Tips on how to quit smoking? -

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Tips on how to quit smoking? -

ive been smoking for about 10 years now and ive decided to quit because me and my boyfriend want to start trying for a baby and also for financial reasons..i have tried to quit many times before using patches but have failed so this time i want to quit and stay quit any tips would be really appriciated
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Ask your doctor if there are any local smoking ceasation groups in your area. Group support is always good. If your Boyfriend smokes, he needs to quit, too!

You can try meds, as other-s have suggested. Think about your own motivations, also. Maybe you can find a big jar and label it -cute maternity clothes-. Every week put the money you would have spent on smokes into the jar so you can see how close you-re getting to your goal. Keep a baby name book in your handbag instead of your pack of cigs. Every time you pick through your handbag, you-ll be reminded of WHY you need to quit. You get the idea..

The most important thing it KEEP AT IT! Good luck!
I just past three months with out a cigarette. I went the Chantix route. It took me 5 months, but eventually it just wore me down so I didn-t buy any more. It-s not cheap. $127/month, but if you smoke a pack a day it-s about the same price. I also had a phone lifestyle coach provided through work and she offered good encouragement. Some people say chantix works in less than a month, but not for me. It took a while. It was worth it though. Also, I never had the nausia side-effect, but I sure had the weird dreams!
The only thing good about this way is that it works-you decide that you are gonna take the pain, make the choice, and that you are not even gonna talk to that little voice that screams for a cigarrete, it-s gonna whine and cry and use all forms of manipulation, it is a little beast that cares nothing for you or what you love, a little quadriplegic beast that can-t move so it has to get you to use your hand to lift the cigarette, it wants a cigarrete...too bad.
Try the site below, there′s different tips and tricks on how to stop.
Tips on how to quit smoking? -