Have you quit smoking? -

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Have you quit smoking? -

QUITTING SMOKING - carbon monoxide?
It says that after 8 hours, the carbon monoxide level returns to normal and the bloods ability to carry oxygen returns to normal.

What will the plus effects of this and what are the down effects of carbon monoxide by smoking?

If you have quit and can tell me difference you may have have felt that would be great.
I quit 3 months ago and feel great! I am now working out and breathing so much better! Cigarettes have so many other chemicals besides carbon monoxide... but after 2 or 3 days you should feel awesome. I was a 18 year smoker and after the first week it got easier and easier. Now it-s hard to remember that I actually did smoke. Weird but true.
I quit smoking a month ago. I felt really good. it was stressfull at first and I felt like I was always craving a cigarette. I finally gave in and started just taking a drag every so often. Then I bought my first pack. I feel horribly physically. I feel like my body is sluggish and I wish I had never started again. The actual withdrawls I went through were not as bad as the constant need for a ciggarette now. I quit about three hours before I went to bed and woke up and didnt have a cigarette (or a drag) for over two weeks. Please take my advice... don-t give in.... I hope I see you on the road to quiting....
i quit smoking 3 months ago! and cheatted a few days ago! now i do see what i missed!
I have a larger wind spand! like i don-t get out of breath walking!
my food started to taste better! plain potato chips never thought they were so good! that don-t happen till the 2nd week or 3rd week but wow it tasted good!
after i cheated that one night i smoked a lot but my chest still hurts and the smell of it is now really disgusting!
but don-t quit just because of crbon monoxide you get more from car fuems!
quit because you want to!
and don-t let anyone tell you your bad for smoking! sometimes i wonder why i quit and it was because of this
1. cost to much and want more toys! that are smoked away!
2. not having a stick control my life! excample i forgot to pick up smokes on the way home! i have 1 left now i have to get back in my car waste my gas to get a pack of smokes!
i would do this! all the time!
now when i get home for work i only have to go get milk and that-s not ever day or even ever 3 days!
best of luck to you if you plan to quit!
just remember habits are hard to break and your subconsious feels better with the -Norm- but you can do it! and it can be easy!
Carbon monoxide replaces the oxygen in your blood (it bonds with the hemoglobin, which cannot tell the difference) and deprives your brain of oxygen.

In answer to your question, I quit after smoking sixteen years, (30 years ago) and can-t bear to even smell cigarette smoke now.
My boyfriend quit a few weeks ago and he is so pleased that he can last much longer in bed. He feels the difference. So I guess more stamina is a plus point.
been clean for 4 days and got the flu last night and went to the ER and when they did that oxygen saturation test it would norm be at about 94 to 95% last night it was at 99% i was like cool. i feel more angry i noticed i don-t feel drained or so out of breath and my heart rate has gone down too.

but there was a cool thing i saw on csi the other nite now before u laugh. just listen a kid had tried to kill his parents by carbon monoxide poisoning. he killed his mom because she smoked and since her blood already had so much carbon monoxide in her blood it didn-t take as long but his dad who had just quit smoking was able to survive because his blood was back to norm
In addition to Carbon Monoxide there are so many chemicals, tar, and I heard rat poison in cigarrets...it-s just plain gross...and deadly...
Have you quit smoking? -