I want to quit smoking..Any tips to control my mind and to give away this habbit? -

Saturday, October 11, 2014

I want to quit smoking..Any tips to control my mind and to give away this habbit? -

Just picturise yourself weeping - coughing out blood while your girlfriend rides away with a real beefy hunk!
I have been off the dreaded baccy for two years now and can tell you my friend you wont regret it.

first stop thinking of it as your friend and do some meditation and self motivated mental talk to yourself.eg-- I am a non smoker--
also have a back up plan for four weeks because your hands wont know what to do eg drawing knitting.buy lollie pops you only need them for about four weeks but they are good to suck on they last longer than gum(the flavour)
fold you arms over left hand on right shoulder and right hand on left shoulder,close your eyes and imagine the happiest you have ever been when you were not smoking and really be in that momentremember this each time you feel like a smoke.it helps the brain re wire. GOOD LUCK! you can do it
Just observe when,how and which tempts you to smoke.Think alternatives for that tempting moments.Exactly the moment when you get temptation to smoke, immediately go fill your stomach with plain water.Filling means you should feel bloating in your stomach.It is difficult but that is the simplest way to quit any addiction.
You need to learn some yoga also,which helps you to control yourself.
I-ve never been a smoker, but I know people that have, and were able to kick the habit. My dad was able to quit cold turkey. My roommate, however, is just now trying to quit. What she is doing is -weening- herself off by smoking less each day and changing over to lights and ultralights. Even though I have never smoked, I can certainly understand why it can be hard, because you-re system is dependant on nicotene.
Personally, I think you can talk yourself out of it. Think of all the bad health effects it has. Whenever you want a cigarette, try to do something that you know will keep you-re mind busy and off of smoking.

Good Luck to you on you-re quest to quit smoking. :)
I quit smoking nearly 4 years ago, here are some tips that really helped me.
I wrote down the main positive reasons why I wanted to quit and kept it with me all the time and when I felt the urge to smoke, I read my list.
I opened up a bank account and transferred the cash I would have spent on cigarettes and spent the money on really extravagent things that I would never have bought as a smoker.
I took several deep breaths when I had a craving, I went for a 5 minute walk when I normally would have had a cigarette break at work, I booked myself facials and treated myself to massages to help get me through.
Drinking fresh orange juice helped aswell.
I also used to imagine what my loved ones would do if I told them I had a terminal illness due to the fact that I smoked, its not nice.

You can do it, if I can, anyone can! I smoked 20-25 a day for 15 years

Good Luck, it will be the best thing you have ever done, I promise
I smoked for over 40 years, having quit and gone back several times. I finally tried something new and have been smoke-free for about a year. This is what I did: whenever I wanted a cigarette, I-d smoke half of one. I did that for a couple of weeks, then I-d just take about four or five puffs, only smoking every other time I wanted a cigarette. I did that for a couple of weeks until I was down to 2 drags on a cigarette, maybe 4 times a day. Then, I decided that when that pack ran out, I-d buy no more.
Quitting cold turkey is just about as effective as quitting heroin cold turkey. Your body is just as addicted to nicotine and you have to wean yourself off it, like heroin addicts do with methadone. If you quit cold turkey, the craving is huge, while weaning yourself off of it, there is no craving left and your body is accustomed to being without it. Good Luck, my friend!
yes. first find something that you associate as absolutely disgusting, e.g. garbage, rotten and bad smelling fruit. then with the thought fresh in your mind (and possibly the disgusting thing in front of you), pull out a cigarette, and when you feel like having it, think (and smell if you are brave enough!) of the bad item. you might then just not fancy the cigarette anymore.

this ddoes require willpower and something you reallly dislike (preferably a bad smelling substance or food), but when it works it works like a treat.

this psychological trick teaches the brain to associate the bad item whenever you get the craving for the cigarette, possibly putting you off it. this tip can even work for other things, such as chocolate.

you can use this trick in conjuction with other things such as nicotine patches s well, if you wants
I think smoking is injurious to health everybody is aware of. The best tip is do meditation it really helps. The most important is unless n until u r not having a strong will power u cannot quit and u cannot resist urself from smoking. I-ll give u my husband-s example he use to smoke at least thrice a day everybody use to tell him a lot but he never stopped, one fine day when my child grew up and he saw one advertise of smoking is injurious for health on TV and told him -look pop how injurious it is when I’ll be of ur age I’ll never smoke . and believe me that was the instance which hit his mind and the very next moment he quit smoking. I don’t know when something will click to ur mind but my genuine advice to u is try meditation it will really help u to quit smoking. Keep trying n I’m sure one day definitely u-ll succeed. Good Luck
Zyban is a wonderful aid to quit smoking... it worked miracles for me. I took Zyban in combination with the patch, and have been smoke free for over 8 years...and have never ever had a craving to go back to it. Zyban works on the -mental- aspects of the addiction, while the patch works on the nicotine addiction... it was so easy for me to quick. Never got bitchy, no withdrawl symptoms...easiest thing I ever did.
think about the benefits of quiting. You will also see positive changes in your life. because smoking contaminates your thoughts, and you tend to smoke to numb yourself from everydays problems or stress. Also, it is always a short term solution to smoke. You will be able to deal with your problems in a more positive way after smoking.
There is a very effective way try this.Eat Narthangai pickle(couldn-t find exact english word.)It is a citrus fruit.Somewhat bigger than lemon.The pickle has slightly bitter taste.One who consumes this pickle regularly,will dislike the taste of liqour and cigars.I heard it from a sidha doctor.Good luck.
Go to the gym or for a bike ride and see how hard it is to breathe when you-re a smoker, than you-ll think if it-s worth. Sport is a great thing to do, find a hobby, decide you want to be healthy and lead a healthy lifestyle and stick to it :) Good luck
Just think -people know me as a coward, unsocial, harmful to my family / children and others, some of them also hate me-. If you can feel this you will get the power to quit any bad habit.
its simple jst think abt u r future and health...u may spent 50bugs per day but at one day u may(will)spend 50crores for ur health.
today u can consider abt cigg but tomro u r heart - lungs may get vanish.,
so plz stop somking just simply by thinking abt u r future 0ok.
Go to any homeopathy shoop and ask for anti smoking pills.
Quit smoking is very easy.
I have done it so many times.
Just resist the temptation to smoke
who are you gonna give it to?

