What is the most effective method to quit smoking for good? -

Sunday, March 26, 2006

What is the most effective method to quit smoking for good? -

Its not just the nicotine. Its also the other 50+ chemicals they out in cigarettes. Also the main problem is habit.
We have been used to having body sensations which we translate as -my body needs something, which we have attempted to satisfy by having a cigarette.
When we try to stop smoking, we still get these -my body needs something- sensations, and we still feel that we want a cigarette. We have to train our body to be more selective. When we feel we need something, we have to work out what it is that we actually need.
A glass of water is an excellent substitute if nothing else comes to mind, as it helps with the clearance of the toxic substances in our body. Another good substitute is a bag of salted peanuts, used in combination with the water.
Another thing to do is to find an activity which occupies the mind or body. Go swimming - nobody wants to smoke while they are swimming. Slowly, as our body adjusts and translates the -want something- feelings into something other than cigarettes, then the feelings begin to go away. We know its not a cigarette that the body really needs, because as soon as we-ve had one we still have the feeling, and want another!
i have to agree with others -- when you really want to stop you will. i was physically ill for 2 months. your body does crazy things.
This method works for me and is the only money back guaranteed.
I quit smoking 2 years ago

Get the Facts
Easyway, founded by Allen Carr in 1983, has the highest independently verified 12-month success rate (75.8% for a smoker completing the program) of any quit smoking technique and a 90% satisfaction rating.

Compare Easyway to other methods and see for yourself why Easyway is called “The Cadillac of quit smoking methods.”

The Allen Carr Method

Using psychotherapy, the method works in the opposite way to the “willpower” method. It does not concentrate on the reasons the smoker should not smoke : the money, the slavery, the health risks and the stigma. Smokers know all that already. Instead it focuses on why smokers continue to smoke in spite of the obvious disadvantages.

It is fear that keeps smokers hooked!

Fear the smoker will have to give up their pleasure or crutch. Fear the smoker will be unable to enjoy life or handle stress. Fear the smoker will have to go through an awful trauma to get free. Fear the smoker will never get completely free from the craving.

The Method removes these fears
Smokers quit with the Allen Carr Method as happy non-smokers, not feeling deprived but with a huge sense of relief and elation that they have finally achieved what they always wanted….


What about the terrible withdrawal pangs from nicotine?

The physical withdrawal from nicotine is so slight that most smokers don’t realise that they are addicts. What smokers suffer when they try and quit using other methods is the misery and depression caused by the belief that they are being deprived of a pleasure or a crutch.

The Allen Carr Method removes this feeling of deprivation.
It removes the need and desire to smoke. Once the smoker is in the right frame of mind and they follow the simple instructions, the physical withdrawal from nicotine is hardly noticeable.

No Gimmicks!

The Method does not use any gimmicks, useless aids or substitutes. No nicotine gum, patches, lozenges, tabs, inhilators or nasal sprays! No needles! No lasers! No drugs! No herbs! No shock treatment!

The Allen Carr Method is successful because:

It removes the smokers’ conflict of will.
There are no bad withdrawal pangs.
It is instantaneous and easy.
It is equally effective for long-term heavy smokers and light smokers.
You need not gain weight.
You will not miss smoking.

Medical Endorsements

A personal view from Professor Judith Mackay MBE, JP, FRCO (Edin), FRCP (Lon), World Health Organisation Advisory Panel on Tobacco and Health

“I have no hesitation in supporting Allen Carr’s work. Many clinics use some of his techniques but it would appear that few do it in quite such a successful package.”

Carole Johnson, Coronary Heart Disease Prevention Unit, Tyne Tees

“his success rate was such that, when budgets allow, we continue to use Easyway for work with specific groups and individuals.”

Dr Anil Visa BSc, MBBch., FRCA, Consultant – Royal Hospitals NHS Trust – Royal London Hospital

“I have observed the Allen Carr method at first hand and have found it to be very successful and I wholeheartedly support it as an effective way to quit smoking.”

Dr William Green, Head of Psychiatric Dept, Matilda Hospital, Hong Kong

“It is a remarkable fact that Allen Carr, on his own admission a non-professional in behaviour modification, should have succeeded where countless psychologists and psychiatrists holding postgraduate qualifications have failed, in formulating a simple and effective way to stop smoking.”

Dr Martin Jarvis, Principle Scientist, Imperial Cancer Research
Fund and Reader in Health Psychology, University College London

”...I am more than happy to testify to Allen Carr’s enduring involvement and to recognise the value of the kind of behavioural and cognitive support he provides.”

Dr PM Bray MB CH.b., MRCGP

“I was really impressed by the method. In spite of the Allen Carr organisation’s success and fame, there were no gimmicks and the professional approach was something a GP could readily respect. I would be happy to give a medical endorsement of the method to anyone.”

Celebrity Endorsements

-His method is absolutely unique, removing the dependence on cigarettes, while you are actually smoking. I’m pleased to say it has worked for many of my friends and staff.”
Sir Richard Branson

“Some friends of mine who had stopped using Allen Carr’s method suggested I tried it. I did. It was such a revelation that instantly I was freed from my addiction. Like those friends of mine, I found it not only easy but unbelievably enjoyable to stay stopped.”
Sir Anthony Hopkins

Nictone gum
the only way to effectively quit smoking is to determine that you truly want to stop. that is it. all other methods can be helpful but ultimately unsuccessful unless your mind is made up.
Go cold-turkey. It will be hell for a couple of weeks (especially day 3, day 7, and day 12), then it gets easier. It-s the only way. Lots of other programs say they can help, but none really do. If you truly want to stop smoking, just stop smoking.
The best method that I have heard of to help kick the habit is Welbuturin. It is an anti anxiety medication that tends to make you sick if you smoke while taking it. So it really helps you to quit by taking away the anxiety and making you sick if you do smoke. When you do quit your lungs will start a healing a process that does produce a lot of mucus that can and usually does cause a mild case or bronchitis.
You have to allow enough time for the addictive chemicals to leave your body. About 3 months and the cravings become manageable. Use nic gum,regular gum,eating some more food or any thing else but smoking to ease your cravings.
What is the most effective method to quit smoking for good? -

Inexpensive ways to quit smoking. cold turkey not and option? -

Inexpensive ways to quit smoking. cold turkey not and option? -

Im in really bad shape and im young, need some tips.
Create a reason to quit smoking. Set a Quit date, Have a quit buddy. Personal tip have a friend that is quitting, do it together. Come up with a game plan for situation that will come up. Or try searching for homeopathic remedies products that will help you to quit smoking naturally.
i think gradually quitting would be the best
even though it might take more time, and you-ll need to be patient and disciplined. Like if you smoke a pack a day (20 cigs) cut down to 19 for the next week, 18 the next and keep decreasing by 1 cigarette each week, if you feel yourself struggling stay at a plateau for 2 weeks instead of just 1, but don-t pracrastinate too much or it will never happen.
My brother quit cold turkey and its the first time i-ve actually heard of it working. He would however, go outside at the same time when he used to smoke and take a quick break, and he-d hold his chapstick up to his mouth as if he were smoking. It-s more of a mental thing, and getting over the habit of taking a break from work or riding in your car, and having something up to your mouth is what-s hard to get over. But idk, i-m a current smoker and if and when i quit this would be the approach i would take in order to quit.
Good luck!
Cold turkey is the best option. I did it. The first couple of days are rough but after that it gets better. After ten days there is no nicotine in your blood. The other options put nicotine into your system and you are hating life wanting more nicotine. Believe me quitting is not a huge mountain to climb, it-s just a little hill and if I can do it anyone can.
Its good you have the willpower that is one of the most important thing. Maybe ask your family doctor or GP.

They could get some lozenges, patches or gum on prescription if it is really bad.
will power, mental strength and keep ur hands busy buy doing things like playing games and or tie ur hands behind your back and ask someone to take care of u
Inexpensive ways to quit smoking. cold turkey not and option? -

