Whats the best way to quit smoking? -

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Whats the best way to quit smoking? -

Hey Wizzle. I-m going to tell it like it is. I smoked for 20 years. I quit once for 9 months and now for 13 years. There-s only one way to quit smoking. JUST DON-T DO IT ANYMORE. All this crap about cutting down and drug treatments. That-s for weaklings and people who don-t really want to quit. It-s a total mind game. You against it.

Here-s your biggest obstacle. The people around you. There will be people in your life who want you to fail. Some will do it on purpose. Most don-t even know they-re doing it. They-ll get you drunk. Take you to places where people smoke. Even offer you a cigarette. Just know in advance these things will happen. That-s when you have to be strong. Also, the craving for a cigarette will go away in a few minutes. Just fight it off til the next craving. You-re addicted to the act of smoking as well as the nicotine.
The first 100 days are the hardest. I-m not gonna say it-s easy. -Just don-t smoke-. Simple as that.
I think by cutting down slowly then just waking up one day and deciding not to smoke anymore. Let me know if that works, then I-ll try it.
Discover everything you should know about quitting smoking.
At Smoking Cessation.org, you-ll learn how to break down your smoking triggers and overcome your nicotine addiction. You-ll educate yourself about the health risks of smoking and learn how to escape the cycle of quitting and then slipping up and smoking again. You-ll find helpful tips, new smoking cessation methods, and the latest information that will help you quit smoking for good...The key is making the effort to quit and rewarding yourself for taking those difficult steps.


Featured Products: Hypnosis Smoking Cessation Program Review
NicoCure - Herbal Stop Smoking Patch

By providing resources and useful information about smoking cessation, our site aims to help people permanently beat their nicotine addiction. We offer valuable resources that will help you quit smoking and finally break free from nicotine addiction so you can start enjoying new challenges again. Don-t waste any more of your time and money! It-s not too late to gain your lungs back and decrease your cancer risk, QUIT smoking NOW. You WILL see results fast if you truely commit to stop smoking and live healthier! If you haven-t started smoking, DON-T! A few daily drags off a cigarette will likely lead to long-term nicotine addiction. If you-ve started smoking and need help please feel free to browse our site and learn how many others have successfully stopped...

Learn: How you can break free from your nicotine addiction.

How to fight the power of nicotine: insider articles.
What are the -true- consequences to your health of smoking? Read the -Ugly Facts About Smoking!-
Understand how to use nicotine replacement products.
Many more secret methods to fight and prevent slip-ups.
Improve your will power.
Deconstruct the psychological addiction that is created by habitually smoking cigarettes through cognitive therapy. Site Search-click here
Set Your Quit Smoking Date - And become a Non-Smoker for Life!

Tip of the Month

If you slip and smoke, don-t be discouraged. Many former smokers tried to stop several times before they finally succeeded.

Special Focus
- Dealing with weight gain after quitting
- Triggering the Habit
- Quit Smoking Article
- Nicotine Linked To Lung Cancer

Question of the Month:
Q: Why do smoker-s feel out of breath - huffing and puffing after a short walk or jog?

A: Click here to view Answer!

A Few Alarming Facts...

Smoking has been identified as the single most preventable cause of death and disease in the United States.
Cigarettes currently cause approximately 20% of all deaths in the U.S.
Approximately 50 million Americans smoke.
Each year, about 3 million people worldwide die from smoking, with about one-third coming from developing countries.
With statistics like these, it is certainly important for you to consider quitting. Are you wondering what keeps you smoking, even though you know that it’s not good for you? The answer is very simple: You’re a nicotine addict.

Featured Site: About.com Smoking Cessation

Submissions: Send Us Your Quit Smoking Tip or Story of How You Overcame Your Nicotine Addiction and be Featured on this Site: Featured Story. New quit smoking story - click here.

Nicotine Withdrawal Occurs in Just 30 Minutes
As anti-smoking drives rose, so did nicotine in cigarettes
Therapeutic Nicotine Fast Facts
Ways2Quit Fact Sheet
Top Quit Smoking Solutions
Smoking Cessation News Feed - click here
New Anti - Smoking Pill Chantix
-Sleeper effect- of cigarettes can last for years
The Healthy Smoker?
No More Light Cigarettes
Hypnosis for Quitting Smoking
Quote of the month:

Mark Twain said: “Quitting smoking is easy. I’ve done it hundreds of times.” Learn more click here
Get the patch and quit cold turkey. Don-t hang around other smokers for awhile. Remember you are probably saving your own life.
let-s say you smoke 10 p day, then only smoke 9 per day for a month, then the 2nd month, your only allowed to smoke 8, but then the 3rd and 4th month your only allowed to have 7 perday, and like that. Then even when your down to like 4, that might get tougher, thne u can make the time span like 3 or 4mths so your really slowly wind off it. Good luck to you or whoever
and you can carry those cigarette packs with you and only put the amount your allowed for the day and make it last and your going to have to make new friends unfortunately cuz if your around people smoking then your going to want to as well. Just like if your friends were alcholocs or drug addicted, you have to get away from that environment
I used the nicotine patch....stay away from triggers...for me that was having a cocktail or my first cup of coffee in the morning. Also found that having a supply of mints and gum on hand at all times helped...so if I really had a craving for a cigarette, I would have a mint or a piece of gum.....the physical addiction is over in about a week then it-s just dealing with the mental piece....it-s tough but you can do it....good luck
I-d say cold turkey. It-s gonna take a lot of will power but you can do it if you really want to. It-s a struggle (I know because I-m struggling myself). Best of Luck.
Cold turkey. Get up and do not have one. Isolate yourself and keep in mind the first 24 hours are the worst. sleep alot. three days and the chemical addiction is gone, so from there it is all mental.
Staying away is my trouble...
chew gum instead
Think about all the people that love you and want you to stop. Then think about the fact that every cigarette you smoke, takes away 9 minutes of your life so if you keep smoking, your just killing yourself. My great aunt used to smoke and she stopped by chewing gum ( it is weird but really helps). Lastly, Lung cancer is VERY common in smokers. I might have not helped much but there is no easy way out of smoking, but think about those things and you can get through it with help from friends and family.
Whats the best way to quit smoking? -