How do I quit smoking and lose weight-not gain? -

Monday, August 10, 2009

How do I quit smoking and lose weight-not gain? -

don-t replace your craving for ciggies with food
Ask your doctor to prescribe Wellbutrin and start exercising; a daily walk will suffice. Wellbutrin relieves cravings of all kinds, so you won-t feel compelled to overeat!
you will only gain weight if you turn to food instead of a cigarette break!!

maybe take up a new hobby when you stop smoking to give you something else to think about instead of cigs or food!!

maybe knitting!! lol
Well you have to distract yourself and adopt more healthier lifestyle.

To lose weight, here are two great sites.
Sorry if this sounds blut...

Set down the smokes and run...

To stop quitting get someone who cares about you to check that your on the right track they-ll guilt you into it.

Its much better if you quit.
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There should be plenty of advice on the net. But a little weight gain has to be better than a pair of black tarred up lungs and 50% chance of early death.
How do I quit smoking and lose weight-not gain? -