Planning to quit smoking. Advice/guidance required? -

Planning to quit smoking. Advice/guidance required? -

As we are approaching 2010, I am making a resolution to quit smoking. I would love ex-smokers to help me out with this. Also others who have hit upon this subject anywhere please help.
thanks in advance and help me to be smoke free from 2010
1. Deep breathing, perhaps the single most powerful - important technique: Every time you want a cigarette, do the following. Do it three times.
Inhale the deepest lung-full of air you can, - then, very slowly, exhale. Purse your lips so that the air must come out slowly. As you exhale, close your eyes, and let your chin gradually sink over onto your chest. Visualize all the tension leaving your body, slowly draining out of your fingers and toes, just flowing on out.
2. Taking In Fluids: The first few days, drink lots of water and fluids to help flush out the nicotine and other poisons from your body.
Remember that the urge to smoke only lasts a few minutes, and will then pass. The urges gradually become farther and farther apart as the days go by.
3. Stay away from alcohol, sugar - coffee: Do your very best to stay away from alcohol, sugar and coffee the first week or longer, as these tend to stimulate the desire for a cigarette. Avoid fatty foods, as your metabolism will slow down a bit without the nicotine, and you may gain weight even if you eat the same amount as before quitting. So discipline about diet is extra important now. No one ever said acquiring new habits would be easy!
Nibble on low calorie foods like celery, apples and carrots. Chew gum or suck on cinnamon sticks.
Stretch out your meals; eat slowly and wait a bit between bites.
After dinner, instead of a cigarette, treat yourself to a cup of mint tea or a peppermint candy.
4.Taking an oral substitute: One can use cinnamon sticks, chewing gum or artificial cigarettes as a substitute. You will mostly find that after the first week of being a non smoker, you would not even need these.
5. Get Exercising: Go to a gym, sit in the steam, exercise. Change your normal routine– take time to walk or even jog around the block or in the local park.
6.Pamper Yourself: Go ahead and join a yoga class or maybe reiki– they are great! Get a 1 hour massage, take a long bath - pamper yourself. Get yourself involved in a hobby.
7. Ask For Support: Ask for support from co-workers, friends and family members. Ask for their tolerance. Let them know you are quitting, and that you might be edgy or grumpy for a few days. If you do not ask for support, you certainly would not get any. If you do, you will be surprised how much it can help. Take a chance- try it and see!
Ask friends and family members not to smoke in your presence. Do not be afraid to ask. This is more important than you may realize.
8. Destroy All Your Cigarettes: On your quit day, hide all ashtrays - destroy all your cigarettes, preferably with water, so no part of them is smoke able.
9. Write It Down: Write down 10 good things about being a nonsmoker - - then write out 10 bad things about smoking. Do it. It really helps.
10. Do not pretend: Do not pretend smoking was not enjoyable– it was. This is like losing a good friend– - it is okay to grieve the loss. Feel that grief, do not worry, it is okay. Feel, - you heal. Stay with it - you can do it!
11. Affirm yourself: Several times a day, quietly repeat to yourself the affirmation, -I am a nonsmoker.- Many quitters see themselves as smokers who are just not smoking for the moment. They have a self-image as smokers who still want a cigarette.
Silently repeating the affirmation -I am a nonsmoker- will help you change your view of yourself, -, even if it may seem silly to you, this is actually useful. Use it!
12. Holding out: Here is perhaps the most valuable information among these points. In Phase 2, the period which begins a few weeks after quitting, the urges to smoke will subside considerably.
However, it is vital to understand that from time to time, you will still be suddenly overwhelmed with a desire for -just one cigarette.- This will happen unexpectedly, during moments of stress, whether negative stress or positive (at a party, or on vacation). If you are unprepared to resist, succumbing to that -one cigarette- will lead you directly back to smoking.
Remember the following secret: in these surprise attacks during Phase 2 - and they will definitely come - do your deep breathing, and hold on for five minutes, and the urge will pass.

This was a bit of help I could provide you as I was very concerned about my father-s smoking habits - these steps really did help him.

Finally, I wish you too a very happy new year - I thank you a lot for the great feedback to my answers.
First of all, you can-t just stop one day, and say, -I am done with smoking for the rest of my non smoking life!- it-s impossible. it-s like learning to walk, first you have to know how to stand up and put all your weight on your feet, then you have to know how to transfer your weight to each one without falling. You just have to smoke less each day. It really depends on how much of a smoker you are. If you don-t smoke that much, just keep one pack with you as long as you can, don-t smoke until you really need to, and try to avoid being around smokers. You also need someone to be there for you, helping you end this decision you made. That someone needs encourage you on your amazing choice (which is quitting smoking) and be there to beat your butt when you try to smoke one (not literally). Try those patchs and gum, but don-t get addicted to chewing something, since you don-t want to be addicted to chew or gum either. Tell yourself, when I-m dead, do I really want to know that I wasted my life killing it, instead of enjoying the beauty and greatness of life? You can also tell yourself to be strong. If you keep smoking, you will be a coward. I mean, you were so weak that you couldn-t even stop a little thing called smoking, that isn-t only killing you, but killing everyone and everything, including the earth (I-m not joking at all what I said including the earth), around you! If you don-t want to quit smoking for yourself, do it for everyone around you. be a good influencer to the people influencing.
I-m not a smoker or a past-smoker but my advice might help you a lot, maybe.

First bit of advice:
Attend/call a smoking helpline.

Second bit of advice:
Wear a rubber band, so when you get the urgent to smoke a cigerette then you pull the rubber and it will hit your wrist and then over time it will give you a lot of control over the smoking situation.
Well, I-ve never been a smoker so I can-t speak from personal experience but I got my brother this as a Christmas present in the hopes that he-ll quit.

They have a new device called an e-cigarette. The way it works is it looks just like a real cig but is all electronic. The tip lights up when you inhale and has the battery that you recharge in a case that looks like a cig box. It has a vapor cartridge that has flavored water vapor that looks just like smoke so when you inhale it-s like you-re really smoking but without all the poisons. I got him this because a lot of smoking is the actual motion and being able to go and hang with other smokers and such so I-m hoping he-ll use this instead of real ones. They cartridges are refillable in various flavors and with several nicotine levels so you can step down like the patches do.

It costs about $60 for a good starter kit and you buy refill cartridges but they each last as long as several packs of cigs so the actual cost isn-t that bad. I got him the Blu E-Cigs that you can search for but any e-cigs would do the job.

If you click the source link, it has a video that explains better than I could about how it works.
*pats on back


like diets, you can make a log for every ciggerate you take,
look back at it, than be ashamed, that should REALLY motivate
you to quit. once you realize how much money and time your wasting,
you should probably buy that gum patch thingy-s.
you could get addicted to something else other than
cieggerates, like normal gum? bag of chips?
or something from the corner store,
so everytime you go in there for ciggerates,
instead, by the other thing. (chips, gum or a snack)
it might lead to weight gain.. but that takes a couple of weeks to fix.
you can make a deal with a family member,
everytime you smoke a ciggerate you have to do something
for the person you made a deal with..like,
my dad did this, and it didnt work Btw.
every time he smokes, i get a bag of hot cheetohs.
it lasted for a month, when i say -lasted- i mean, he stopped buying the chips.... -.-
you should burn all the ciggerates you have right now on you.
throw them away or drop them in water.
i heard with every ciggerate you smoke,
thats one day gone from your life.
im pretty sure its not true...
good luck

(sorry about the spelling,im 13, its 1:47 am, and im tired, PeAcE)
as a matter of fact i will have 6 years nicotine free on the first of the year..and i did it with the help of ex-smokers, and those who are quitting!! hows that for an answer.. good luck, and i hope welcome aboard!!

the good news is that i now have been quit for over 5 years.. i quit trying to quit alone, and joined a support group.. i attend nicotine anonymous meetings both locally and on line.. on line voice meetings are he as close as your computer, and you can attend while still smoking, before actually attempting a quit.. however you decide to quit good luck, there is simply no wrong way to quit!!

Nicotine Anonymous is a Non-Profit 12 Step Fellowship of men and women helping each other live nicotine-free lives. Nicotine Anonymous welcomes all those seeking freedom from nicotine addiction, including those using cessation programs and nicotine withdrawal aids. The primary purpose of Nicotine Anonymous is to help all those who would like to cease using tobacco and nicotine products in any form. The Fellowship offers group support and recovery using the 12 Steps as adapted from Alcoholics Anonymous to achieve abstinence from nicotine.
Yay you! I MADE my boyfriend quite smoking. Don-t get me wrong, he wanted to, but I pushed and shoved him to. Some people need that.
1. Don-t do that - After this last one - crap. If you-re going to do it, do it. Your probably doing it right now. Isn-t it sad that your life is enslaved to that plant. Show it who-s boss in your life! YOU ARE!
2. You need support. A loved one, significant other, whatever. If your around people who smoke, forget it. I-m not saying dump your friends because they smoke, but until you become a confident quitter, you don-t need to be -hanging out- with them alone because its just going to entice you.
3. Don-t become dependent on something else to cure another dependency. Go ahead and get some of that fancy gum. At first. But you should really only use one pack. After that, try something else to calm your physical cravings. I-ve heard many people have success with Big Red or similar gum because it mimics the tingling sensation of anti-smoking gum. Also if you get the gum, make sure you read and follow the directions. Its not as easy as just chewing it.

Good Luck
I-ve tried just about every method there is out there and there is only one I can recommend - NLP! It eliminates the cravings.
Gum patches and all the other just did not cut it for me, not to mention cold turkey which was the hardest, I even tried the electric cig and it is just no match to the real thing.
Check out this article:


it’s the one that got me off the cigs and smoke free for GOOD even without gaining weight! :)

Good luck kicking the habit!
Yes! Good going - just don-t be too bummed when you fail. Most of us fail a BUNCH of times - so you just have to quit all the time. Think of quitting as a learning thing. To stay off the cigs you can try some of that gum - or get some mild tobacco leaf like Beachnut and chew some of it. It will get you over the hump without costing too much.

One idea I heard of but never tried was to get the really strong chewing tobacco - the stuff in the little round can - and put that between your toes - it would be absorbed by the skin. Might ruin your socks though.

