Whats the best way to get my girlfriend to quit smoking? -

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Whats the best way to get my girlfriend to quit smoking? -

My girlfriend has been smoking for a few years before I came into her life and now since we are at 6 months I told her that I want her to start quitting because I hate smoking.

She has cut down to almost 3 a week when shes around me, but when she is with her friends (current smokers) or is drinking then she chain smokes non-stop.

It-s obvious that her trying to quit isn-t really cutting it and I want to find a way for her to be able to quit throughout the whole day everyday.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Keep in mind any attempt of me to take action by force results in her getting quite pissed at me, which stresses her more and makes her smoke more, so I-m trying to find an easier way for both of us

Thank you
It-s really too bad you can-t arrange with some medical school to come in and have her take a look at the disgusting mess a LUNG becomes when it-s -former owner- has smoked for years....it-s also too bad you can-t take her into hospital ROOMS where people with chronic lung disease cause by smoking are about to die... it-s a HORRIBLE thing to watch----it-s horrible to sit there and watch as they scrape the insides of the lungs or change the bandages on the large back wound from a partial lungectomy and it-s really rough to watch a loved one DIE from cigarette smoke---like I had to watch my father die 11 years ago... THAT could be HER someday...and there is NO guarantee that she WON-T get a serious lung disease if she doesn-t quit smoking.... she-s young right now and it will be a LOT easier for her to quit NOW then it will be 20 YEARS from now when it might be TOO LATE.... she would have to stay away from her smoking friends for a while and either get the patch or use what I did-----NAVAL ORANGES... when I wanted a cigarette, I picked up an orange, peeled it, pullled it apart and ate it section by section---taking as long as it would take to smoke a cigarette... this gave my hands AND mouth something to do and it was not fattening and within a week, I was cutting DOWN on the number of oranges I HAD to eat to compensate for my craving for cigarettes... it-s been 7 MONTHS now and I don-t crave them at all---in fact, I-ve turned into an EVIL EX SMOKER hell bent on making the world quit.... 8 months ago, I would just LAUGH at someone who suggested I quit....
Well, she-s lucky to have someone who cares about her. Nicotine is very addictive! I found some videos on youtube some might be helpful to her if she watches them. Here is a link to one of them. I hope it helps. Good luck! Her health and life are at stake.

Actually quit nagging her. You need to tell her that you would like to keep her around for a very long time and smoking will not make that happen in fact it will shorten the time that you will have together. It has to be her choice to quit and the best way for you to help is to encourage her as she reduces the number of smokes a day. The problem is that her friends smoke which is a trigger for her to smoke. The triggers are the hardest thing to over come. Good luck.
Tell her to choose between you and smoking. Talking to her friends wont help and theyll only hate you so just tell her that if she doesn-t stop that it-s over.
You can either ask her to wear a patch or there is a pill but im not sure of the name that if she takes it she will start to dislike the taste of the cigarettes and it will help her stop, but the pill is like prescription so you have to go to the doctor to get it. Or you can ask her to chew Nicorette gum.
dump her it-s not like your married
Leave her....

If that doesn-t work then it wasn-t meant to be
Please be aware that nicotine is a physical and a psycological addiction. I have started and stopped several times in my lifetime; I am currently not smoking and hope to remain so. If love could cure addictions, that would be wonderful. Unfortuneately, it is up to the individual to face their addiction, even if it is cigarettes. One-s physician is a good source to overcome a nicotine addiction; there are several medications available to assist one in overcoming nicotine addiction; there are support groups as well.
Whats the best way to get my girlfriend to quit smoking? -