Anyone got any really good tips to quit smoking? -

Friday, July 5, 2013

Anyone got any really good tips to quit smoking? -

Easyway – Allen Carr.

Honestly it is the only way I have ever known to actually help people quite, stay quit and be damn happy about it...unfortunately most people think the idea of an easy way to quit smoking is nonsense as people think it needs to be hard…it really doesn-t.

This does exactly what it says, it is an easy way to stop smoking, and the way it works is essentially by de-programming the ingrained notions you have on smoking and quitting smoking so that it deals with the psychological problems of your smoking rather than the chemical. The chemical addiction is not the problem, you can go all night without being woken up by a craving, you will find sometimes you-re having so much fun you forget to have a cigarette, quitting smoking does not have serious withdrawal.

Socially we are taught that smoking needs to be difficult, we live now in a very anti-smoking society, rather than a pro-quitting society, where there is no real support for people to quit, it teaches non-smokers that smokers are idiots and smokers that they have to suffer when they quit – if you believe it is difficult, this makes quitting smoking difficult – you believe to quit smoking requires will power and that quitting smoking will be depriving yourself of something you like doing, when you do not really like doing it, nor are you depriving yourself of anything, you are actually gaining something by quitting smoking.

Problem with most methods is that they will either involve going cold-turkey or nicotine replacement. Cold-turkey is not only depriving yourself of smoking but it is also just dealing with the chemical addiction rather than dealing with the psychological, nicotine replacement isn-t depriving you however it is again only dealing with the chemical addiction, this is not the problem with smoking.

Allen Carr can explain this far better than I can, so let me just stick to telling you about Easyway – yes, it sounds gimmicky but it is the only way I have ever seen anyone quit smoking for good, and the only method to quit smoking that I have seen people happy with rather than being moody miserable and remaining under the impression that they need to fight the urge to smoke every day for the rest of their lives.

A book on Easyway from Amazon will set you back just £4, less than a pack of cigarettes, the book also offers money off their clinics – their clinics boast well over 90% success rate and give you a money-back guarantee – so that is just £4 you are spending for something that will help you quit smoking, be happy about quitting smoking and remain a non-smoker. Hell, you could probably pick up the book from your local library, afterall it has been a best seller since it came out over 20 years ago!

Not only that but you are allowed to carry on smoking while you are reading the book, in fact you are specifically told to carry on smoking while you read and the further you get into the book the less you want to smoke.

Check out the book reviews;…

You really don-t know unless you try it, I honestly recommend this to everyone I know, a lot of people are too scared to try it because they aren-t ready to quit yet, but all those who have read it agree it is fantastic and the only sensible way to go about quitting smoking.

Link to Easyway web site -

Patches and try not to think about cigarettes
Try the book -The easy way to stop smoking- by Allan Carr.
i found patches really helped
My Grandmother gave up after her heart attack.
Don-t buy any fags.
accupuncture..... it worked for my mum, and she-s not looked back in 11 yrs ! ! !
take up crack cocaine, smoking will be the least of ya probs!!lol
Hypnosis worked great for me. Its been 5 years and could not imagine smoking
zyban worked great! I quit for 6 months and it was totally painless. unfortunately, as soon as I stopped taking it, i started smoking again
Anyone got any really good tips to quit smoking? -