Anyway - just think of the money you-re going to save! The withdrawals take a long time - they can actually go on for a couple months depending on how long you-ve been smoking. But you just have to observe them calmly.
Hi. I like to hear about people who-s doing that. My advice for you, is to keep your self busy. Have gum at all times and also play with toothpicks in your mouth. I-ve never smoke before, but some people around me have.
Good for you! Try those nicotine gums or patches
Planning to quit smoking. Advice/guidance required? -

I Quit smoking 3 weeks ago today but for the last week or so something strange has been happening? -

Saturday, March 18, 2006

I Quit smoking 3 weeks ago today but for the last week or so something strange has been happening? -

*WARNING* Some of you may find this gross so... ride at your own risk.

I realize that around 2-3+ months after you quit your lungs start to clean themselves out BUT something is going on now for me and it-s only been 3 weeks since I quit. I had been a smoker for 20 years and 1+ pack a day for about 15 years (Menthol). When I would cough up the nasty stuff it was always yellow at most. Now that I quit, about a week ago I started coughing up Dark brown-Dark grey... In all my years smoking I NEVER coughed up anything that dark.

Is this normal this early?
Congratulations! Yes, your on your way back to good health. Do some deep breathing exercises, they-ll help as well.
As long as there is no temperature with the dark color phlegm you should be fine! But if you have any trouble breathing or any pain in your lungs then by all means get them checked out by a M.D.
Same thing happened to me 14 years ago. I think it is normal, but if you have doubts see your doctor. The lungs are incredible organs, they will cleanse themselves. Good luck stopping! It was the hardest thing I ever did! You should be proud!!
not only normal, but it-s great! i know it-s gross, but think of the crap that is no longer in your lungs.

Great job on quitting. I know it-s not easy to end any addiction, so a huge thumbs up for you!
I smoke menthol to. I think its becuse when you were smoking your lungs couldent clean as much out because you were still smoking. Now your lungs are going all out in the clensing prosess because no mmore of that **** gos in your lung so it has more energy and time to get it out.
That s interesting, when i cough all i get is greenish stuff...
yes..it is normal..as you-ve said its cleaning up...that colored things you-ve seen is combination of nicotine and phlegm..going out to your lungs..its very natural
Dont worry ,
Your lungs have tiny hairs all over them and they`e been saturated in tar and unable to force out the grunge ,now you`ve stopped , the hairs are getting back to doing their job ,different times for different people .It started for me at 10 days .I gave it a nudge with a ventolin puffer though .
Your lungs will go back to clean after a few months ,or even less .
Start walking every day .I started trying to walk up a 150mtr hill paddock to a helipad .After a week i could run ,
cheers mate
Your lungs are awesome organs and they-re simply cleaning up. Your windpipe is covered with microscopic hairs called cilia, and they-ve been coated with phlegm, tar and nicotine for all those years.

Just as long as you don-t cough out blood and you don-t have much trouble, its fine.

But if you see some blood, or have trouble coughing them out, go see a doctor bro.
I-m sure you-ll be fine :) very sure :)
In the healthy lung there are small hair-like projections called cilia that clean the lungs by moving mucus up and out. Smoking paralyzes this cleaning system. Your lungs are begining to recover from the inflammation caused by 20 years of smoking abuse. This inflammation is causing your symptoms. Constantly coughing up mucus is a good sign. It shows that this cleaning system is working again. When you were smoking this mucus would just stay in your lungs. When you quit smoking before there has been permanent damage to your lungs then you get better as the cleaning system cleans your lungs. This may take up to a year after smoking stops.
There is nothing wrong, try using -Super Detox,- it will help you clean your lungs, kidney, liver and pancreas. I truly recommended this product, I use it when I stop smoking and help me get all that nasty stuff out. I have to say I liked smoking but now, I really love not smoking. Every time I got sick it would last longer than the usual.

YOur little cilia are working hard and good to clean to clean out your lungs- should be fine- if worried see md- D
I don-t think so. Yellow cough up is not good. You should go see a doctor because coughing up dark brown dark grey could be worst.
i-m a smoker that is planning to quit in the next few weeks...you know how that goes
i never knew that your lungs clean themselves out after smoking. thanks for the heads up!
its cleaning, but you know what, you just saved your life!
your next step is to eat healthy food, vitamin c men!! lung cancer is the number ONE killer worldwide, keep yourslef healthy, wake up atleast 5:30 am everymorning, inhale and exhale for atleast a couple of mins., your lungs must recover from the damages you-d made. gudluck!

P.S. this advice i made is very easy to type, but a 100 times harder to DO than to smoke a stick! so the choice is yours and only YOURS!
it is your body reaction when you stop taking harmful things towards your body. is is so called cleansing action from your body. i suggest you go to get some herbs tea that may make you more comfortable during this period of time. such as thyme, peppermint and chammoile.
I Quit smoking 3 weeks ago today but for the last week or so something strange has been happening? -

Have you sucessfully quit smoking? -

Have you sucessfully quit smoking? -

i-m trying. what worked for you?
First and foremost, you have to really want to quit for good; and you have to actually quit—not just cut back. Set a date a couple of weeks in advance and mentally prepare yourself for it.

Make a list of reasons why you want to stop smoking and keep it with you.

It helps to realize that most cravings last for less than four minutes. If you can fight through the first few days, then the first few weeks (using toothpicks, peppermints, etc), you-ll begin to notice days and even whole weeks without a craving.

I would advise AGAINST the patch and the gum. The long term success rate of those is extremely low.

I-ve found Wellbutrin (Zyban is the same thing) to be the most effective craving control method. After 6-12 weeks on that, I didn-t need it anymore.

16 months smoke free.

Suffering withdrawl...
Yes, its all in your mind......just set a date and decide whole heartedly to quit.....and beleive me you wont need nay patches or treatment for this self treatment.
I did. Two years ago next month. I just went cold turkey, and havent wanted one since. I smoked for 15 years, and I just had enough. They cost too much. It set a bad example for my kids. I had tried to quit before, but couldn-t.

So, I think if you really want to quit, you can.

Here-s what I did, try it:

Set a date that you will quit, and think about it every time you smoke. Mine was a friends wedding - I knew there would be alot of drinking, and therefor alot of smoking - go out with a bang! The next day I wouldn-t have wanted a cig even if I hadn-t quit!
No I haven-t actually open to REAL suggestions, tried patch, gum, and Quest So what works?
Yes. It will be 4 years in April of -06. Bought the patches (Walgreens Brand worked for me). Followed the directions exactly. Used the web based help as much as possible. Had the great desire to quit. Probably most important. You need a very good support system. Can-t do it alone. I was up to two packs a day of Marlboro Reds when I quit.
yes apr 2004 wellburtren300mg
Have you sucessfully quit smoking? -

How does someone quit smoking? -

How does someone quit smoking? -

Things to Keep in Mind
Photo by Borge SandnesTry and pick a good time to quit. Don-t try to quit during the holidays, during finals week, right before a big presentation, or any other time where stress levels are heightened. This will decrease your chances of success and give you an excuse to start smoking again.
You may gain a small amount of weight when quitting smoking. This is normal. Most people gain between 5 to 10 pounds after quitting due to the decreased metabolism that quitting nicotine can cause.[3] Weight gains of more than 10 pounds are usually caused by people substituting food for cigarettes in their diet.
Be prepared to try quitting more than once. Most people are not fully successful the first time they try and need to attempt it a couple of times before they finally quit for good. Don-t get discouraged if you aren-t successful at first. Like anything worth doing, it may take you a few tries to get it right.
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Step 1: Prepare to Quit
Set a quit date. Decide on a day within the next two weeks in which you will stop smoking entirely. You may want to pick a day that has added significance, such as your birthday, wedding anniversary, or the first day of the New Year. If you smoke at work, you may want to consider quitting on the weekend, a vacation, or on a day off.
Remove all tobacco products, ashtrays, lighters and matches from your home, car and office. Having even one pack of cigarettes at your home will make it that much easier to start smoking again.
Notify friends and family that you plan on quitting. Warn them that you may be irritable or have mood swings for a week or two. Ask them to be patient and supportive during the process. If someone close to you smokes, ask that they refrain from smoking around you (or even better - suggest that they try quitting with you).
Talk to your doctor about your decision to quit smoking.[4] Find out if this may have any affects on the medications you are currently taking. You may also want to inquire about medications that may help you overcome the withdrawal symptoms of quitting smoking.
Step 2: Find Medications to Help You Quit Smoking
(Note: All of the medications described in this section have been FDA approved for smoking cessation)[5]
Varenicline: Marketed under the brand name Chantix, Varenicline is a prescription-only medication that helps smokers by blocking the rewarding effects of nicotine, while also helping people deal with the withdrawal symptoms of quitting. For more information, see the Official Site.
Bupropion SR: Also known as Zyban or Wellbutrin, Bupropion is a medication that is designed to help reduce nicotine cravings and may also relieve symptoms of depression that some people may feel when quitting. Burpropion is not recommended for those with a history of eating disorders or seizures.
Nicotine Replacement Therapies (NRT)
Nicotine Patch
Patch: A nicotine patch is a Transdermal Patch which releases a steady stream of nicotine into your bloodstream through your skin. Patches are usually used for a designated period of time (16-24 hours) and are available in differing strengths (depending on how many cigarettes you smoked). One of the benefits of the patch is that it provides a constant stream of nicotine to the system so that nicotine levels in your system stay consistent throughout the day.

