I just quit smoking, and I am having some strange responses..? -

Sunday, September 19, 2010

I just quit smoking, and I am having some strange responses..? -

I just quit smoking about 3 days ago (Saturday night) and I am having the normal cravings and figidiness, but as of last night I had the most rotten sleep of my life! And I was exhausted when I went to bed! I woke up numerous times, talking to myself, and looking at the clock. Also, I want to eat cheese a lot! Lots and lots of melted cheese! This may be the strangest part of all... my breasts are EXTREMELY sensitive (sore)! Now, I read online that when you quit, the nerve endings in your body begin to grow again and you may get strange sensations, and food tastes better, but it is almost like being pregnant! I am at my 3rd day right now, can someone tell me when it will get better? I heard your 3rd day is the worst.. so hopefully it is all downhill from here!
I quit smoking 5 weeks ago and sweetheart, it-s not an easy thing to do. I have been a full fledged smoker for almost 11 years. Meaning at least 1-2 packs a day. After watching my dad pass away from lung cancer in February (among many other heartbreaking diseases), I vowed to my mother that I would try my hardest to quit. And I did. The food cravings are normal. Your body is going through a hard time adjusting and may think it needs things it doesn-t. That is why a lot of people tend to gain weight when they quit smoking. They begin to crave other things, or they use food as a replacement for the hand to mouth habit. Your body is stressed and the first week or two are not gonna be too easy. The best advice I can give you is to make sure you tell yourself that you are proud of yourself and that you really do want to quit. Try not to think about smoking or be around it much for the first two weeks, The smell will still be enticing to you right now. Wait a couple weeks and people will begin to smell like ash trays. That-s when it gets easier. Good luck and stay strong.
No problem and I wish you the best of luck.

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Congratulations on quitting!

And yes, the third day of -detox- is the worst. Drink lots of water and take vitamins: That should help you recover some from the damage.

Another thing you might want to drink lots of is tea: Green, chamomile, and ginger especially. The green tea is recommended for people trying to get unwanted substances out of their bodies. Chamomile is soothing- which I daresay you very much want. And ginger is good for soothing some pains- That-s what I use for tummy troubles, but it seems to help with headaches too.

Good luck!
I quit smoking about 5 years. I used to smoke 10 years.
I suggest you must have one or several new good addict Instead of smoking (for example eating fruits, beans such as pistachio, chew chewing gum, do exercise and etc)
During 6 mounts, when I involved with each emotion status, I wanted to smoke, after that, these situations were finished.
After about a week the things you are experiencing will go away. Its all normal. Try buying some dum dums and sucking on those. Its not just a physical addiction but a mental one too.
Your body needs the comfort of you sucking on something like you would a ciggarette and dum dums fit the bill.And they are much cheaper than cigarettes. Some people also like cheweing on a empty Bic pen tube. The white ones. It tricks their mind into thinking there is a cigarette in their hand, and eases the cravings. Good Luck and Congratulations
I am not sure either but PLEASE stick with it...... you are getting healthy day by day and you are saving yourself lots of money each time you don-t light up.... try taking deep breathes to help with the cravings.... as it is summer, trying chewing ice when a craving starts to get away from you ...... they are calorie free and help relieve frustrations.
Congratulations on achieving Day three....
i quit Dec 7 after 15 yrs- it took 2 weeks for cravings to leave - i bought a big bag of small carrots to eat all day until the cravings went away. I never used the patch, gum, or any thing else.
im not sure but good 4 u if u quit smoking
I just quit smoking, and I am having some strange responses..? -