating.
A couple of bottles of water and a pack of sugar free gum
A puzzle (to keep her hands busy) or a crossword book (try a dollar store for these)

Also, tell her to look at this site (write it down for her)


Its a quit smoking site (free) with 24 hour support from other people who are quitting and have been quit for a long time. Its very good. I used it and pass it on to people all the time.

Did I mention you-re a good kid!?
What a cool present.

We have a system that will perfect for your mum. She has already tried and failed to quit through fixing her physical addiction, sound like she needs to fix her psychological addiction.

Smoking is more of a psychological addiction than a physical one. If she really wants to quit then she must discover the reasons why she smokes and then she must eliminate or change these thought processes.

Visit our site to join her up to our inspirational 12 day e-course. She can also download our free book -36 Powerful Superfoods- to help fight weight gain and start mending damage caused by smoking.

Good Luck, I hope you find that perfect present for her.
Every loving child with a smoking parent asks this at some time.
The secret to all the help quit aids begins with the smoker really wanting to quit. They have to be ready. Rarely is it a cake walk. you might start by letting her know how much you worry about losing her if she continues. Let her know, you know she has to be ready to be successful, but you will support her every step of the way. You might also research and show her the choices she has, and the help available to kick the habit.
I smoked knew I should stop, but it was always later. Then I found I had breast cancer and was lucky. It was in a very early stage. Was a wake up call for me. I realized smoking could actually take my life or put me on oxygen and carry a tank around and make my life miserable, and feel guilty for being selfish. Not only does the person need to care about there own health, they need to realize how many people would be hurt she cancer take her life. The hospitals and many other clinics will be supportive and help. My husband smoked at age 12 and chained smoked until he was 34. I took him to a hypnosis seminar at the end every one -woke up- and had to say I am a non smoker. He seemed to sleep through most of it, but sat up and yelled he was a non smoker. We all laughed because he couldn-t believe it came out of his mouth. He has not touched a cigerette since that day. The first week he would think about it but know he really would never smoke again.
Never give up. IF you mom fails, it doesn-t matter as long as she keeps trying.
Good luck, stay positive.
The kits to help people quit smoking honestly only put the harmful factor into their body by different means. Nicotine is obviously that. Any of the kits just give them their fill of nicotine by patches or gum so they get the same feeling they get from smoking. - sometimes they work, but once you stop them you have the urge again. Your best bet is to get her the earrings - a card. In the card express your concern - tell her you-d like her to quit. It-s hard - you-ll need to support her but in the end it-s worth it. My aunt has tried quitting several times - has used nicotine kits - only found them to be a waste of money. She has not smoked in awhile, - when she feels the need to she chews normal gum. So maybe try buying her some gum as well, but in my opinion the kits are no good.
That-s sweet, but it doesn-t work that way. There is no one stop-smoking-aid that works for everyone.

The patch worked for me. (I quit almost 11 years ago after smoking 1-1/2 to 2 packs a day for 20 years)

But I have friends who haven-t been smoking that long and smoke way less...the patch didn-t work for them.

It-s just different for everyone.

Bottom line: get your mom the earrings, tell her how proud you are that she-s trying to quit, and tell her you love her no matter what, and mean it when you say it.
Yes, there is a drug that will help your mother to stop smoking, but she is the one that has to really want to stop. Of course you have to get prescription from her physician. It is called Chantix. It really works. I have witnessed several people quit smoking with this drug. Check out this website. It is quite expensive, but some insurance will cover it.
www.chantix.com/content/Common. Good luck.
I think the patch is best. The nicorette doesn-t taste so good, and the patch doesn-t have any taste at all. You might want to buy her a package of toothpicks, or hard candy also, so her mouth has something in it, and won-t feel like taking a puff so much. Also, remind her to deep breathe, as most of the time people who smoke usually are taking a drag off of a cigarette for their normal deep breaths. Hope this helps.
only way to do it is to bring it up overs and over and make her feel stup*d for smoking do it everytime she picks up a smoke..examples

leave the room coughing
use air freshener as to say she stinks
tell the kids to get away from her cause she is smoking
tell her not to smoke in car cause you don-t want it to stink like her
it all depends in most case scenerios nothing works but there is a old remedy buy alot of gum for her to chew on and throw away the cigarrettes butts away
I want to get my mom a quit smoking kit, is there one that actually works? -