Any tips on how to quit smoking? -

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Any tips on how to quit smoking? -

I have made several attempts to quit i was able to for a couple of weeks in october and i-ve gone back and forth from quitting and continuing to smoke my dad says not to worry about but i don-t want to die from lung cancer i kind of worry about too much i just want to be able to quit cold turkey so i can keep healthy thanks guys!
Smoking is an emotional suppressant. The act of smoking keeps you from feeling unpleasant emotions that you are carrying inside of you. Be prepared that when you quit, you will be overwhelmed with every emotion you suppressed while smoking. The reason so many smokers go back to smoking is because they can-t handful unpleasant feelings or situations without smoking. Learn some positive coping skills, find a good counselor, get massage therapy, exercise. Do anything but SMOKE and EAT when you quit. Oh, and don-t forget to cry, because you will, probably for several months. Good luck! I quit after 22 years.
think about your appearence.

when you smoke your teeth turn all brown and ugly and ****

and honestly that is the ugliest thing that could happen to a person.
Don-t smoke. Plain and simple. I quit about a month ago and like you it was the fear of lung cancer that drove me to quitting. I read that on average, when one receives a diagnosis of lung cancer you have 6 months to live. Can you imagine getting that news? Just quit cold turkey. You can do it. Just dont smoke.
hi Alice in chains..

wow been there done that... it does in fact, take multiple attempts for most folks to quit.. i know in my case, it took the better part of 5 years before i actually was able to quit.. while cold turkey is one way of doing it, many folks find other methods use full..

i know for me the one thing that finally worked was to quit trying quit alone.. i joined a support group, and follwed thier advise.. i attend meetings of Nicotien Anonymous, both locally, and on line.. on line voice meetings are as close as your computer, and your welcome to attend meetings, before actually attempting a quit.. however you decide to quit good luck there is simply no wrong way to quit!!!

Nicotine Anonymous is a Non-Profit 12 Step Fellowship of men and women helping each other live nicotine-free lives. Nicotine Anonymous welcomes all those seeking freedom from nicotine addiction, including those using cessation programs and nicotine withdrawal aids. The primary purpose of Nicotine Anonymous is to help all those who would like to cease using tobacco and nicotine products in any form. The Fellowship offers group support and recovery using the 12 Steps as adapted from Alcoholics Anonymous to achieve abstinence from nicotine.
I quit smoking after getting some tips from a friend. I recently wrote an article at ehow on how to quit. You can check out the article here...…

It-s about breaking the habit before you quit, which makes it a lot easier on you when you do decide to quit. The tips that I got from my friend about breaking the habit is the only reason why I was so successful. I know that many people are trying to quit right now and I wanted to do my best to help. I hope that my article helps you to quit. Best of luck.
Think about doing it for someone u love- family,friends,etc. Smoking polutes and can harm everyone nearby. Hey-res special quit smoking lozenges available now in stores. IF its habit, try reading, sucking on candy or some other comfort to use when u want to smoke. It-s a great choice to stop, be encourages thinking of being healthier. Smoking is bad, thinkof what-s in cigarettes: tar, poisonous chemicals, cancer causers, nasty stuff you-d never think of eating or being around and be grossed out by the idea eventually.

HERE-S A GREAT SITE to step by step quit:…

Tips For Quitting Smoking sites: Free Information - Resources to help you find your Path to Success.
Stop Smoking Quitting Can Be Different This Time - Discover an Approach.
Stop Smoking Treatment Try Nicorette White? Ice Mint Gum. Calm Cravings And Stop Smoking Now.
Search ResultsSmoking and Tobacco Use :: How to Quit Smoking :: Office on ...
May 29, 2009 ... A free, phone-based service with educational materials and coaches that can help you quit smoking or chewing tobacco. ... - Cached - Similar
git into a game or something, when u killing zombies or aliens u don-t think about much else
or try to git a hobby like a sport or a yo-yo, some thing fun.
When u busy doing something u enjoy u forget about the need to smoke
hope it helped :)
Due to the unpleasantness of the withdrawal symptoms, many people who try to quit smoking end up replacing the cigarettes with some other type of addiction. This may be an addiction to prescription medication, such as sleeping tablets or tranquilizers, or an addiction to food. While you will definitely experience the health benefits of giving up nicotine, no one wants to replace one addiction with another!

A healthy diet, adequate exercise as well as natural and holistic treatments such as acupuncture, massage and herbal and homeopathic remedies can also help the smoker overcome nicotine addiction. Herbal and homeopathic treatments are a safe and effective means to reduce nicotine cravings (without giving you more nicotine) and will also help to prevent weight gain and alleviate anxiety and irritability. Basically, natural and holistic treatments not only lessen the urge to smoke, but also help you to restore balance in your body.

There are a number of ingredients such as Avena sativa, Garcinia cambogia and Gotu Cola (Centella asiatica) which will help to address the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal. They reduce nicotine cravings and balance the mood.

Get detailed info on these here…

if you quit for a couple of weeks thats really good. and dont worry it usually takes the average person several attemps to quit so just stick with it, try finding a new hobby or something to keep your mind occupied, good luck
no you cant it-s addicting
If you already know the bad consequences of smoking then you should leave it.
Just think of bad things happened by it.
You can find some nice articles on quitting here:
Stop buying cigarettes.
Any tips on how to quit smoking? -