Im just wondering what are the withdrawals after you quit smoking, is 1 of them bad mood swings? -

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Im just wondering what are the withdrawals after you quit smoking, is 1 of them bad mood swings? -

Yes, bad mood swings are just one thing. I-m now 3 days since Ive quit and have been having dizzy spells and nausea.
To me it is mostly psychological. When I quit, I kept myself extremely busy for the first 3 weeks. Had my daily calendar filled up tho the last minute. That really helped me quit!. I didn-t have time to think about having a cigarette.

I do get cravings even now after 2 years, but I can easily handle them. Try not to be around smokers and cigarettes for a while.
i-ve never smoked, but just think about it: you-re addicted to this thing and you-re trying to take yourself off of it so you-re going to feel a bit miserable. yes, mood swings are probably going to be a part of it. the severity depends on the level of you addiction and your coping mechanisms though.

whenever trying to get rid of any habit, be it smoking or even just biting your nails, you need to find something to replace the habit with to help you get over it easier. lots of people try the gum. those ones that have a tiny hint of nicotine in them are a good thing because it helps ween you off of the cigarettes with less chance of failure. but it doesn-t even have to be anything like those patches or gum. it could just be something like taking your dog for a walk, listening to an inspiring song, checking your e-mail or any little thing you can do every time you get a craving.
yea, mood swings, slight weight gain, head aches, i ground my jaw a bit too, but it only lasted about 2-3 weeks for me (i-ve been 2 months cold turkey now) But i gotta tell you after about 4 weeks food starts to taste a whole lot better, and you notice smells that you haven-t noticed for ages... and stamina improves too! good luck!
My wife-s friend felt deathly ill and started coughing and coughing and coughing up black chunks and disgusting stuff. She felt so horrible that she started smoking again. Crazy.
yes among other withdrawl syptoms.
Im just wondering what are the withdrawals after you quit smoking, is 1 of them bad mood swings? -

My brother needs advice: What do you think is the best way to quit smoking? -

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

My brother needs advice: What do you think is the best way to quit smoking? -

My younger brother is sixteen, and has been smoking for over eight years. I never knew about it until just last summer. Now, he is trying to quit, thank heavens. He-s just not sure how to go about it. Our uncle went cold turkey, my mother underwent hypnotism. He-s asked me for advice, but I-ve never smoked before, so I have no idea how to help him. I was just wondering your opinions on what works best.
This method works for me and is the only money back guaranteed.
I quite smoking 2 years ago

Get the Facts
Easyway, founded by Allen Carr in 1983, has the highest independently verified 12-month success rate (75.8% for a smoker completing the program) of any quit smoking technique and a 90% satisfaction rating.

Compare Easyway to other methods and see for yourself why Easyway is called “The Cadillac of quit smoking methods.”

The Allen Carr Method

Using psychotherapy, the method works in the opposite way to the “willpower” method. It does not concentrate on the reasons the smoker should not smoke : the money, the slavery, the health risks and the stigma. Smokers know all that already. Instead it focuses on why smokers continue to smoke in spite of the obvious disadvantages.

It is fear that keeps smokers hooked!

Fear the smoker will have to give up their pleasure or crutch. Fear the smoker will be unable to enjoy life or handle stress. Fear the smoker will have to go through an awful trauma to get free. Fear the smoker will never get completely free from the craving.

The Method removes these fears
Smokers quit with the Allen Carr Method as happy non-smokers, not feeling deprived but with a huge sense of relief and elation that they have finally achieved what they always wanted….


What about the terrible withdrawal pangs from nicotine?

The physical withdrawal from nicotine is so slight that most smokers don’t realise that they are addicts. What smokers suffer when they try and quit using other methods is the misery and depression caused by the belief that they are being deprived of a pleasure or a crutch.

The Allen Carr Method removes this feeling of deprivation.
It removes the need and desire to smoke. Once the smoker is in the right frame of mind and they follow the simple instructions, the physical withdrawal from nicotine is hardly noticeable.

No Gimmicks!

The Method does not use any gimmicks, useless aids or substitutes. No nicotine gum, patches, lozenges, tabs, inhilators or nasal sprays! No needles! No lasers! No drugs! No herbs! No shock treatment!

The Allen Carr Method is successful because:

It removes the smokers’ conflict of will.
There are no bad withdrawal pangs.
It is instantaneous and easy.
It is equally effective for long-term heavy smokers and light smokers.
You need not gain weight.
You will not miss smoking.

Medical Endorsements

A personal view from Professor Judith Mackay MBE, JP, FRCO (Edin), FRCP (Lon), World Health Organisation Advisory Panel on Tobacco and Health

“I have no hesitation in supporting Allen Carr’s work. Many clinics use some of his techniques but it would appear that few do it in quite such a successful package.”

Carole Johnson, Coronary Heart Disease Prevention Unit, Tyne Tees

“his success rate was such that, when budgets allow, we continue to use Easyway for work with specific groups and individuals.”

Dr Anil Visa BSc, MBBch., FRCA, Consultant – Royal Hospitals NHS Trust – Royal London Hospital

“I have observed the Allen Carr method at first hand and have found it to be very successful and I wholeheartedly support it as an effective way to quit smoking.”