Amazon: Nicotine Patches (Partner)
Nicotine Gum
Gum: Nicotine gum is a replacement therapy that allows nicotine to be delivered to the bloodstream by being absorbed by the tissues in your mouth. Users of nicotine gum may chew anywhere from 10 to 30 pieces a day, or may just have one anytime they feel a craving to smoke. Just like the patch, nicotine gum is available in different strengths. Nicotine gum often works well for people who have an oral fixation, or a psychological dependence on the physical act of smoking.

Amazon: Nicotine Gum (Partner)

Nicotrol Nicotine Inhaler

Inhaler: A Nicotine inhaler allows the user to take small puffs of nicotine (as needed) from a small inhaler, without the harmful Carbon Monoxide found in cigarette smoke. Good for administering small doses of nicotine when cravings arrive. Also, inhalers also help by mimicking the act of raising a cigarette to your lips.

Commit Nicotine Lozenge

Lozenge: Nicotine lozenges come in the form of a hard candy which slowly dissolves in your mouth while releasing nicotine into your bloodstream. As with nicotine gum, lozenges deliver nicotine to the brain quicker than the patch, making it easier to respond to specific and powerful nicotine cravings.

Amazon: Nicotine Lozenges (Partner)
How does someone quit smoking? -

Has anyone taken chantix to quit smoking? -

Friday, March 17, 2006

Has anyone taken chantix to quit smoking? -

Did it work? any side effects? would you reccomend it to someone else?
I have been taking it for 107 days and have been quit for 100. Like all drugs there could be side effects, but most of them can be handled using different methods. Some people complained of nausea; I find that if I take it after I have eaten there seems to be no nausea. The biggest complaint I have heard has been the insomnia or restless sleep. These too pass after time.
Yes I took Chant ix for almost the first - it didn-t seem to help the smoking but it made me very nausous, not actually throwing up but close; I had to lie down or go take deep breaths of fresh air. This happened to a very good friend of mine also. Needless to say I quit taking it. I would tell others to pay attention when they start taking it as at first I didn-t realize that it was making me ill - not something else.
Has anyone taken chantix to quit smoking? -

Why am I always sleepy after Ive quit smoking? -

Why am I always sleepy after Ive quit smoking? -

Your body is going through withdrawls from a lack of nicotine...it-s normal to feel this way until your body gets use to the absence of the nicotine.
weired because my husband is acting like he is wired! he wont stop fidgeting!well its all because of the nerves in the body are reacting to the body.
body is over working to get the toxins out of ur lungs and blood. give it some time , drink a : lot of water:

I quit year ago , i didn-t feel the craving at all aftr i don- know 1 week maybe ?
anyway , it-s good now..if you know what I mean..
Did you, by any chance, make sure you went to bed early and get in that habit when you quit? I did (I-m back to smoking though) but psychologically it was best for me to go to bed early to keep from wanting a cig......so you may have just got into that sleeping pattern. I may be off the mark here as you didn-t state what you-ve done to quit....but GOOD FOR YOU!!! It may very well be psychological though.
I just recently quit and didnt have that symptom. According to many sites about quitting smoking, being tired is a common side effect and should go away after about 10 days.
When you smoke, chemicals in the cigarette cause a euphoria, or sleepy feeling, in the body. It-s a reaction to the drugs in the tobacco.
What are you smoking?
Probably because nicotine is a stimulant. Better to be sleepy than have cancer.
it-s a stimulant.
Nicotine stimulates the brain
Why am I always sleepy after Ive quit smoking? -

How can I quit smoking? -

How can I quit smoking? -

I-ve tried quitting cold turkey countless times to no avail.
I quit a long time ago. I found that I had to change all my activities that I associated with smoking - for me - chatting on the phone was one big thing that I always smoked. So for the 1st yr., I couldn-t chat on the phone for too long or the cravings would get too strong. Also, after eating a meal, I craved a cigarette, so I had to get up and do something.

Really, when you-re trying to quit anything, you can-t just quit and be dormant, you have to replace that activity with another activity to keep busy and keep your mind off of it. Try things that are more active like going for a walk or doing something with your hands etc. For the first little while, it might be a bit frantic, but jump on a treadmill if you have to or go biking or do something that will really burn off that extra anxiety of going without. Anything you-re trying to quit has to be replaced with some other activity otherwise, that ritual is still there. We all have particular times and events that we associate with a certain activity so leaving that time period blank gives you too much time to give in to tempation. It also leaves a bit of a hole.

I also did something else - I used to carry an unopened (still in the shrink wrap) pack of cigarettes around with me all the time. And I used to say to myself that I could have one later if I wanted to. I know that most people may not be like that but for me, it was too hard to not have them -then I would crave them even more. If I had them with me (unopened) then I felt more comfortable and I could just keep postponing it until I finally had gone a whole year. If you think this might work for you, just beware of other people asking you for a smoke - if you open that pack for someone else, your will power will go out the window carrying an open pack with you.

You might even find that some of your friends may change. It-s surprising how much of an activity smoking really is. Especially just lounging around having a smoke. You might make a few new friends in an active crowd.

And you-ll be quite surprised how much more money you have in your pocket to do other things.

Good luck!!! :)
have a strong determination to quit! you know full well that smoking only gives you temporary feelings of relief and could give you a life time problem with your respiratory system...

if you have problem doing it alone, ask your friends to help you(that if they are non-smokers :P)...

don-t listen to the guy who first answered your question, he-s gonna die eventually of lung problems [j/k]^^
just decide that you dont want to do it anymore, every time you crave a cigarette remember any reason you think to smoke is just an excuse and is not valid.

dont do anything thatll make you want to smoke, like dont try chewing gum, when i did it it reminded me i smoked.

find something else to do. heres a few things you can use to -replace the habit-

if you find yourself smoking on breaks or whatever, just find something else to pass the time, buy some cards maybe.

if you need something in your mouth you can carry around flavored toothpicks maybe.

if you have the -need a cig after a meal- try -have a small glass of water after a meal followed by a mint or desert-. you know how hard it is to smoke when you have minty breath or a chocolate aftertaste.

the biggest thing is just to decide to quit and decide that you want to stick with it. ive quit before and its lasted long enough to break it as a habit, recently ive found myself um, lets just say the pack i bought last week still has cigs left in it, and i havent had a single one all day.

also tobacco use increases the risk of heart disease and stroke, this doesnt seem like a big deal, but if you know what its like to feel like youre about to die and your hearts freaking out, or if you get lung troubles and can barely breathe, it kinda turns you off. i had some bad panic attacks that made me realize if they were nothing, how serious a heart attack or lung disease must be. most of the time i want to pick up a cig i think how bad it could lead to and it really turns me off to it.
You can buy nicotine gum or the patches from the store. You can also ask your doctor for something like welbutrin or chantix. All of these methods have you start the medication and pick a date, like 3 weeks from now, and you stop smoking on that date. The medications just help to curve the craving, you still have to be determined.
just be aware that you have to stop smoking and you will do anything to do so. throw away all the cigarettes you have in your house and avoid any passing the cigarettes- store. always pray and if you desire to smoke just eat candies or bubble gum. you may want to get busy so you can also avoid smoking like going to the gym or mountain hiking. good luck!
could try this book... its worked for many. He doesnt tell you what you already know or try to scare you out of it, cuz you-ll just want another.. he puts things in a different perspective.

Allen Carr-s easy way to quit smoking...
Try setting a date - not too far in the future, and sticking to it.
And use a nicotine replacement product. I used an inhalator.
3 years now.

Good luck
If you want to quit smoking visit http://www.stopsmoking4good.org or email me at stopsmoking4good@yahoo.com
smoking is good for your health havent you heard. why on earth would you quite.
sew your mouth up that works unless you like smoking thru your nose
How can I quit smoking? -

Is it true that if you quit smoking your lungs will heal and clear up within four years? -

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Is it true that if you quit smoking your lungs will heal and clear up within four years? -

Or does it take a longer or shorter period of time? Does it deppend on how long you-ve been smoking?
No. For a doctor to never be able to tell that you have smoked takes about 15 years. But everyday you don-t smoke is a good thing :)
Your lung never repair the damage it-s too great.
luke, a recent breakthrough research in medical science has just proved that doing research on rats causes cancer in them. This means whatever they have so far proved by doing research on rats or humans is all utter bullshit. Never believe the modern medical science.

In ancient medical practice, it was the patient who was treated and not the disease. By this we mean that for each individual patient, the effects and treatment should differ considerably. One should not treat a particular condition or cause, but the general well being of the whole person should be the objective and the method of treatment should focus on this.

