How can i get my bf to quit smoking ? how can i distract him from cigarets? -

Saturday, March 11, 2006

How can i get my bf to quit smoking ? how can i distract him from cigarets? -

Good on you for being worried about him. This is a tough situation because at the end of the day it is his choice to whether or not he quits smoking.

All you can do is keep trying to convince him. He knows he should stop, he just doesn-t want to. Smokers are stubborn people (I know because I used to be one of them).

Let him know how much you him. Let him know the pain you will go through if you were to lose him. Have you lost anyone close since you have been together. Does he want to be responsible for putting you through that pain again. Putting him through a big guilt trip is a hard thing to do but it may be your only option.

If you can, try to guide him to our blog. It has some really great ideas and information. This may help.

Don-t listen to those who say stop trying. If you quit trying then he sure as hell won-t quit smoking.

Visit our site to join our inspirational 12 day e-course.

Good Luck
You can-t make him do anything. If he wants to smoke, he will. Unless HE wants to quit, he won-t. People who say they are going to quit because someone else asked them to are lying to themselves. Even if he says he is going to quit to placate you, it just means that he is going to smoke somewhere else.
Focusing on other things ought to help. Try to do things that require your full concentration.

I stopped using snus (for a while ) many years ago. For me the worst part was just after having a cup of coffee or a meal. That-s when I usually took a new pinch of snus, but it was all about the habit of doing so – the actual nicotine addiction just gave me a headache for two days and then that part was over.Then Ive searched the net for this problem ...............
You wanted to be his girlfriend knowing he smoked, now you don-t want a boyfriend who smokes. Well, which is it? You non smokers really have a hard time making up your minds. You just can-t pick somebody, then expect to change them after they are picked. You want a non smoker, you should have went that way in the first place. You either take this one as is, or choose better next time.
I-m sure he would like a girlfriend who doesn-t nag all of the time.
How can i get my bf to quit smoking ? how can i distract him from cigarets? -