I quit smoking 2 weeks ago today. how long will it be before i feel the benefits? -

Monday, March 4, 2013

I quit smoking 2 weeks ago today. how long will it be before i feel the benefits? -

i was a smoker for 30 years, and as far as doctors say i am in good health.
long time... sorry to say but I think it was about 6 months before I really felt better. The first 4 were terrible and the the 5th I got sick and I was well into the 6th before I felt any better. After that though it-s a cake walk. you can also take into consideration I work in a casino and still breathe in 2nd hand smoke so it might be better for you than me. and then again you smoked almost 2x as long as I smoked. there are many factors I hope you are one of the lucky ones. but just a warning it will get worse before it gets better but it is very worth it in the end. Keep up the good work and stick with it. you will feel better soon.
Idk, but I just wanted say, great job for quitting after 30 years!!!!! Woo Hoo!!!! You-re awesome!!!!!!!! :)
i quit 7 days ago after smoking both cigarettes and pot for almost 20 years, right now i feel absolutely terrible, i am having vivid dreams ALL NIGHT LONG, i wake up more tired than i was when i went to bed, i am lightheaded, my gi tract is playing up, i have cold and hot sweats during the day, i am fatigued during the day but bizarlley seem to re-energise in the evening, i just feel awful BUT i knew to expect some pretty bad physical symptoms, i will not go back to smoking and i know these side effects will eventually fade
It depends on the person. My dad was a really heavy smoker and he said that after he quite it was the best thing ever and probably saved his life. I don-t know how long it will take for you, but you-ll feel it when you realize that you don-t need smoking to get on with your life.
You already are feeling the benefits. You already have extra money in your wallet and do not have that smoke smell. Soon, your health will improve too. Good job!!! You should be very proud of yourself!!
It has been 7 yrs since I quit. Best thing I ever did for me and my family. (Pssst....My secret for hand to mouth thing was a bottle of water at all times). I also started walking right away, which turned into running when I started feeling so good. The more you sweat, the more toxins you are removing from all of that stuff in your body . Once you gain that new sense of smell and that feeling of achieving what was once the impossible...you will never go back (depending on your outlook on life). Hurray for you and a healthy life. Get to sweatin those toxins out...ur gonna start feeling good.
I quit three years ago and am still waiting to -feel- anything. I think if you are in good shape you won-t feel much difference. But your pocketbook thanks you...5 bucks a pack....wow!!
I quit smoking 2 weeks ago today. how long will it be before i feel the benefits? -