I can show a number of cases of lungs heal and clear up (1) within four months after quit smoking, (2) four decades after quitting smoking and (3) not much considerable harm effects even without quitting smoking. I know a 82 yr old chain smoker

Depending up on what type of a body and mind you have got, your chances of having bad effects, healing and clearing up bad effects and overall effect on your well being from quitting/smoking differ considerably (it is ridiculous to generalize and come up with a general case for the average human being)
First question: no.

Second question: it depends on how long and how much you-ve been smoking.

Third question: yes.
hopefully when you stop smoking you will have more than 4 years left on your life
luke - the hype on smoking is the biggest non issue ever perpetrated upon us. It was designed to divert our attention by getting us too excited and angry to worry about other -real- issues. 300,000,000 people with 300,000 deaths from heart disease and cancer combined and most every one of these was within the maximum life span of humans. Go figure - and we have lots and lots more smoke and smog from other sources than if we all lit one up at the same time every instant of the day. Their figures have no logic or reason but you are supposed to be too stupid a sheep to see that. Let-s light these so called -experts- up.
In health class the teacher had us read on somking and i did say that if you quit your lungs will get better!!
20 minutes after quitting: Your blood pressure drops to a level close to that before the last cigarette. The temperature of your hands and feet increases to normal.

8 hours after quitting: The carbon monoxide level in your blood drops to normal.

24 hours after quitting: Your chance of a heart attack decreases.

2 days after quitting: Your sense of smell and taste improve.

3 — 4 days after quitting: Your bronchial tubes relax and lung capacity increases, making breathing easier.

2 weeks to 3 months after quitting: Your circulation improves and your lung function increases up to 30%.

If you quit before pregnancy or during your first trimester: Your risk of giving birth to a low birth weight drops to normal.

1 to 9 months after quitting: Coughing, sinus congestion, fatigue, and shortness of breath decrease; cilia (tiny hair like structures that move mucus out of the lungs) regain normal function in the lungs, increasing the ability to handle mucus, clean the lungs, and reduce infection.

1 year after quitting: The excess risk of coronary heart disease is half that of a smoker-s.

2 to 3 years after quitting: Bladder cancer risk is halved; Cervical cancer risk is reduced.

5 years after quitting: Your risk for cancers of the mouth, throat, and esophagus is half that of a smoker-s.

5 years after quitting: Your stroke risk is reduced to that of a nonsmoker 5-15 years after quitting.

10 years after quitting: The lung cancer death rate is about half that of a continuing smoker-s. Your risk of cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus, bladder, kidney, and pancreas decrease.

15 years after quitting: The risk of coronary heart disease is that of a nonsmoker-s.
Is it true that if you quit smoking your lungs will heal and clear up within four years? -

What are the immediate benefits that I will start feeling / notice, after I quit smoking ? -

What are the immediate benefits that I will start feeling / notice, after I quit smoking ? -

The lingering familiar smell of the tobacco cloud will not be hovering over your head or cling to your hair and clothes.The blanket of stench will be lifted and once again you will be able to breath and actually wake up your taste buds. In other words. stop hiding under the pillow of smoke. you are smothering your life away and it could be a self inflicted attempt at suicidal tendencies.
you may find that the air is not as clear as u think i know i smoke and somebody stood next to me nearly made me pule he smelt so bad bo

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That smoking smell. Your lungs will immediately Thank you for it.
Breathe better. Your sense of taste and smell improves tremendously. Your clothes, and body and hair won-t smell of smoke. You-ll feel happy being in control of your life and not some addiction.beyond your control. It-s a monkey off your back. You won-t have the smoker-s cough.
I don-t know about anyone else, but my sense of smell skyrocketed. I could tell if dishes had been left in the sink for a day...I could smell whatever drink had been left in a room without looking...I could smell rain for once! I never had before.
More money :D
your pockets will feel much heavier thanks to all the cash you are saving
It takes awhile but you don-t stink and you can breathe and it takes a while for all that junk to come up from your lungs you can taste food and not pass out going up the stairs and you wont have to dig up money for cigarettes
The fact that you now know you aren-t killing yourself with cigarettes anymore, That should be the #1 thing.

lol - Yeah, More Money in your Pocket!
What are the immediate benefits that I will start feeling / notice, after I quit smoking ? -

Quit smoking? -

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Quit smoking? -

I-ve been smoking since I was 12 now I-m a lot older than 12 actually closer to 40 yrs old.I want to stop way back in my early 20-s I tried the gum but that made me sick.Has anyone here stopped smoking and how did you do it ? I smoke mainly when its late at night like now and during the day when I-m stressed but I want to quit just not sure how to do it.How do the patches work if anyone-s had any luck tell me the brand and symptoms from them like were you tired ,jittery , sick ? I know I can-t just put them down I-ve thought about quitting but now its time and I-m tired of smoking but addicted.
I smoked for 15 years. I had tried quitting many times, but the withdrawl symptoms were so bad that I started back again. I truely believe the tobacco companys are putting more and more nicotene in cigarettes to make us more addicted.
If you really want to quit this is what works. First go to your doctor and have hime prescribe Wellbutrin. Wellbutrin is a anti-depressant but they have also found that it helps to quit smoking. If you do not have a drug card or cannot afford the medication either look up Walmarts website that list the medications that they offer for $4.00 or ask your doctor if he has samples or can get them for you. A lot of doctors have samples they can give to you. When you think about how much you pay for cigarettes the cost of the medication is nothing. I took the Wellbutrin for about 2 months before quiting smoking and less than a month afterwards. When you are feeling confident about quitting find a hypnotist. Either find one who others have recommended or check on the internet to see when a hypnotist is coming to your city and is going to do a group hypnosis for quitting smoking. The one I went to was at the Holiday Inn and they had about 100 people there. I was very unsure with that many people there that it would work for me, but it did!!!! You should actually start looking into finding a group hypnosis or a private one now so you can coodinate the Wellbutrin and hypnotist so you have your quit day in mind . The wellbutrin must be taken first.
I quit 5 years ago. I am completely shocked to this day that I have not had a cigarette, craved one, or thought about it.
The night I got hypnotized the hypnotist told us toward the end of the session to go outside and smoke our last cigarette and then throw our pack out. I was so happy to get one last one that i smoked two in like 5 minutes. I gave a lot away also because some people had already thrown theirs away before the meeting. After the session it was about 11:30 pm . I drove home feelin pretty good but unsure if my brain had obeyed the commands given to it. I went to sleep when I got hame. The next day I keep thinking- where are my cigarettes?- Then I would tell myself- Oh yeah I quit. - That was all that I felt or thought about on the first day. I did not crave one. The second day I did not even wonder where my cigs were. I swear this is the truth. I did not miss or want them at all. I had no withdrawl symptoms what so ever. It was a true miricle. It was even out of my mind. The only thing I felt or thought was WOW, this is so good that it-s crazy. I have talked to people who did hypnosis by itself that worked for a month or a year , but ended up unsuccessful {( I even did hypnosis many years before , but craved them every day , cried for a month and after a year of torture I stated back up while drinking a glass of wine while with a friend who was smoking. I can drink a glass or two of wine and still dont think about it, however I am truely a reformed smoker because the hypnotist told us that we would be physically sick if we are around smoke and my brain was definately listening. If I am in a car that has stale smoke smell my who body tenses up and I am in pain. I have an allergic reaction and my body physically hurts.
The combination of using the two together is a winner answer. I know you can do it!!!! If I could do it than anyone can.
Good luck . If you try this maybe you can go to my 360 page and leave me a comment on how it-s working for you. You can quit I know you can!!!! :)
My fiance quit smoking using Zyban. He got a prescription for Zyban from his Doctor. He said when he took the Zyban he did not even crave smoking or miss it. It really worked for him anyways... Hope you get to quit. Good luck and all :)
Yes, to quit is very hard and I hate when people ex-smokers say I made up my mind and quit cold turkey.........I have never been one of those people......I know that if you go to a medical doctor he may be able to give you a pill (usually an anti-depressant) to help ease some of your cravings.....it worked for a manager of mine. She was able to quit without alot of withdrawals symptoms.
My husband quit with the patch in about a week! You-re supposed to go through the different stages over a length of 10 weeks or so, but it worked so well for him that he was done in a week. He-s been smoke-free for 4 years now.

The brand he used was Nicoderm. It works by wearing it on your skin, and when your body craves nicotine, the blood -sucks- it from the patch, through your skin, and into your blood system. You wear it for 24 hours, and then replace it with a new one each day, changing the location of where it was the day before. It-s good because it activates depending on when you need the nicotine. The reason they do it in stages is because you start off with the patch with the most nicotine, and then it gradually lessens until your body doesn-t need it any more.