-give away this habit-
Yes , hypnosis is great. You don-t even crave.
drink NONI .it is a health drink.
it will solve ur problems
If you realy wants to quit smoking then you should know some facts.

This is for your information pl. that Cigarette smoking kills nearly about 420,000 people a year, making it more lethal than AIDS, accidents, homicides, suicides, drug overdoses, and fire.

The main risks of smoking are

1. Heart disease
2. Cancer
3. Dementia and neurologic diseases
4. Lung disease
5. Female infertility and pregnancy
6. Male sexuality and reproduction
7. Behavioural and Social Problems
8. Effects on bones and joints

The methods to quit smoking are

At this time the most effective methods for quitting is a combination of nicotine replacement products and the antidepressant drug bupropion bolstered by counselling.

1. Nicotine replacement

Nicotine replacement products provide low doses of nicotine that do not contain the contaminants found in smoke. They are proving to be twice as helpful as other standard quitting methods. Replacement products include nicotine patches, gums, nasal sprays, and inhalers. Side effects of any nicotine replacement product may include headaches, nausea, and other gastrointestinal problems. People often experience sleeplessness in the first few days, particularly with the patch, but the insomnia usually passes. Patients using very high doses are more likely to experience symptoms, and reducing the dose can prevent them. Certain individuals like people with heart disease, pregnant women, small children may need to avoid nicotine replacement products.

Nicotine patches: Nicotine patches, or transdermal nicotine, can be an effective way to quit smoking. The quit rate for patch users is around 20% after six months. Nicotine patches are available over the counter, but it is best to consult a doctor before using them, particularly people with any medical problems.

Nicotine gum: Nicotine gum (Nicorette), available over the counter, has also been effective for a number of people. Some prefer it to the patch because they can control the nicotine dosage and chewing satisfies the oral urge. Long-term dependence may be a problem with this method.

Nicotine inhaler: The nicotine inhaler resembles a plastic cigarette holder. It comes with a number of nicotine cartridges which are inserted into the inhaler. It has some specific advantages over other slower nicotine replacement products:

Nicotine nasal spray: The nasal spray satisfies immediate cravings by providing doses of nicotine rapidly, and thus may play a useful role in conjunction with slower acting nicotine replacement therapies.

Nicotine tablet: A nicotine tablet that is held under the tongue is also very useful.

2. Alternative and ther Methods for Quitting

Scheduled reduction: One study showed that people who used a systematic withdrawal schedule were twice as likely to quit as those who went cold turkey. The procedure involves the following steps:

Divide the number of minutes per day awake by the number of daily cigarettes; the result is the minute-long wait between smokes.

Set up a schedule with time intervals based on this result and using a timer, smoke only at those intervals; if the -cigarette appointment- is missed by more than five minutes, the smoker must skip that cigarette.

The following week, one-third fewer cigarettes are used and the smoking time is recalculated based on the lower number.

During the third week the count is again reduced by a third, and the smoker quits in the fourth week.
Change daily habits:

Change the daily schedule as much as possible. Eat at different times or eat many small meals instead of three large ones, sit in a different chair, rearrange the furniture.

Find other ways to close a meal. Play a tape or CD, eat a piece of fruit, get up and make a phone call, or take a walk (a good distraction that burns calories as well).

Substitute oral habits (eat celery, chew sugarless gum, suck on a cinnamon stick.) Go to public places and restaurants where smoking is prohibited or restricted.

Set short-term quitting goals and reward yourself when they are met, or every day put the money normally spent on cigarettes in a jar and buy something pleasurable at the end of a predetermined period of time.

Find activities that focus the hands and mind but are not taxing or fattening: computer games, solitaire, knitting, sewing, whittling, crossword puzzles.

Avoid heavy drinking of alcohol, caffeine, or other stimulants or mood altering substances.

Enjoy Life
I want to quit smoking..Any tips to control my mind and to give away this habbit? -