I need to quit smoking maryjuana? -

Saturday, March 17, 2018

I need to quit smoking maryjuana? -

Any idea what I should do im just a sophmore in high school and I dont want it to take control of my life, i want better grades, a good future in football, and better memory. I just wanna quit, but you all know how hard that is... can someone please help, ive learned my lesson
I-m a junior in highschool. i will be a senior in a short time. The last three years of my life are all a blur to me because i was a pothead. I was almost raped by an older man because i mixed weed and oxy. Trust me, i dont mean to be a preecher but the people who resist drugs are the stronger. be stronger and achieve your dreams. The cool and stupid class clown stoner kids, are the weak and will fade out of high school very soon sadly. Just stop smoking pot. It-s that easy. Get a hobby, make a journal on how you feel each day and your cravings. It-s hard everyday but with self motionation and strong will. you can surely bet it as i did. good luck my friend. if you need anymore assistance or help please allow me to help you.
my email-- meltheamazingmexican@yahoo.com
aol/aim_- xsprinkledinklex
everyone says it is not physically addictive, so if you are addicted it is for psychological reasons. My guess is you are trying to escape from something that troubles you. The best way to quit smoking pot is to face what you are trying to escape head on. Maybe seeing a therapist is in order. Also, if you want to quit you need to completely get it out of your life, stop hanging with your stoner friends...
Just focus on it really hard. Get another hobby, work out, get some friends who are always hanging out but dont somke weed. Weed doesnt create a physical addiction so its all in your head. Just try to think of other things
i-ve been where you are - know its hard,...
once you stop, you need tools to remain stopped
1. don-t hang around your stoner friends-if they are using-you gotta cut -em loose!
2. go to a support system of some sort (like narcotics anonymous)
3. get honest with your parents if you haven-t already
4. get used to saying no! as in no, i cant go to that party if they are smokin dope there,...
5. clean up whatever mess you made while doing dope, trust god, and be of service to others without expecting anything in return.

i was your age when i was encouraged to go to my first narcotics anonymous meeting because my life was a mess,(it all started with weed-but went way way beyond)
i struggled through the rest of high school hating that i just couldn-t stay away from drugs. i finally got clean after failing out of my first semester of college, drugs were no longer fun and i was no longer in control,....
just stop cold turkey, my husband has smoked for years and years and he stopped cold turkey,been off for 2 weeks. dont be around people who smoke..
Just stop doing it. Your memory and life will improve afterwards.
Say buddy, I got some good news for you. Many people quit without professional help. Often it will take several attempts befor a person stops. But the slip ups are not a big deal. What is imporant is that you start again. Each time you slip up you learning something about what -Triggered- you to smoke. Keep a list of the things that triggered your smoking and then come up with some other plan on how to deal with the situation.
There might be a place in your area that will provide you will addtional help: it can be free. To get a list contact 411 and ask for a drug treatment center in your area.

It is common for people your age to drop in and out of drug using behaviors. The fact that you are adressing this now suggests that you will do well in the future.

The two biggest problems with pot is that 1. you can go to jail for a long time if you get caught, and 2. you can never be sure if what you are buying is really pot (you never know what you might be getting)

Actually: this can be the best experience of your life. Quitting is difficult, but you will really learn quite a bit about yourself in the process. What you will learn will help you as an adult.
yeah...i was really into it once, i did it every single day.
but i just stopped. it doesnt help out in anyway, not really a point in it (to me) its not hard at all! its all in your head!
If you can not get rid of bad habit, come to Jesus with genuine repentance and faith. He is your Answer. You will find a life worth-living in Him.

In the Beginning God created heavens and earth.
God gives us air to breathe and sunshine to enjoy.
God gives us water to drink and food to eat.
God gives us a wonderful body and a sound mind and life.
God loves us, and we are precious to Him.
The Son of God died on the Cross to save us from condemnation.
Jesus’ love is boundless and everlasting.
We have the hope of Heaven through Jesus.
Your life therefore has a fantastic and glorious future!
(Please must visit: www.spiritlessons.com)
the best thing to do is to get in a program with people that have the same problem and are trying to quit at the same time!
trust me ...partnership helps!
don-t go through this alone!
and good luck
there, you said it yourself, you learned your lesson, now stop, get a hold on your future and go for it.
If you dont want to smoke it then dont. It is not addictive as cigerrettes, cocaine, meth, heroine, or booze. You may want to avoid being around it since you feel the need to smoke it if having the chance. If you make excuses to smoke pot then you gotta learn to deal with those excuses.
Very easy. . .marijuana causes a psychological dependence and is not addictive. Just don-t light the next joint and develop an interest in something else. . . BTW get rid of all your stash and do not have any available.
just stop.i know its hard because its a addiction but get help or something.dont let it control you.
I need to quit smoking maryjuana? -