It-s a good idea to try to quit. Good luck!
5 years +
I quit with the patch ... go as long as you can with out smoking before putting a patch on, also drink lots of water. If the patch is to strong cut it in half... (you might feel Little light headed for the first week or so) keep it on for 24 hours if you can... don`t put the patch on in the same place this will make your skin red and irritated.... good luck!
hi, I quit smoking 7 years ago. I think it is not a great deal but a effective planning coupled with will force which helped me to get rid of this dangerous habit. In 1999 I used to smoke at least 48 cigarettes a day, but one day I really felt very disgusted about this. So I took a piece of paper and made a plan, 7 am to 11 pm --All total consumed 48 cigarettes. so per hour I smoked 3 cigarettes. Then I did the next day-s planning. Every hour 2 cigarettes, and not 3. Then the next day--3 cigarettes every 2 hours. In that way I wrote down almost a month-s plan and effectively reducing smoking day by day. Then from the next day, I started to follow the plan religiously and I did not feel any great problem to gradually and routine wise reducing smoking. And truly after the month I did not feel the urge to smoke again.
I am sure if you follow this plan, you will also be able to quit smoking. Best of luck.
I have been smoking for 10yrs and I have stopped now for about 2 weeks. I used a combination of Zyban and the patch, Zyban is a Rx drug but it helps allot(you will have to see a doctor for it) and i use the 21mp patch. The brand doesn-t matter they all work the same it is all about you with this combination i have had only 1 craving a day and it will only last for 5min or less. Side effects i feel a little more tired at some parts of the day and i felt more irritable for the first week but now i feel find, my body has gotten used to not having the cigs. but it does takes motivation to want to quit. but so far it has been a lot easier than i had ever thought it would be. Also what helps too is keeping track of how much money you save a day, you-ll be surprised on how much money you save, and if your worried about how much it will cost to quit just add how much it will cost to smoke for the next 5 yrs and compare. so good luck
Cancer will stop smoking! so dont let cancer stop it..save your health right now..choose not to smoke!!
Stop smoking and you will save money not only in not purchasing them, but in doctor bills and loss of income

This is a subject I feel very strongly about. I lost a daughter at an early age because she had Emphysema and smoked until the very end. Her mother suffered the same fate. So stop smoking.

I used to smoke, and I-m not a reformer, but smoking just doesn-t make sense. It-s a very expensive habit that contributes nothing to anyone except the manufacturers.

If you quit smoking you will feel better almost immediately and you-ll be less susceptible to colds and other respiratory ailments.

I also know that it-s very difficult to stop smoking, but it-s well worth the effort.
The number one reason to quit smoking is that it reduces your risks of dying. Death from smoking is preventable. As a smoker, you are at higher risk than a non-smoker of having heart problems and many types of cancers. This includes cancers of the lip, mouth, and pharynx; esophagus; pancreas; larynx; lung; cervix; bladder; and kidney. You are at a higher risk of getting respiratory tract infections (colds), and life-long breathing problems such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). You are at higher risk for developing ulcers, cataracts, and osteoporosis, as well as having medical problems or dying after surgery. Cigarettes are expensive, and smokers have higher medical costs over their lifetime than non-smokers.
Using the Patch to Quit Smoking

A nicotine patch will provide you with small measured doses of nicotine through your skin throughout the day. Switching to different patches over time gradually lowers the doses, until you are finally weaned from nicotine. Nicotine patches can be purchased without a prescription and there are several different strengths available.
The 16 hour patch is recommended for those who are light to medium smokers. This patch is less likely to cause side effects such as sleep problems, a racing heartbeat, headache, and skin irritation. This patch does not, however, deliver nicotine during the night. Therefore, it will not help you with withdrawal symptoms early in the morning.

The 24 hour patch also provides a steady dose of nicotine at all times, thereby helping with morning withdrawal symptoms. More side effects, however, are associated with the 24 hour patch, such as skin irritation and disrupted sleep patterns.

Most smokers start with the full-strength patch, which delivers 15 to 22 mg of nicotine, for four weeks. They then move to a weaker patch of 5 to 14 mg for another four weeks. The patch itself is applied in the morning to a dry, clean area on the body that does not contain much hair. The location should be below the neck, but above the waist. While the FDA has recommended using the patch for 3-5 months, some studies have shown 8 weeks to be just as effective.

Side effects of the patch are often caused by the brand of the patch, the dose of nicotine, skin sensitivity, how the patch is applied, and how long the patch is used. Common side effects associated with the nicotine patch include dizziness, skin irritation, racing heartbeat, headache, sleep problems, vomiting, nausea, muscle aches and stiffness. If any of these occur, you should try switching to a different brand, using a lower dose patch, or using a different form of nicotine replacement. If you are having problems sleeping, give it a few days to see if it improves. If not, switch to a lower dosage.

Using Hypnosis to Quit Smoking

Hypnosis is a form of therapy during which a trained hypnotherapist puts you into a trancelike state. While in this state, you are more open to suggestion. Sometimes, hypnosis is done in addition to other remedies you may be utilizing, but it can also be used alone. On occasion, this form of treatment can be effective in as little as one session.

There are no potential side effects of hypnosis. There is, however, very little research proving if it really works or why it works. Critics of this form of therapy say the hypnosis itself doesn’t work; rather it is the patient’s strong belief in the system that makes it effective. But, of course, it really doesn’t matter why it works if it does help you stop smoking.

so better to quit right now...wish you good health!
Consult Your doctor!
I used to be a smoker too, i still am but i only smoke cigars, which i dont care what anyone says, its safer to smoke a good cigar every couple of days than it is to smoke a pack of cigarettes a day.

anyhow i quit using what is probably a very much frowned upon, and at the least, controversial or laughed at manner... but realistically it works and science backs up my claim. what im talking about is dxm (dextromethorphan) which is the active ingredient in robotussin cough syrup. I used the robotussin pills in 105 mg doses, taking 2x a day and skipping a couple days in between to rejuvinate. in short, at such a dosage level, dxm helps very much by acting on anti nicotinic, serotonergic, nmda, and sigma receptors - this translates into helping you quit smoking with ease.

thats the only method that has worked for me, and ive tried everything else at least a couple times.
Cigarette smoking, and even smoking cigars or a pipe, is one of the greatest risk factors for a heart attack as well as for stroke, lung cancer, and emphysema.
To stop smoking:
Set a quit date. Smoking cessation is most successful when it-s done -cold turkey,- not slowly by reducing the number of cigarettes smoked daily.
Throw them out. Throw away all cigarettes and matches at home, in your car, and at work. Put away ash trays and lighters.
Share your goal. Tell your family and friends you-re quitting and ask for their support.
Avoid triggers. Avoid alcohol, coffee, and other triggers for smoking.
Set a no-smoking policy. Do not allow anyone to smoke in your home or car, and avoid other people when they are smoking.
Get tools. Take advantage of the available stop-smoking aids: nicotine replacements, drug therapy, and counseling. Less than 1 in 10 smokers can quit without some help. Nicotine gums, skin patches, and lozenges are available over the counter. Nicotine nasal sprays and inhalers require a prescription from your doctor. Don-t smoke when using these products.
Get a prescription. Bupropion (Zyban) and varenicline (Chantix) are two prescription-only medications that may help you quit. Start taking one of these drugs shortly before your quit date.
Join a support group. Find a source of individual or group counseling. Counseling alone can be helpful, but it is particularly useful in combination with nicotine replacements or smoking cessation drugs.
Call the Quit Line. Call the National Cancer Institute Smoking Quit Line if you need more help. Their toll-free number is 1-877-44U-QUIT.
Though these measures and help aids considerably boost the chances of quitting, there-s a more than 50 percent chance that a smoker who quits will start again. I hope this doesn-t happen to you, but if it does, don-t give up. Announce another quit date and start stopping again.
Join the Army. You can-t smoke at basic training.
Quit smoking? -

How can i get my bf to quit smoking ? how can i distract him from cigarets? -

How can i get my bf to quit smoking ? how can i distract him from cigarets? -

Good on you for being worried about him. This is a tough situation because at the end of the day it is his choice to whether or not he quits smoking.

All you can do is keep trying to convince him. He knows he should stop, he just doesn-t want to. Smokers are stubborn people (I know because I used to be one of them).

Let him know how much you him. Let him know the pain you will go through if you were to lose him. Have you lost anyone close since you have been together. Does he want to be responsible for putting you through that pain again. Putting him through a big guilt trip is a hard thing to do but it may be your only option.

If you can, try to guide him to our blog. It has some really great ideas and information. This may help.

Don-t listen to those who say stop trying. If you quit trying then he sure as hell won-t quit smoking.

Visit our site to join our inspirational 12 day e-course.

Good Luck
You can-t make him do anything. If he wants to smoke, he will. Unless HE wants to quit, he won-t. People who say they are going to quit because someone else asked them to are lying to themselves. Even if he says he is going to quit to placate you, it just means that he is going to smoke somewhere else.
Focusing on other things ought to help. Try to do things that require your full concentration.