Dr William Green, Head of Psychiatric Dept, Matilda Hospital, Hong Kong

“It is a remarkable fact that Allen Carr, on his own admission a non-professional in behaviour modification, should have succeeded where countless psychologists and psychiatrists holding postgraduate qualifications have failed, in formulating a simple and effective way to stop smoking.”

Dr Martin Jarvis, Principle Scientist, Imperial Cancer Research
Fund and Reader in Health Psychology, University College London

”...I am more than happy to testify to Allen Carr’s enduring involvement and to recognise the value of the kind of behavioural and cognitive support he provides.”

Dr PM Bray MB CH.b., MRCGP

“I was really impressed by the method. In spite of the Allen Carr organisation’s success and fame, there were no gimmicks and the professional approach was something a GP could readily respect. I would be happy to give a medical endorsement of the method to anyone.”

Celebrity Endorsements

-His method is absolutely unique, removing the dependence on cigarettes, while you are actually smoking. I’m pleased to say it has worked for many of my friends and staff.”
Sir Richard Branson

“Some friends of mine who had stopped using Allen Carr’s method suggested I tried it. I did. It was such a revelation that instantly I was freed from my addiction. Like those friends of mine, I found it not only easy but unbelievably enjoyable to stay stopped.”
Sir Anthony Hopkins

It is also good for him to be with someone while this whole thing happens. Someone who won-t give in to buying him some cigars. But, he can just gradually lower how much he smokes day by day. Soon enough, it should get smaller until it is easier to just quit.
I have never smoked before either. But let him try this, he will have nothing to lose. My friends always adviced each others to:
1. eat apples a lot
2. or eat gums instead of smoking
3. or keep biting something, a pen for instance.

Good Luck and may you be able to save him before it-s too late.
My brother needs advice: What do you think is the best way to quit smoking? -

Quit smoking? -

Quit smoking? -

i want to quit smoking but i-ve tried going cold turkey and it didn-t stressful! any advise?help!
Here-s some tips that helped me stop.

1. Don-t EVER keep an -emergency pack- lying around. If you have one, you-re only saying you are not ready to quit. If you have an emergency pack, you will smoke it.

2. Drink loads of water when you feel like smoking -- don-t know why, but drinking bottoled water seems to help loads of people, including myself.

3. Try to limit spending time with friends of yours who smoke during the first few weeks -- the less time spent around smokers, the less the chance that you-re going to want one ... better yet, try to get them to quit smoking, too. Having a -quit smoking buddy- REALLY helps.

4. Don-t try to quit when you-re going thru a stressful time. Just a bad idea.
You rock... good luck.

Try the advice at
Hey, I-m going through exactly the same thing. Everyone said, -When are you going to quit?- and I would answer, -When I-m dead, because I enjoy smoking so much.- Well, guess what, I started cutting down in January. I would smoke 2/3 of a cigarette and throw the rest away. I would smoke 1/2 of a cigarette, and put it out, and finish the other 1/2 later. Slowly I went from 15 a day to 5 a day. Then to 4, 3, 2, 1. Then 1 every 2 days. Then guess what happened? When I had a smoke I had pain in my chest (heart?) and dizziness in my head. I couldn-t fall asleep or stay asleep. It became terrible to have a cigarette. But I would still have a few puffs every few days. I would suffer and feel miserable. And then it became worse to smoke than to not smoke. It is now August 10th. I quit a few days ago. That-s it. I can-t and won-t have another one. I-m still going through withdrawal but a few more days and I will hopefully start feeling better. Try cutting down. Hope it helps.
Quit smoking? -

Whats the best way to quit smoking? -

Whats the best way to quit smoking? -

Hey Wizzle. I-m going to tell it like it is. I smoked for 20 years. I quit once for 9 months and now for 13 years. There-s only one way to quit smoking. JUST DON-T DO IT ANYMORE. All this crap about cutting down and drug treatments. That-s for weaklings and people who don-t really want to quit. It-s a total mind game. You against it.

Here-s your biggest obstacle. The people around you. There will be people in your life who want you to fail. Some will do it on purpose. Most don-t even know they-re doing it. They-ll get you drunk. Take you to places where people smoke. Even offer you a cigarette. Just know in advance these things will happen. That-s when you have to be strong. Also, the craving for a cigarette will go away in a few minutes. Just fight it off til the next craving. You-re addicted to the act of smoking as well as the nicotine.
The first 100 days are the hardest. I-m not gonna say it-s easy. -Just don-t smoke-. Simple as that.
I think by cutting down slowly then just waking up one day and deciding not to smoke anymore. Let me know if that works, then I-ll try it.
Discover everything you should know about quitting smoking.
At Smoking, you-ll learn how to break down your smoking triggers and overcome your nicotine addiction. You-ll educate yourself about the health risks of smoking and learn how to escape the cycle of quitting and then slipping up and smoking again. You-ll find helpful tips, new smoking cessation methods, and the latest information that will help you quit smoking for good...The key is making the effort to quit and rewarding yourself for taking those difficult steps.


