Quit smoking? -

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Quit smoking? -

i need to know the best way to quit smoking
im not addicted
but i cant quit cold turkey
im 17 years old
and i just want it gone with
but its more of a mental thing..
i dont wanna smoke..
i gag when i do
but i always go for one w/o knowing
help me?
i dont want to have to buy anything either
and i have weened myself off slowly
im down to like 2-3 a day
but id like to be down to 0
The best way to take that last smoke is to think about what good things will happen in your life once you do.

You add two years to your life.
You add healthy kids and spouse one day.
You don-t give other a chance of getting cancer from you.

Just think about the advantages rather that just the disadvantages (like getting breathing problems)....

And go for a quick walk to get fresh air if you feel particularly bad....just do it...

And good luck,I am proud of you.
Try the electronic cigarette (Ruyan)? It delivers nicotine, but not the toxic substances:


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Well friend that was a mistake to start it because wants you start, you can-t get off of it and want more. You need to quit buying cierrates, eat something better (food not drugs), try to save money for something else like a new car, new engine, or save the money in a bank for later on, and go see a doctor what you can do. I can tell some regertions for you if you don-t quit soon. Waste money on cierreates, get tar in your lungs that they-ll simpley dry up and your lungs will have a harder and harder time to get oxygen in and it can just stop and you-ll die. It-s best to quit now then later on the road of life because it-ll be easier. Just say no.
Go in the kitchen or ask your mom for a couple of hole cloves when you get the urge put one in your mouth and suck on it . (don-t chew ).
Quit smoking? -