I stopped using snus (for a while ) many years ago. For me the worst part was just after having a cup of coffee or a meal. That-s when I usually took a new pinch of snus, but it was all about the habit of doing so – the actual nicotine addiction just gave me a headache for two days and then that part was over.Then Ive searched the net for this problem ...............
You wanted to be his girlfriend knowing he smoked, now you don-t want a boyfriend who smokes. Well, which is it? You non smokers really have a hard time making up your minds. You just can-t pick somebody, then expect to change them after they are picked. You want a non smoker, you should have went that way in the first place. You either take this one as is, or choose better next time.
I-m sure he would like a girlfriend who doesn-t nag all of the time.
How can i get my bf to quit smoking ? how can i distract him from cigarets? -

Has anyone taken Chantix to quit smoking? -

Has anyone taken Chantix to quit smoking? -

I-m thinking about it and wondering how effective it is.
My sister in law used Chantix to quit smoking after 25+ years, and has not started back up. I have had several patients that have tried it successfully as well. I have heard that it works better than Welbutrin. When combined with a good smoking cessation program and possibly a nicotine replacement such as the patch or gum, it is much more successful than quitting -cold turkey.-
According to the Phizer website, Chantix should be taken for 12 weeks ( www.chantix.com ). They also provide a support plan to help Chantix patients quit at no additional charge.
I have taken Chantix and it really works great...the cravings for a smoke, just aren-t there.....make sure that you take the entire prescription, and they say to take it for 6 months....my insurance only covered 2 goes of it. (so you might want to check with the doctor about coupons they have for $20 off for when your insurance gives you the boot).
For the first week you smoke on them....then you just get a sick feeling in your stomach after that, and you don-t want to smoke....I had problems eating sweets as well (like donuts with my coffee in the morning) it seemed to make my stomach upset....but hey, you don-t gain weight eating a bunch of sweets either. :)
Chantix therapy has proven to be effective in -smokers motivated to quit -


I do not smoke, hence no need of Chantix. But I have seen many of my friends have gone to Chantix or similar one, but majority of them, started smoking again.

I feel, any person who wants to quit a habit needs strong mind. Medicines may help to certain extent, but some people just could not resist. Very strong will power, can only helps to quit a habit.
Chantix is a very effective way to quit smoking with few side effects. For more Chantix information, please click the following link:

Yes, I heard it-s effective. But it costs a bomb, though.
Why not try alternative ways? I read this free guide and have quit for 3 months since.
As a healthcare provider I have prescribed this for a number of my patients. My patients all had good results. I recommend taking the full six months of therapy to resist relapse. It works 100% against nicotine cravings and taking away the pleasure responce that smokers get when they smoke. What it cannot do is take away the -habit- part of smoking. That will take effort on your part. But it is alot easier to stop when you have no cravings.
Has anyone taken Chantix to quit smoking? -

Im trying to kick a nasty habit. How did you quit smoking? -

Im trying to kick a nasty habit. How did you quit smoking? -

After you get past the first 2 days to a week it should be mostly out of your system, so after that it-s just a mental game. If certain things tempt you to smoke too much, try to avoid them. Remember, smoking becomes a routine part of your life, the trick is to break out of that routine, which can be extremely difficult.
you are very smart that you want to quit. i want my daddy to stop but its hard for him hes trying his best. so wat you should do that my dad did and he was so close of quitting is at the gas station there is a type of cigarette that has less nicotene in it and some how it makes you smoke lesser then lesser ir you can go to this doctor that pokes needles on your face to stop and trust me i heard many that it worked! sorry if i am not very good at describing things about smoking i-m just a kid thx!
I am 9 years smoke free after a 2 pack a day 35 year habit. I used Zyban and attended a mandatory 5 session help clinic. You have to get a physical and permission to take Zyban from your Dr. Unlike some people I did not have any problems taking the prescribed dosage of 1 pill per day for the entire 90 days. I quit 12 days into the program. Still want one now and then but it is easier and easier as time rolls on. Good Luck and best wishes.
Nicotine Anonymous is a Non-Profit 12 Step Fellowship of men and women helping each other live nicotine-free lives. Nicotine Anonymous welcomes all those seeking freedom from nicotine addiction, including those using cessation programs and nicotine withdrawal aids. The primary purpose of Nicotine Anonymous is to help all those who would like to cease using tobacco and nicotine products in any form. The Fellowship offers group support and recovery using the 12 Steps as adapted from Alcoholics Anonymous to achieve abstinence from nicotine.
Im trying to kick a nasty habit. How did you quit smoking? -

What is a good way to quit smoking? -

Tuesday, March 7, 2006

What is a good way to quit smoking? -

My grandma Is 72 and she has been smoking since she was 14. She is having trouble breathing. And she wants to quit. help me?
if she can get on a computer get her to a meeting!!!!!

Nicotine Anonymous is a Non-Profit 12 Step Fellowship of men and women helping each other live nicotine-free lives. Nicotine Anonymous welcomes all those seeking freedom from nicotine addiction, including those using cessation programs and nicotine withdrawal aids. The primary purpose of Nicotine Anonymous is to help all those who would like to cease using tobacco and nicotine products in any form. The Fellowship offers group support and recovery using the 12 Steps as adapted from Alcoholics Anonymous to achieve abstinence from nicotine.
The ONLY way to stop smoking is to take the course:

The Only Way to Stop Smoking Easily

No willpower or substitutes required and it works.
Cold Turkey. If she truly wants to quit, all it takes is WILLPOWER.
Nicorette gum should get her through the first few days, or even 2 weeks.
I see older folks quit cold turkey every day. You sound like a wonderful grandson, btw!

Grandma can do it!!! ;p
try patches and chewing gum.
What is a good way to quit smoking? -

Quit Smoking? -

Quit Smoking? -

i quit smoking last night because and i cant stop coughing i feel some nasty chemical air coming out of my lungs and its choking me
what coud it be?
Your lungs start cleaning themselves out during the first 24 hours after quitting smoking. It will get better, just give it time.
Congratulations! Those chemical are in the cigarette tobacco. They even put arsenic in there. It will pas in about 10 days or so. The nicotine craving will physically pass in 48 hours. After that, it-s a mental affair. Contact the dimension of yourself that goes beyong your ego. You-ll quit for good that way. Have courage!
my mom quit smoking and about 2 weeks after the first day she quit smoking she was coughing like crazy because of all the gunk you have in your lungs from smoking. but it should get better.
but maybe you should get that checked out.
go here and read what smoking really can do for you:


that could the tar leftover in your lungs from smoking. if it persists you may need to consult a doctor. don-t start up smoking again though. it-ll just get worse. hope this helps! ^_^
I quit 10 months ago and it was the best thing I-ve ever done in my life. Stick with it! It is probably just flem, if it continues after 2 weeks, see a doctor.
It is good that you wanna quit smoking. it may by some sort of reaction from your respiratory system.
Visit your GP for Investigatethe same
Yes plzz quit because it will help you die faster if you don-t quit and I cant even breathe in smoke
whatever smoking can causee

go to a doctorrrrr
dang..i quit 7 months ago and only smoked for 6 years...i had really no effects..just withdrawals..ugh how long did you smoke for
since you stopped smoking... your body finally has a chance to get rid of all the toxins you were taking in
It-s normal, in a week (maximum) every thing will be ok.
its your lungs cleaning themselves. you-ll be coughing up some flem like stuff too give it a few days it will go away.
Its Tar... its the residue left in your lungs from smoking.
It-s tar and nicotine. Hang in there - don-t go back. You-ve got to give yourself some time to heal.

Good luck!
you quit last night ???
lets talk in 2 days :)
Your soul.
Quit Smoking? -

How do i quit smoking? -

How do i quit smoking? -

ive been smoking for years, but i dont know how to quit. do i just leave my cigarettes at home? or do i lay them on the kitchen table and stare at them until i have no more interest of smoking?do i just put them in a different pocket to make myself think that i forgot my cigarettes because they arent in my regular pocket? ive tried a lot of ways to stop smoking but i still smoke today. please give me an honost opinion.
The thing with smoking is that it is more of a mental addiction than physical. You are physically addicted to the nicotine for only 3 days. So after that it-s all in your head.

Try gum ,mints, or a piece of candy, or a coffee break. Try to replace your cigarette breaks with another habit such as the gum, etc. So once you are past the smoking, you can just stop eating as much candy or gum. A much eaiser habit to stop. Just don-t switch to drinking or another habit which will need breaking. Besides gum and mints will keep your breathe fresh and minty. :)

Good luck!
hi Trent..

the one thing that worked for me was getting active in a support group.. i am a memeber of Nicotine Anonymous, and attend meetings both locally and on line... on line voice meetings are as close as your computer, and you can attend before actually attempting a quit..

after smoking for over 40 yeears i have now been quit for over 5 years.. however you quit good lucki, there is no wrong way to quit!!