Featured Products: Hypnosis Smoking Cessation Program Review
NicoCure - Herbal Stop Smoking Patch

By providing resources and useful information about smoking cessation, our site aims to help people permanently beat their nicotine addiction. We offer valuable resources that will help you quit smoking and finally break free from nicotine addiction so you can start enjoying new challenges again. Don-t waste any more of your time and money! It-s not too late to gain your lungs back and decrease your cancer risk, QUIT smoking NOW. You WILL see results fast if you truely commit to stop smoking and live healthier! If you haven-t started smoking, DON-T! A few daily drags off a cigarette will likely lead to long-term nicotine addiction. If you-ve started smoking and need help please feel free to browse our site and learn how many others have successfully stopped...

Learn: How you can break free from your nicotine addiction.

How to fight the power of nicotine: insider articles.
What are the -true- consequences to your health of smoking? Read the -Ugly Facts About Smoking!-
Understand how to use nicotine replacement products.
Many more secret methods to fight and prevent slip-ups.
Improve your will power.
Deconstruct the psychological addiction that is created by habitually smoking cigarettes through cognitive therapy. Site Search-click here
Set Your Quit Smoking Date - And become a Non-Smoker for Life!

Tip of the Month

If you slip and smoke, don-t be discouraged. Many former smokers tried to stop several times before they finally succeeded.

Special Focus
- Dealing with weight gain after quitting
- Triggering the Habit
- Quit Smoking Article
- Nicotine Linked To Lung Cancer

Question of the Month:
Q: Why do smoker-s feel out of breath - huffing and puffing after a short walk or jog?

A: Click here to view Answer!

A Few Alarming Facts...

Smoking has been identified as the single most preventable cause of death and disease in the United States.
Cigarettes currently cause approximately 20% of all deaths in the U.S.
Approximately 50 million Americans smoke.
Each year, about 3 million people worldwide die from smoking, with about one-third coming from developing countries.
With statistics like these, it is certainly important for you to consider quitting. Are you wondering what keeps you smoking, even though you know that it’s not good for you? The answer is very simple: You’re a nicotine addict.

Featured Site: Smoking Cessation

Submissions: Send Us Your Quit Smoking Tip or Story of How You Overcame Your Nicotine Addiction and be Featured on this Site: Featured Story. New quit smoking story - click here.

Nicotine Withdrawal Occurs in Just 30 Minutes
As anti-smoking drives rose, so did nicotine in cigarettes
Therapeutic Nicotine Fast Facts
Ways2Quit Fact Sheet
Top Quit Smoking Solutions
Smoking Cessation News Feed - click here
New Anti - Smoking Pill Chantix
-Sleeper effect- of cigarettes can last for years
The Healthy Smoker?
No More Light Cigarettes
Hypnosis for Quitting Smoking
Quote of the month:

Mark Twain said: “Quitting smoking is easy. I’ve done it hundreds of times.” Learn more click here
Get the patch and quit cold turkey. Don-t hang around other smokers for awhile. Remember you are probably saving your own life.
let-s say you smoke 10 p day, then only smoke 9 per day for a month, then the 2nd month, your only allowed to smoke 8, but then the 3rd and 4th month your only allowed to have 7 perday, and like that. Then even when your down to like 4, that might get tougher, thne u can make the time span like 3 or 4mths so your really slowly wind off it. Good luck to you or whoever
and you can carry those cigarette packs with you and only put the amount your allowed for the day and make it last and your going to have to make new friends unfortunately cuz if your around people smoking then your going to want to as well. Just like if your friends were alcholocs or drug addicted, you have to get away from that environment
I used the nicotine patch....stay away from triggers...for me that was having a cocktail or my first cup of coffee in the morning. Also found that having a supply of mints and gum on hand at all times if I really had a craving for a cigarette, I would have a mint or a piece of gum.....the physical addiction is over in about a week then it-s just dealing with the mental tough but you can do it....good luck
I-d say cold turkey. It-s gonna take a lot of will power but you can do it if you really want to. It-s a struggle (I know because I-m struggling myself). Best of Luck.
Cold turkey. Get up and do not have one. Isolate yourself and keep in mind the first 24 hours are the worst. sleep alot. three days and the chemical addiction is gone, so from there it is all mental.
Staying away is my trouble...
chew gum instead
Think about all the people that love you and want you to stop. Then think about the fact that every cigarette you smoke, takes away 9 minutes of your life so if you keep smoking, your just killing yourself. My great aunt used to smoke and she stopped by chewing gum ( it is weird but really helps). Lastly, Lung cancer is VERY common in smokers. I might have not helped much but there is no easy way out of smoking, but think about those things and you can get through it with help from friends and family.
Whats the best way to quit smoking? -

If you quit smoking, what were your alternatives to the craving? -

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

If you quit smoking, what were your alternatives to the craving? -

I ususally step out for one because I just want to get outside for 3 minutes and think and unstress. What can I do to substitute that routine?
most men are actually more attached the addiction itself, and so nicotine patches work well for them. The stepping out part can be met with brushing your teeth... nobody bothers you while you brush your teeth.. and you get a bonus of really good teeth :)

Most women are less attached to the chemical side of the addiction than to oral habits. Drinking everything through straws seems to be helpful to many women, and the habit of using smoking as a break is more common for women.

Many women find that they *cannot* quit unless they have something to do with their hands while on the phone, especially. Leaving mindless hand-work, like laundry to fold, near the phone is helpful, although it generally looks really messy for awhile. Some women find that polishing their nails does it for them. Some actually have to take up knitting or crochet to get over the -my hands are still- problem.

