What is the best way to quit smoking? -

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

What is the best way to quit smoking? -

I would suggest finding a herbal alternative like the herb -damiana- and switching to that.

It has very mild euphoric properties, which is enough to dispel the anxiety caused by the nicotine addiction.

also, the physical act of smoking the alternative satisfies the physical smoking habbit.

Once you have taken out the nicotine addiction, you can then work on the physical smoking habit and work at stopping smoking the herbal alternative.

Good Luck : )
When it was time for me to quit smoking, I tried everything. I used Life-Savers and gum and hypnotism, and that thing with all the needles..........Heroin. Just kidding about the heroin. Hypnotism worked for me with a large rubber band on my wrist for aversion therapy. When I wanted a smoke, I would just pull the band back a few inches and give myself a snap.
I also chewed a bunch of sugar free gum for oral gratification.
cold turkey.

-the best things in life are free-

happy canadian thanksgiving ;)
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What is the best way to quit smoking? -