Nicotine Anonymous is a Non-Profit 12 Step Fellowship of men and women helping each other live nicotine-free lives. Nicotine Anonymous welcomes all those seeking freedom from nicotine addiction, including those using cessation programs and nicotine withdrawal aids. The primary purpose of Nicotine Anonymous is to help all those who would like to cease using tobacco and nicotine products in any form. The Fellowship offers group support and recovery using the 12 Steps as adapted from Alcoholics Anonymous to achieve abstinence from nicotine.
I have been using green smoke for a while now and i can tell u its 100% a healthier alternative than smoking! no carcinogens carbon monoxide or tar, just nicotine and u can use it to ween yourself off if u like....... but the best part is it looks and feels like u are really smoking but its just water vapour!! check out the website and read up on the benefits I-m sure u will be as impressed as i was!!! u can also use this code disc10-7097 to get 10% off the price should u decide to join us green smokers lol hope this helps


try chewing a lot of gum not the nicotine gum but like dentine ice i know a few people that have overcome there addiction using this strategy. The thing about nicotine gum is that your still dependent on the nicotine.
How do i quit smoking? -

Can anyone help me im trying to quit smoking but cant any suggestions? -

Can anyone help me im trying to quit smoking but cant any suggestions? -

need some help been tryin to quit for 2 years
Quitting smoking is a great opportunity to learn about ourselves.
Congratulate yourself on having the desire to stop - then you are over the worst, but still need to maintain your resolve. It-s just so easy to start thinking that just one won-t hurt, but it does. Just one achieves nothing except feeling the need for another. Whatever you do, don-t have just one. Beware - alcohol will weaken your resolve.
Here-s a few home-brewed tips that might be useful.
It-s not just nicotine addiction - there are 50+ chemicals in cigarettes. Also the main problem is habit.
We have been used to having body sensations which we translate as -my body needs something-, which we have attempted to satisfy by having a cigarette.
When we try to stop smoking, we still get these -my body needs something- sensations, and we still feel that we want a cigarette. We have to train our body to be more selective. When we feel we need something, we have to work out what it is that we actually need.
A glass of water is an excellent substitute if nothing else comes to mind, as it helps with the clearance of the toxic substances in our body. Another good substitute is a bag of salted peanuts, used in combination with the water.
Another thing to do is to find an activity which occupies the mind or body. Go swimming - nobody wants to smoke while they are swimming. Slowly, as our body adjusts and translates the -want something- feelings into something other than cigarettes, then the feelings begin to go away. We know its not a cigarette that the body really needs, because as soon as we-ve had one we still have the feeling, and want another!
We will have a few bouts of feeling or even being short tempered. We must try to bite our lip, and control; ourselves. Recognise the short temper as being the removal of toxins which are trying to find a way out. They went in through the mouth, and they try to get out that way to. We must learn to keep our mouth closed, and force the toxins out the other way.

After we have stopped for a while we will begin to feel that just one wont to any harm.
All that leads to is a desire for just another one. We must guard very strongly against the desire to have just one.
Two years? In your case, I would suggest the patch even though I-m strongly skeptical about using the killer to stop the killer. That just sounds absurd... sooo... if you really gave a crap about your health, go cold turkey. NOW! I suggest you isolate yourself for two weeks somewhere (forget about your job..) and get through withdrawal. First, though, read up and study sites to find out how you can cope with withdrawal and all the things you can do to curb your cravings.

Think about it... two weeks is all it takes to save your life, and maybe not even the whole two weeks! Stop with the deathsticks! Go take a vacation in the woods. Stock up on food, and breathe in FRESH air for once. I-m willing to bet that extracting your wisdom teeth hurts more, so suck it up and quit.
normally i-d ask my parents if i were you but...if you want to quit smoking...just try not to go near chain smokers and try to put something in your mouth like a pencil instead of a cigar...but the best way is not to go outsie so much and if you-re being tempted to smoke just lock yourself inside your room and try to think of something else or play video games just try to concentrate in doing one thing( not smoking)
Well, I quit smoking one Xmas when I ran out of cigs, and all the stores were closed..so i said -I will teach them all a lesson! I just won-t buy their stupid cigarettes ever AGAIN!- and...so I didnt! That was like..10 years ago.
keep telling yourself that you dont need them.. and eventually, you will lose the desire to smoke..
addiction is a mental thing..
and if your mind is strong, you can quit in a matter of weeks..

good luck mate,
Do like I did Go cold turkey!
Start by smoking less.
Go to your doctor and tell him you want to quit. Ask him to prescribe Wellbutrin (bupropion). It is the exact same medication as Zyban but it costs a lot less and is available in generic form. Zyban is a quite smoking aid. Wellbutrin is an antidepressant, but again they are the exact same medication in the exact same dose. It worked well for me. Stop all withdrawal symptoms and really softened the cravings.

The really cool thing is that you don-t have to quit when you start the Wellbutrin, you can taper down if you like. This is because Welbutrin has no nicotine in it. So you can taper down OR use one of the nicotine replacement therapies . Might be good for you since you have been trying to quit for so long.

Check the link below.
Good luck!


PS: What got me to quit was the fact that I had 5 cardiac bypasses put in on Oct. 4, 2006. So i guess I had some extra motivation. One other thing is that I have to exercise a little each day for my heart. I discovered while taking the Welbutrin, when I did get a craving if I got up and walked down the block and back the craving was gone. Just a suggestion!
started smoking for a very stupid reason. when i was in college some guy was smoking next to me. Stupid me thought i would try one and that would be that. Boy was i wrong. i came home for Christmas and my dad warned me that i would get addicted. I just did not listen. I have smoked on and off for the past 9 years. My doc gave me a new drug called chantix. you keep smoking while you take the first pack of of the drug (i think its 10 days) and than you stop smoking, but keep taking the pills until you are ready to stop. My advice for those who smoke or are thinking about it. DONT even have one cig.. once you do you are hooked and for those who already do smoke. STOP. i know its easier said than done, but you will feel better, you will smell better and most of all..you will live lot longer.
you can minimise the smoking habits by using chewing gums when you feel the sensation for smoking.moreover thing of hating about smoking help you to be free from smoking because as you think as you will .
I used nicotine patch therapy and i quit now 4 years have passed no need of smoking
well, i-ve stopped for 3 months and, yeah, it-s been hell for me...but you just gotta hold on to it, eat sweets, snacks, go and buy lots of them, it helps...and drink a lot of water to wash out all the toxic, make yourself busy all the time, now go! you can do it! go! go! go!
If you currently smoke menthols, try sucking on Hall Eucalyptus Cough Drops. They-ll give you that -menthol- kick that you miss from the smokes. Worked for me very well. (eventually I had to wean myself off the Halls, but it was a lot easier than weaning off the smokes!)
Can anyone help me im trying to quit smoking but cant any suggestions? -

How long should you be dry before trying to quit smoking? -

How long should you be dry before trying to quit smoking? -

This question doesn-t EVEN make sense.
How long should you be dry before trying to quit smoking? -

I quit smoking and look and feel worse? -

I quit smoking and look and feel worse? -

i stopped smoking 8 days ago with the aid of patches but i feel and look worse than ever. I know my body is detoxing but i have gone a strange colour. Kind of ill looking and my skin looks even duller. Ive also got a mysterious white patch of my cheek and the skin is even duller on the white patch.

Ive also got sore eyes, dizziness, itching, joints and muscle aching. apart from that im ok.

Can anyone shed light and advise. TY
Hi Sarah UK

yes.. been there done that.. early recovery is full of surprises, most of them not pleasant...you didn-t mention sleep symptoms, some of us sleep all the time, others have insomnia.. i want to say relax, but know you cant..

congratulation on those 8 days that-s a real big deal, means your on the other side of -hell week-.. and that for any smoker is a miracle regardless of how you did it!!!.

all those symptoms and more are a result of your early quit.. about the only light i can shed is my experience.. and that is, that i owe my over 5 year quit, to participation in a support group.. they answered questions, such as yours, and have given me comfort in time of problems, as well as advise..

I am a member of Nicotine Anonymous, and attend meetings both locally, and on line.. on line meetings are as close as your computer.. (on line meetings are listed in eastern us time, 5 hours difference from gmt.. however our afternoon meetings become your evening meetings)..

Nicotine Anonymous is a Non-Profit 12 Step Fellowship of men and women helping each other live nicotine-free lives. Nicotine Anonymous welcomes all those seeking freedom from nicotine addiction, including those using cessation programs and nicotine withdrawal aids. The primary purpose of Nicotine Anonymous is to help all those who would like to cease using tobacco and nicotine products in any form. The Fellowship offers group support and recovery using the 12 Steps as adapted from Alcoholics Anonymous to achieve abstinence from nicotine.
Most of those symptoms seem about right for withdrawal. It totally sucks but is completely worth it in the end. I have attached a link to a site that lists normal symptoms, as well as some things you can do to avoid cravings.

Good luck and good job!!!
GOOD FOR YOU!! The first two weeks are a killer. I definitely hope you make it. In time you will feel much better and believe it or not you will look better. You will lose that dried skin look and you will be much happier and healthier. Hang in there and I wish you success..
Well I hear that when people first quit they can suffer physically from withdrawal and feel ill for a while as the craving leaves. Props to you for quitting though! Best of luck with it.
It will take months before your body stabilizes. HANG IN THERE!!!!!!!!
maybe you should wait a while
I quit smoking and look and feel worse? -