I quit smoking yesterday and I feel like crap? Help? -

Wednesday, November 8, 2006

I quit smoking yesterday and I feel like crap? Help? -

I feel alot of anxiety and nausea. Is this normal? I dont want to smoke but if it will stop these withdrawls I will. Any suggestions?
I agree also that drinking plenty of water and implementing exercise into your daily life will help to detoxify your body. Also, I recommend a good vitamin supplement along with grapefruit juice (6-8 oz) daily. The juice is a good source of vitamin C, that will help your immune system. (Try to purchase all natural juice not from concentrate) Also, since you usually experience a -crash- of emotions during this time I would recommend taking a good B vitamin to boost depression maybe even ginseng. Its also important to have a network of friends and family that support you in your quest. You-ll want to avoid those friends that smoke *Or at least ask them to refrain from smoking around you as a courtesy. Also, consider a steam room or sauna...this too will help your body naturally secrete toxins from the nicotine.

God Bless!
this is normal, and the reason most people find it hard to quit. these symptoms are symptoms of withdrawl. this is also why most people who quit pack on weight. they try to supplement the drug nicotine for candy or anything else that will keep their mind off the withdrawls.i quit 30 yrs ago.,cold turkey. well,i went into the hospital with a collapsed lung,spent 10 days in the hospital and haven-t had a cigarette since. I also put on about 80 lbs. but i have both the weight and the smoking under control now all i have to do is get control of those darn munches. thank you for listening to me.
wait a week or two you will feel better then ever and try to keep your mind off of smoking.pick up another habit like exercising or reading ,something that relaxes you.

-best of luck
you will have withdrawal symptoms , (suck it up,) as my sister who-s gone through chemo and bone marrow transplants says, , If you can-t make it through nicotine withdrawal, Honey , down the road you may suffer from far worse.
Yes, that is normal, it is called withdrawal. Your body wants the nicotine you have been feeding it regularly. Smoking will certainly stops the withdrawal, but that would defeat the purpose of you quitting. Tough it out, you will feel a whole lot better once you get through this and are cigarette free.
Don-t smoke! It will get better in a couple of days, trust me. Drink a lot of water, or even lemonade to adjust your taste buds to another flavor besides nicotine. Baking soda water has the same effect and helps with the nausea as well. Whenever you get the urge to smoke and your brain says -I want a cigarette-, tell yourself, -No I don-t.- In a couple of minutes the urge will go away for awhile. Say NO every time the urge comes back. You can do it!
Yes, that-s normal. Your body is going through withdrawal, and is craving nicotine. Your best bet would be to relax, drink plenty of liquids, and get some rest.

Feel better...
Completely normal :)
Stick through it and it-ll become much easier as your body becomes less dependent on the nicotine.
Don-t smoke another cigarette. Or else you-ll be sucked back in and you-ll have to start all over.
Now you-ve quit, stick to it. For good.

Try using nicotine patches instead of smoking for now until you get used to not smoking. And chew gum. Just find something to keep you occupied. Also, make sure you are eating healthily and drinking plenty of water :)

You-ll get there! Keep going :)
Gum, Popsicles, exercise. This is very normal. You body is used to having those nasty chemicals in your body. Now it-s going nuts without it. It-s just with draw symptoms. It will eventually go away. The longer and the more you did it the longer it will take to recover. Do what you can to take you mind off it. Take a walk, chew some gum, suck on a sucker.
I quit smoking yesterday and I feel like crap? Help? -