How can I help my son quit smoking cigarettes?He is having anxiety amp; depression .I have an appointment with? -

Thursday, October 11, 2007

How can I help my son quit smoking cigarettes?He is having anxiety amp; depression .I have an appointment with? -

a phyciatrist on march 21. Is there anything any of you have done to help get through this.He hasn-t had a cigarette in 7 days,he feels like he is losing his mind. Should I allow him to smoke untill he sees the doctor or what? He is only 16 years old. Me - my husband do not smoke and don-t appove but we want to help him.
Well, if you want to be suportive and make this a long term life time change you need to let him be involved. I started smoking at 13 and quit a few days here and there over the years till I had my first child at age 28. I was quit for a few years, then began again, am now working up the nerve to try to quit again. It is horrible, because even after you quit, you still want a cig the rest of your life. My father has been quit for over 20 yrs and he says he still craves them. To understand how hard it is to quit if you-ve never smoked try to imagion someone telling you to give up air or food. It-s that hard without help.

If he were my kid I-d tell him after 7 days he is over the hardest part and try to stick with it, but not alone without help. Go get him either the nicotine gum, patch, or logenge they have to take some of the edge off the craving. It will keep him from going nuts, he will still want to smoke for some time to come, but with the substitute nicotine it will be easier to deal with.

Many people have had great luck using acupuncture, it can kill the craving if done right. As long as you never light up another cig it works, once you smoke one it-s back to wanting them just as bad as you ever did.

The Dr. may give him some mild antidepressants in a very low dose to help take the edge off too. They help a lot, when I quit for a few years that is how I did it. With the pills and nicotine gum. After a few months I was able to deal with not smoking without it being a huge issue. But with stress the cravings come back.

Since he is young the sooner he quits the better, the longer you smoke the more difficult it is to break that addiction.

Do what ever you can to help him till he gets to the Dr. Chewing gum, sucking hard candy or suckers also helps because it puts something in your mouth.

Best of luck to both you and your son, it-s something that isn-t easy to stop. Try to understand it-s not the same as just making up your mind you won-t do it any more, it-s a chemical addition in the brain.
well this is hard... since you and your husband do not smoke, why did your son start smoking? this is the first thing you need to find out. next you need to know why he likes smoking so much. talk to him and give him time to really explain what he feels and be open to talk. try to steer clear of reprimanding him for his actions and show him that you want to help. then after talking you must sit him down and really explain to him the risks of smoking to his health, do this by showing him pictures, reading articles/books and watching videos. once he understands that he is not excluded from being a victim of health risks, such as cancer, respiratory problems, and heart problems(just to name a few) it should open his eyes. now comes the quitting process. it will be hard and it will take time so do not set unreachable limits. tell him to keep a smoking log where he is to write down times when he felt like having a cigarette and why. this should identify factors which lead to him smoking. let him know that wanting to start smoking again is a normal feeling but encourage him and praise him for his accomplishment of not smoking. after the first 2-4 hard weeks it should become easier. the first few weeks is when most people relapse. but if he still cannot seem to quit just realize a commitment like this can only be done it he wants it for himself. Good luck.
poke him on his ear lobes with a needle it helps the cravings
I smoked for over twenty five years and I went to a dr. that did laser therapy on me. I walked in she did the procedure and I have been smoke free for over 8 months now.
tell him to stop or else no more social life n other stuff he likes
How can I help my son quit smoking cigarettes?He is having anxiety amp; depression .I have an appointment with? -