Evrybody is a little different, and although your icon looks like a man, any of these may help you.
i quit cold trukey for a whole year then a family member died (from cancer) and i started again, being stupid.
And i still am smoking.
Quitting cold turkey was the best thing i have ever done.
I ran, walked, drank water..... to stop the cravings.
Dont overeat though....becuase smoking gives you something to do with your hand, and eating helps that, but weight gain is usually the aftermath.
i tried a totally natural product - -Stop Smoking- from Planet Organic - it totally helped with the cravings. This is the second time I have quit in as many years. This time as different though as I was totally ready and prepared to quit - you have to really want it. Gum is great too!
Maybe go outside and walk around chewing gum.... just a thought!
exercise... sucks huh!
just don-t think of smoking , i do smoke and i don-t wanna even quit that
Drink Coffee, or I used to just pop gum or peppermints in my mouth, and it made me forget about actually smoking, the craving.

You can still go out and unstress, just dont light up!
Eating, gnawing on things, IE pencils and furniture, beating the wife. And the patch and gum help a little.
i found to alter my routine, for instance, coffee made me want to smoke, i changed to juice, phone calls made me want to smoke, i changed to cordless and walked while talking, it takes awhile to ajust, go ahead outside to destress, but take off for a short walk (away from the smokers) with time it will get easier, very soon you will feel, smell, so much better,
congrats on you quitting
chewing gum
and all of these things are cheaper and healthier
or evertime you smoke tell your self
that if i keep it up im gunna die
think of all the money you will save
think of how proud of your self you will be
and once your into it for a while tell your self you can give up now
or monitor how much you smoke per day
each week cut 1 or 2 cigarettes from your daily amount and eventually stop!
chew gum,walk.
When you figure it out let me know. I have been trying to quit for 2 years! I step outside because I work with a bunch of hot natured men and I have to get warm somehow!
Thats hard. First you should cut down on how much you do this just keep doing it less and less. Another thing to try is nicotine gum or the patch. Its hard to stop at first but you-ll get used to it. Instead of smoking to relieve the stress try a cup of coffee, a walk or a drive.
If you quit smoking, what were your alternatives to the craving? -

How do I get my mom to quit smoking? -

How do I get my mom to quit smoking? -

well im an only child and its just me and my mom. im only 11 so i dont have much power but i really need help from some one, but no one will help me can you help?
Tell her that you will not love her anymore if she will not quit smoking and tell her that you mean it.

If she-s smoking everyday near you of in the other room close to where you are, you still get the disadvantage of the smoke or cigarrette. It is called the second hand smoke and it is more dangerous than what she is getting. You can also get cancer by just inhaling the smell of the nicotine that-s being left in her hair, skin, clothes and breath. For non-smoker that smell is very very strong because they are clean inside their lungs, but for people that smokes, and for people that is so use in getting the second hand smoke, they don-t smell or notice it at all because their system is so familiar with it already, meaning it is in their lungs already.

It takes 6 months for the lungs to clear a small amount of smoke that was inhaled one time. Imagine about smoking many times during the day everyday - the person-s lungs must be untraceable already.

Also, the effect of smoking a lot for a long time is, if it so happen that this person (your mom) get into an accident or get a cancer or have a major illness that she needed to be put in antibiotic, her system will not take the medication because of the cigarrette smoke that-s lingering all over her system/body and organ. That means that she will have a longer period of recovery if she will recover because her immune system is weakened by the cigarrette.

Tell her, if she loves you, she better love herself the clean way. Also, no matter how she practice good hygience, she still will have the stench from the smoke but she will not know that because only those people that-s not around cigarrette smoker can identify the stenchy smell.
you cannot convince your mother not to smoke,or make her quit.She has to want to quit smoking of her own desire.As a non smoker,you haven-t the slightest idea of how addictive smoking is,so intolerance is not acceptable on your part.All you can do is ask her if she will,for your sake as well as hers,but you cannot use power to get her to do so,that-s only up to her.
tell her. -No matter how hard it is to quit. Quit. You will die much sooner if you smoke and i don-t want that to happen! Please quit. For me...please-

okay and if that doesn-t work

-If you don-t quit smoking, you don-t care about me-.... Little harsh but sometimes you need to go that far.
throw out her packs and keep doin it
How do I get my mom to quit smoking? -

How many points does your cholesterol drop when you quit smoking? -

Sunday, August 16, 2009

How many points does your cholesterol drop when you quit smoking? -

How many points does your cholesterol drop when you quit smoking?
It doesn-t helps me much. May be it depends upon person to person.
Smoking and cholesterol - effect 1: The more smoking you did, the worse the effect on cholesterol.

Smoking and cholesterol - effect 2: The longer you take smoking, the worse the effect on cholesterol.

Smoking and cholesterol - effect 3: The deeper you inhaled during smoking, the worse the effect on cholesterol.

Smoking and cholesterol - effect 4: Passive smoking is breathing the air that smokers are smoking in, even though you are not smoking. People in this situation are referred to as passive smokers and they also suffer a marked deterioration in their blood cholesterol condition - equivalent of them being a light smoker.

