What is the best way to quit smoking? -

Thursday, June 2, 2011

What is the best way to quit smoking? -

i would say trying the patch or the gum that prevents u from smoking im really not sure but hope this helps.
What made me able to quit smoking was by stopping the consumption of alcohol for the most part. Another big thing is to stop smoking inside your apartment/house. You must get away from it in order to really easily stop. Having others smoke around you will only make you keep smoking, so forget even trying unless you get away from it. You must quit cold turkey though. Patches and gum WILL NOT work effectively, the reason you stop the urge to smoke is you are giving your body time to lose the chemical addiction to the nicotene. Good luck, it-s not easy but it-s worth it in the end. Keep in mind what happens to your body when you smoke. You raise your blood pressure which can essentially can give you a stroke, and you run the HUGE risk of getting lung cancer, throat cancer and/or mouth cancer. It-s all up to you. Do you really want to talk out of a box when you-re 60?
Look at the picture of how the cigarette smoke affects your lungs. See how your lungs are looking like now. Find out what toxins you are smoking into your lungs. Then.. see how lungs ravaged by CANCER looks like... Your lungs are not only yours BUT they ARE YOU! Destroy them - .... is there YOU...?????

Stop making excuses and just stop!

-Oh I ran out of patches- isn-t good enough.
-I had a really hard day at work- isn-t good enough.
-You don-t know what it-s like to be addicted- isn-t good enough.

... Just stop.
They are invented cigarrettes like candies and the puff come out...
Well, I haven-t tried smoking, so I don-t know how it feels to be addicted to it. But I got a best way though. Ask God to help you and guide you in your life. Gud Luck =)
my suggestion would be to wean yourself off of them slowly. just try cutting back a couple of cigarettes a day or you could try eliminating the places/situations where you can smoke one by one until you feel confident to stop altogether. really though you have to want to quit, don-t just quit because you think you should, that usually doesn-t work in the long run, but hey, everyone-s different. Good luck!
The best way is the one that works for you. You need to decide whether you smoke from habit, OC behavior, nicotine addiction or just because you can. Once you know the why, you can address the issue (this is the how) and then quit.
In my case, it was OC behavior, so a lil Zyban and I was good to go.
HTH and good luck, I promise it is better on this side of the fence!
simply to realize that most goodlooking people won-t want to have anything to do with a habitual smoker.
~I-m glad you asked, don-t listen to the people who have never had this habit before. There are no magic words as you well know.
What works for me is not smoking when I wake up. I used a nicotine patch and went through all 3 steps.
Remember you will have the urges to smoke, but even if you did smoke, you would have those cravings. The good part about not doing so, is that it gets easier and easier as time goes by.
Stay away from people that smoke and places you would go to smoke.
Good luck.~
If you are a strong willed person and want to stop smoking then we can help you . where in you have to first believe in your self that you can stop smoking not for somebody but for your self. Now you should affirm that you can stop smoking without any bodies help. if you repeat this sentence 10 times a day and avoid smoking thinking o f this affirmation you will positively reduce and in a week or so stop it completely. But keep in mind that you should keep your self busy and not keep thinking of smoking all the time because you wanted to stop smoking and not to eat what ever you get in the time when you feel like smoking you wii gain unnessary weight.Do some thing positive like writing / singing or reading or exercise and don-t stop saying i want to stop /i wont smoke any more .this type of affirmations help a lot without any medicines. this is my experience with a lot of my patients 80% succeeded in giving up the habit of smoking after they tried the above affirmations for nearly 3 months . wishing you all the luck to stop smoking.
I really empathise with you, I quit my 20 a day habit in a pain-free way this time last year!
No stress, no cravings, no weight gain, no pills, patches or gums.
The program I followed was recommended by a friend and now boasts a 90% success rate and is 100% fully guaranteed - can-t say fairer than that

All the best..
What is the best way to quit smoking? -