Does my partner have the right to ask me to quit smoking? -

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Does my partner have the right to ask me to quit smoking? -

We have ben together for 2 years and she wants me to quit smoking. She knew I smoked when we met and she started smoking agian shortly after we got together. She has quit recently and wants me to also. For health reasons, she says..
What do you think?????
After 2 years, you should know if she-s sincere and has your best interest at heart. So maybe she is selfish a bit and doesn-t like the second-hand smoke risk. She went your route for a bit, why not try her way now. It could be good for you. How great would that be? This is a win-win situation. Good luck.
It would be better for your health indeed, but as a former smoker of about 30 years (3 months quit) it is not her decision and I understand she cares for you but if you go on the outside and smoke away from non-smokers it should not be an issue that keeps others harping on you. Ask but for goodness sake do not make a smoker feel as if he is committing a mortal sin for smoking, and besides you only make the decision to quit when you are ready. Good Luck
Yes, she can ask you to quit. But it is your health and your choice. You can be kind and go outside and smoke. That would be respecting her space and supporting her during a difficult time while she is working on not smoking. I am a former smoker, my partner is not a smoker at all. I used to go back and forth with smoking, but I decided to stop for her health and mine, not because she asked me. It never got to that point.
she can ask you to quit....but that doesnt mean you have to do it........
Well she-s probably asking you to quit because she is concerned about you.I keep telling people around me that i care about to quit smoking..You know it has nothing to do with you.But I-ve watched this one lady die of lung cancer from smoking and that-s not a pretty site. This lady was so uncomfortable and you could tell. She couldn-t breathe for nothing and she was on like 8 leaders of oxygen..So look at it this way. She doesn-t want you to get lung cancer. Trust me it-s not a pretty site.Plus the second hand smoke why should she have to breath it in if she doesn-t smoke? As for does she have that right yes i do believe she should have that right. You are polluting her lungs as well as your own. Good luck and i hope this website will help you better understand what i am trying to say..Good luck and God Bless!!
she can ask you. but its you what you choose...she-ll ask you if you love me then do it for me..
All she can do is make the request of you. Yes she is making this request because she cares for you, but quitting smoking is a very personal thing and hard. It is your choice and no one can force you to do it. I will warn you that if she feels very strongly about it she will give you ultimatums. Be ready.
she just doesn-t want you DEAD
Yes,, for your good health she can tell you so, it-s better you too to quit smoking.
I think your partner cares enough about herself - and you and the relationship - to have quit. This is why she wants you to quit smoking as well.
Does my partner have the right to ask me to quit smoking? -