Smoking and cholesterol - effect 5: How bad does smoking affect cholesterol? The relative risk of the two factors were estimated to be 1.09-5.77 and 2.37-3.57 respectively. Which indicates that smoking affects cholesterol quite markedly. Certainly, smoking and high cholesterol could be considered a very dangerous combination.
How many points does your cholesterol drop when you quit smoking? -

Is it really true that you gain weight if you quit smoking? -

Is it really true that you gain weight if you quit smoking? -

I-ve been smoking for the past 5-6 years, I hate it and it-s disgusting. I want to quit. I-ve heard that if you quit smoking you gain a ton of weight, is this true or just one of those myths? If you do gain weight than why? From eating more to fight the cravings or is it some chemical in your body? I-ve heard both of those.
I-ve quit smoking twice after smoking for about a year, second time was a relapse. After I quit, I made sure I didn-t binge on unneeded junk foods or snacks and started running and lifting weights. Just maintain a healthy diet and exercise and you won-t gain weight. The weight gain is caused because nicotine suppresses your hunger, causing you to eat less and possibly lose weight. Without the nicotine, you-re just hungrier more because there-s nothing suppressing that extra hunger. Good luck!
Smoking increases metabolism, which will suppress weight. Smoking is also an appetite suppressant. If someone happens to stop smoking, their metabolism will slow down, which is likely to cause weight gain. One theory suggests that people who smoke have an -oral fixation-, and are therefore eating more to satiate the need to have something in the mouth.

Definitely look into nicotine substitutes or a -weaning- plan- many people are successful through the patch, gum, and other smoking alternatives.

Good luck!
Hey Lilly,

I-ve tried just about every method there is out there and there is only one I can recommend - NLP! It eliminates the cravings.
Gum patches and all the other just did not cut it for me, not to mention cold turkey which was the hardest, I even tried the electric cig and it is just no match to the real thing.
Eventually a friend told me about a NLP method, check out this article:…

it’s the one that got me off the cigs and smoke free for GOOD even without gaining weight! :)

Good luck kicking the habit!
Cigarettes suppress your appetite, so you-ll be hungrier. Plus some people eat more to try to forget about wanting to smoke. Chewing gum is something people do to deal with that. Fear of gaining weight isn-t a reason to keep smoking. Smoking is worse for your health than the ten pounds or less you might gain quitting. Maybe exercise would help you forget your temptations. Plus you-ll see how nice it is being able to breathe when you exercise! Honestly, best of luck. Quitting smoking is so hard, but between price and everything else, it-s so worth it.
I smoked for about the same time and quit about 2 months ago and i gained 5 lbs. Its not bad, I just crave other things now like food instead of ciggarettes. I don-t think its a chemical but who knows? Either way gaining 5lbs is a whole lot better than lung, mouth or throat cancer. Plus it makes your skin age.
you don-t necessarily GAIN weight from quitting smoking, you just tend to lose some weight when you do smoke, so quitting will get you back to your normal metabolism. but that shouldnt keep you from quitting.
Is it really true that you gain weight if you quit smoking? -

Hi. Anybody out there that can offer me ways to quit smoking amp; drinking? Im at wits end - thanks? -

Hi. Anybody out there that can offer me ways to quit smoking amp; drinking? Im at wits end - thanks? -

First of all you have to be committed to quiting. If you-re not completely committed then forget about quiting. For smoking you need to get on like a program or something. You need to find something that works for you. Maybe go to your doctor and they can help you. Gum, patches. I-m sure there-s some medicine to help too. Drinking is a lot easier to stop. If you can-t stop drinking, then you-re an alcoholic aand you need to get serious help for that. Otherwise, just keep yourself away from parties and people who are going to drink around you. You need to just say no to drinking, buying alcohol or anything. Don-t go to bars or whatever, go bowling instead lol. Get rid of the alcohol in your house. Drinking is really as simple as just not doing it. Smoking is an addiction though so it-s harder. But when things get hard and you feel like you need to smoke or drink, especially when you-re stressed, don-t turn to drinking or smoking. Have to do something else that helps. Exercise or get a massage or i dont know lol, go to the movies.
Hi I-m an alcoholic and I stopped drinking two years ago. I-ve never had a relapse, I quit without Alcoholics anonymous. I have terrible willpower but I still succeeded and I can say with confidence that I will never drink again.


If you want to quit drinking, don-t try quitting smoking at the same time. It just won-t work and you will fail. It is too much to take on at one time.

Firstly admit that you have a problem, (I assume you have done this) Make a date to quit and see your Doctor about help with withdrawal.

Avoid places where people are drinking in the early days

Join AA only if you must as they have a really high failure rate, instead try rational recovery. (this worked great for me)

Keep a journal and write down all of the emotions you go through after quitting and help you to remind yourself why you quit in the first place.

Join a gym and get fit, this will help a lot.

Get a new hobby and find something which makes your life more enjoyable.

Read about cognitive behavior therapy, You can buy a -Dummies- book about it from Amazon

Meditate daily, try
there are some great free tools there.

Keep reminding yourself why you quit, don-t listen to the internal voice which tells you to start again.

Do it a day at a time, the days merge into weeks, months and then years.

Check out my blog about alcohol addiction
you-ll find some more tips there.

Wishing you the best, if you really want to quit you will.

Namaste Rob
Try to get more information regarding some ways to stop smoking at my profile.
Cold turkey, the only way to quit...and lots of support afterward. I-m an ex smoker, I tried gum, pills, patches, filters, everything but hypnosis (not a candidate.) the only thing that worked was putting them down and not picking them up again. It was hell for a few months, but got easier as time passed.
cold turkey... will power... evrythin else is prettymuch useless
Ok, I know most will roll thier eyes at this but.... Alcoholics Anonymous really does help a lot. They use a 12 step program that can also help with any other addictions (of any kind), so it could help with the smoking also. I know it is not for some, maybe not for you, but if doing it on your own doesn-t work (like it didn-t for me), it-s an option. If nothing else, it provides tons of support and I know it has worked for tons of people. You-ve probably already heard of it so if it-s not your kind of thing just disregard....but either way good luck!!!!
yo i can help but it will cost you a little bit of time no doubt about it
here is a method to quit smoking in which you do not need any professional or a deaddiction programme. its a self-help method, you will succeed if you are enough determined to get rid of this evil habit. then here it is :
Saying many ways is not a big deal but you have to accept it so first try to control your mind - heart create a feeling that if your supposed to see a cigar or drink you have to hate it as soon as you seen that, anger towards that must fill your must fill your heart. If ur not sure that u can-t control it by ur mind then go for some pills that-ll help you in controlling - avoiding that things, If ur ready to go for a pills then consult doctors advice befora taking that pills.. The decision u-ve taken to quit smoking - drinking is really good try to leave it soon..All the best...
Hi. Anybody out there that can offer me ways to quit smoking amp; drinking? Im at wits end - thanks? -

How do I quit smoking and lose weight-not gain? -

Monday, August 10, 2009

How do I quit smoking and lose weight-not gain? -

don-t replace your craving for ciggies with food
Ask your doctor to prescribe Wellbutrin and start exercising; a daily walk will suffice. Wellbutrin relieves cravings of all kinds, so you won-t feel compelled to overeat!
you will only gain weight if you turn to food instead of a cigarette break!!

maybe take up a new hobby when you stop smoking to give you something else to think about instead of cigs or food!!

maybe knitting!! lol
Well you have to distract yourself and adopt more healthier lifestyle.

To lose weight, here are two great sites.
Sorry if this sounds blut...

Set down the smokes and run...

To stop quitting get someone who cares about you to check that your on the right track they-ll guilt you into it.

Its much better if you quit.
I have been working really hard to get a sexy body. I go to the gym every day, watch what I eat, but still could not get the body I wanted. That was until I found this body cleansing stuff. I was able to get the sexy body I wanted in 9 days. I did a 9 day cleanse and lost 10 pounds and 15 inches! This was GREAT! I had been working so hard for over a year to get this, and this program gave me what I wanted in 9 days. I found out that many body builders use this to get ready for competitions because the protein in the shakes builds muscle and the cleanse helps to get rid of the toxins stored in the fat cells. When the toxins are removed, the fat cells shrink and you definitely can tell in the way your clothes fit! I recommend this product for anyone wanting to get a better looking body quickly. I found out about it at this toll free number 1-877-587-4647. It is not a cheap program, but it is worth it! You can also get it at this website

There should be plenty of advice on the net. But a little weight gain has to be better than a pair of black tarred up lungs and 50% chance of early death.
How do I quit smoking and lose weight-not gain? -

What helped you quit smoking? -

What helped you quit smoking? -

I-m a smoker, smoke about a half pack a day. Have been for almost four years. I want to quit. I really do, and I want to know how anyone else has quit and what would possibly help me.

Hopefully because I-m only 17 my chances will be good. If anything wish me luck! Thanks everyone.
When I quit smoking I started by changing my habits. If I normally had a cigarette right after a meal, I waited 20 minutes. Then I didn-t smoke in the car anymore or in the house. Next step, I used nicorette gum, now that can help or hurt, you go for the gum, you are still getting the nicotine but you save the lungs. Used the gum for a month and once I was out of the habit of inhaling smoke, I was successful. I had tried to quit 3 other times, and this was the method that worked for me. I also realized guys don-t like girls who smoke.
Its a good decision that you have taken to quit smoking. The real point is that people smoke for many reasons and many times the reason is that they want to do something and they lit a cigarette. To help that you can try for some substitute when ever you feel like smoking. My friend has the same problem and he took the help of nicotine gum, whenever he felt like smoking he used one. The best point is that he received a free sample of 100 gum to try for free, they helped him and he then continued with them till he quit. I am sure it can help you too, you can also ask for free sample, he got it from the resource included below.. All the Best!!!
You can try
Hey Foxy,

I-ve tried just about every method there is out there and there is only one I can recommend - NLP! It eliminates the cravings.
Gum patches and all the other just did not cut it for me, not to mention cold turkey which was the hardest, I even tried the electric cig and it is just no match to the real thing.
Check out this article:…

it’s the one that got me off the cigs and smoke free for GOOD even without gaining weight! :)

Good luck kicking the habit!
What helped you quit smoking? -

How to quit smoking for good? -

Sunday, August 9, 2009

How to quit smoking for good? - tried pills, patches, gums and natural supplements and they all don-t work any suggestions on how to quit smoking for good?
I need to quit to , - will power plays a big part , but I just don-t seem to have enough. They just had a segment on our local news about quiting - gave this # 1-800-Quit-Now. I haven-t called it yet , but I am going to - see if they have something that will help that I like you haven-t tried. Hope it helps at least one of us , but better yet , both.*
hi pisces..

you sound like me.. i tried most of the methods available at one time or another, would get distracted and get of on my dosage, or forget to put on a fresh patch ect..

to make a long story short the thing that finally worked for me, was support through nicotine anonymous.. the support of other quitters, as well as those who had achieved abstinence was a great tool..

i haven-t had a cig in over 5 years, after smoking for over 40 years.. meetings are held in many areas, and a number of voice meetings are held daily on the internet.. you are welcome at meetings before a quit is attempted.. in the end there is really no wrong way to quit, good luck with your quit!!
Will power. Stay away from family, friends, work (of possible), school (if possible) who smoke. I do the whole gum thing. Not the smoking gum either. I smoked menthols, and so when I am having a nicotine fit, I pop in a piece of gum, breathe in the -menthol- feeling, hold my breath, and exhale. I usually need to do it several times before the feeling goes away. Another thing to try is go jogging, hit a punching bag, sports, anything that is physical to try to get your mind away from it.
Hey pisces,

I-ve tried just about every method there is out there and there is only one I can recommend - NLP! It eliminates the cravings.
Gum patches and all the other just did not cut it for me as well, not to mention cold turkey which was the hardest, I even tried the electric cig and it is just no match to the real thing.
Check out this article:…

it’s the one that got me off the cigs and smoke free for GOOD even without gaining weight! :)

Good luck kicking the habit!
OK... I had smoked for 18 years and quit cold turkey! It is will power, and the desire to want to quit. Here-s my journey.
I decided, for various reasons, I was done. I didn-t WANT to quit but I knew I HAD to quit. So I smoked every one before I went to bed. Then I started out the next day with NO cigarettes. I thought the first day was hard but let me tell you day two was worse, three was even worse and 4 was hell! I kept going no matter how hard it was. I was in physical pain, emotionally depressed, and at times I thought I was going crazy when I would have panic attacks. I had no idea you could have such severe withdraws from cigarettes, but it depends on the addiction. I made it through the worst day and after that... mind over matter. The pain goes away and the mental I could handle! 90% of all long term ex smokers quit cold turkey. Just set yourself a goal of getting through 4 days. If it doesn-t get easier then make yourself a deal that you will get a pack, and limit yourself to two a day. That way you can get through that 4 days then your home free!
will power, will power, will power.

You can-t look at it long term. It-s a decision you have to make everyday, 100 times a day. -I-m not going to have a smoke-

It-s not easy, and there is no miracle cure or solution. Only will power.
Read these:

How To Quit Smoking: 5 Easy Tips…

Ways to Quit Smoking…

Try hidding them or put them out of sight. Moreover, find a hidding spot in your car - forget about them on purpose.Also don-t hang around ppl who smoke until you-ve quitted over 2 weeks.
If nothing is working.. like in your case.... Will power is what can help you.. You are not willing to do it.. otherwise one or other thing works in most of the cases.
put on two nicotine patches and smoke a pack of cigarettes, along with at least one dip...youll never want to smoke again
Stop putting cigarettes in your mouth. Exercise some ******* willpower.
mid over matter, just do it already.
Find online reviews of different ideas and try the one that works best.
How to quit smoking for good? -

Give me suggestion how should I quit smoking cigarette? -

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Give me suggestion how should I quit smoking cigarette? -

Good Reasons for Quitting

Quitting smoking is one of the most important things you will ever do.

You will live longer and live better.

Quitting will lower your chance of having a heart attack, stroke, or cancer.

The people you live with, especially your children, will be healthier.

You will have extra money to spend on things other than cigarettes.
When I decided to quit I made a list of 10 reason to quit smoking and kept them in my wallet. When I had the urge I would look at the list and that would help. The 1st few days will be really hard but remember nicotine is only in your system for 72 hours. So the rest of the addicition is mental. If millions of people can quit you can too. You are not any weaker then others when it comes to will power.

Good Luck and if you ever need a something you can email me to help you through it.
I know hypnosis has a 95 percent success rate. If you are serious about quitting, it won-t hurt to try it.
every time you see a cigarette pinch yourself. soon when you see a cigarette you will feel like your being pinched , even though your not

or just chew gum when you want a cigarette

or visit the hospital and see what happens to people that smoke
Hike the Appalachain Trail from Georgia to Maine. It takes about six months, but you-ll not only quit smoking along the way you also won-t gain any weight. Not only that, but you-ll lose any unwanted pounds you may be carrying. Good luck.
I never smoked, so must admit I can-t speak out of experience.

But a few of people I know have been through it. I heard that it is important to stop at a moment when you feel good about something, that seems to make it a lot easier. Then it might help to ask somebody to check your progress, for example that person calls you a few times a day to inquire if you-re still holding on. That way you get an immediate reward for holding on (you can tell that person you still don-t smoke). The first few days are important, but for some while longer you-ll suffer the moments when you would have lighted up one. It is said that once you have quit for 6 months the danger of a relapse is decreasing rapidly.

Maybe you find much better ways then this, but it-s definitely a good idea to quit ! I hope you-ll manage to do it.
I-m on my 2nd week using the QuitKey method. It-s working well thus far. You can check it out at and if you decide to try it, it-s cheaper at

Good luck.
Throw your cigaretts in the toilet, and flush.
Do-nt buy a cigarette. Keep candy with you, if you feel like you wanted to smoke,just eat some of it.
Try inhaling from the -lit end of the filter-.
That aught to do it.
here-s the best way to quit smoking:

smoke normally for a week, and keep a very accurate account of how many/when you smoke.

looking at this information, begin to cut out cigarettes one week at a time. take your time with it, as long as a couple months even. after all, if you-ve been smoking, another 6 weeks of it won-t make things much worse :P

the smoking is the only thing to change. this allows you to keep the other elements of your routine the same, as well as helping you avoid urges because of the gradual step down from cigarettes.
First get rid of all your cigarettes!
Then dont buy anymore
Question is do you want to? I smoke and then quit, went through some rough spots and picked it back up. My Fiance wants me to quit, but I dont want to, if and when I do I will quit but not til im ready. So Do you want to quit smoking?
e-mail me if you need help. I quit on october 19, 2003. and havent smoked once since. I will give you some tips if you would like.
Try using nicotine patches to reduce the cravings (the gum will remind you of smoking). Get rid of all of your smoking paraphenalia (ashtrays, lighters, etc) and do your best to clear your living area of the smoking smell. This and willpower will help you quit.
Don-t buy anymore, or be around anyone that has them.
Talk with your doctor, first. There are new medications available, to assist you with all the different side effects of quitting. Quitting is an individual thing... Your response will be unique. You don-t have to do it cold turkey, anymore. Take advantage of the help that-s out there. PS: Good for you. Quitting is one of the best things you can do for yourself, your body, your health.
I wish you the best of luck. and if/when you do it let me know how you did it!!
just stop doing smoking
after 34 years, i used the step down patches and that worked for me. i also stayed away from places and stopped doing some of the things that i had associated with smoking. Good luck to you!
Don-t buy any more ever. Get the patch.
there-s patches and pills and even hypnotists you can utilize. make sure you find a hobby and keep your hands busy, cause your so used to a smoke being there.
I think Jessica S is right. You just have to WANT to. I wanted to and quit cold turley after 10 years of smoking. My husband on the other hand really loves to smoke and simply cannot quit. I also like to look at it like why should we let some tiny little nasty cancer causing stick control our lives? Try to look at the big picture. Try to find something else (healthy) to do and do it when you would normally smoke. I-m not an expert but those are my opinions. Good luck to you. If I could quit, anyone can!!
The patches worked well - but you have to want to quit too. They are not enough to work on their own. You have to have some willpower.
Sleep 24 hours a day :)
Besides patches or gum, hang out at places where you can-t smoke.
Hot candy and the patch also works believe it or not.
Use the step down patches. That is what worked for me.
Quit cold turkey, I did I used to smoke 2 packs a day. It-s called will power. Do a little math to convince yourself how money would you save a year by not smoking, You will be very surprised. I saved $2912.00 a year That is a lot money you can use on something that will make you happy.
Give me suggestion how should I quit smoking cigarette? -

How can I help my friend to quit smoking? -

Friday, August 7, 2009

How can I help my friend to quit smoking? -

she has motivation now, because her mother just died from lung cancer. and, i am the only one who is pushing her to do it. now that she thinks shes ready, what can i do to help her? any techniques?
Nicotine Anonymous is a Non-Profit 12 Step Fellowship of men and women helping each other live nicotine-free lives. Nicotine Anonymous welcomes all those seeking freedom from nicotine addiction, including those using cessation programs and nicotine withdrawal aids. The primary purpose of Nicotine Anonymous is to help all those who would like to cease using tobacco and nicotine products in any form. The Fellowship offers group support and recovery using the 12 Steps as adapted from Alcoholics Anonymous to achieve abstinence from nicotine.

check out this site for more info, as well as local meetings

check out this site for several daily online voice meetings…

you cant sorry but he has to make this by him self.
true there is rat pee in them
How can I help my friend to quit smoking? -

Which way to quit smoking is more successful? The nicotine patch or gum? -

Which way to quit smoking is more successful? The nicotine patch or gum? -

I don-t plan on doing it cold turkey because I am in the process of getting of a medication so the less withdrawel effects the better.
Almost the same

Zyban seems to be the best
I want to quit too :(
Wish I had the answer for you, I need to quit now I am on meds but don-t want to put more in the body than it has now. It is used to the smoke. (Dumb statement but true.) Good luck to you. I would rather be addicted to nicotine than mind altering drugs though.
God bless you for wanting to quit, it-s the best thing for you. However if you are coming off another medication perhaps it-s best to wait until that is over with before quiting. Quiting can make you slightly sick even if you use the patch. And the patches and gum are still nicotine so it-s not as good for you as going cold turkey.
why did u start smoking to begin with i guess u just have to die of lung cancer see u in the next world
I did the patches, they were great, I gave up in a few months and haven-t gone back. If you-re short of cash you can get them on prescription as well. I bought them myself though. Good luck, it-s not easy but stick to it.
I did the gum. It worked for me but I was a light smoker.
Which way to quit smoking is more successful? The nicotine patch or gum? -