What is a good way to quit smoking? -

Thursday, February 5, 2015

What is a good way to quit smoking? -

Chewing Gums.
And Ayurvedic harmless cigarettes.
You-ve really got to make the decision to quit, and then just do it - no trying, just do it and don-t stop doing it. Focus on the reasons you are quitting, not on what you think you are missing.

It may also help you to look at the underlying reason you smoke. So why do you smoke? Lonely, bored, fidgety, low confidence or self-esteem, caught up in peer pressure, an excuse to indulge in self-guilt and pity, or just an out-of-date habit you don-t need now?

Once you-ve quit for 48-72 hours, the nicotine is out of your blood and the rest of your addiction is in your head. The good news is that there are heaps of things you can do to replace your habit - and solve your underlying problems. Healthy snacks and things to do with your hands instead of putting a cig in your mouth, exercise, skills, hobbies and new activities to fill in your old smoking time, etc. All these make you feel good about yourself and give you the feeling of control over your life and future.

Educating yourself about what happens when you quit, what to do and so on, gives you a feeling of control. Have a look at this website below...If you join up for the newsletter, you get a free guide to making friends without a cigarette in your hands, and the rest of the site is full of information to make quitting a breeze.
Definately THE PATCH
My husband smoked for over 50 years and he used them and now is smoke free.
Talk to your doctor about your options. There are prescription drugs which can help ease smoking cessation. Or your doctor can get you in touch with a reputable program in your area to help you.

You might suffer some withdrawl symptoms like irratibility or changes in digestion or sleep patterns. Be prepared to ride those out. They will go away in about a week, so hang in there! Gum and patches are nicotine replacement products that will give your body the nicotine it craves, but there are 100 more chemicals in cigarettes! Gum or patches by itself won-t work. You need to address the psychological reasons as well. Make a list of things you will enjoy more now that you-ve quit smoking. Reward yourself when you-ve been smoke free a week, a month, a year.

And most importantly, forgive yourself for becoming addicted to cigarettes. And congratulate yourself on your smart decision!
When I tried, what worked for me was quitting cold turkey and when I had the urge for a smoke, I would go for a walk around the block. Pretty soon, I was walking three miles every day.

Only thing, I put on ten pounds (even with walking), so I started smoking again. I hope it works better for you. But, the walking did help with the urges. If it wasn-t for the weight gain, I would probably have never started again.

Good luck to you!!!
How can I stop using tobacco?

You have to make the decision to quit, but you don-t have to quit alone. Ask your family, friends, and doctor to help you. Quitting is hard, but you can do it if you have help and a plan.

Get ready. You don-t have to stop right away, but set a date to quit. Pick a time when you won-t have a lot of stress in your life. Get rid of ashtrays, lighters, or spit cups. Don-t let people smoke in your house.

Change your routine. For example, if you smoke after eating, take a walk instead.

Use medicine. It can help with cravings and stress. You can buy nicotine gum, lozenges, or patches without a prescription. Your doctor can also give you medicine, such as bupropion (Zyban) or varenicline tartrate (Chantix). Using nicotine replacement products and/or medicine doubles your chances of quitting tobacco for good.

Get support. Seek help from:
- Stop-smoking programs, such as the American Lung
Association-s Freedom from Smoking program.
- Support groups, such as Nicotine Anonymous.
- National tobacco quitline: 1-800-QUIT NOW or
(1-800-784- 8669).
-Counseling from doctors, nurses, or therapists.

Once you stop, stay committed. Don-t use tobacco at all-not even one pinch or puff
You are not going to believe this but I have a -Weight Loss Patch- that is patented and botanical. It increases your metabolism, gives energy, curbs cravings (including the need to smoke), helps with sleep and causes your body to burn excess fat while retaining lean muscle. This product is incredible. I no longer crave Dr. Peppers everyday, or breads, chips, fries or sweets!!! I lost 3 lbs the first week but now have lost 5 lbs in 3 weeks and 3 1/2 inches. PLUS I HAVE A TON OF ENERGY!!!! Check out my website
www.NexagenUsa.com/CindieReed and click on -Power Patch- at the top. It will tell you the patented ingredients and why they are giving such incredible results. I can sell you a months supply to try it out which is cheaper than what you can find yourself on the website. Let me know by email at the bottom of my website. There isn-t anything else like this patch on the market!!!!!!!!!!!!1
- the patch-
Quit Smoking In One Hour
Could a One Hour Session Help You Stop Smoking?

Of course nobody can make you do what you don-t want to do, but if you really want to quit you could be free of the smoking habit in just one hour.

There is now a combination of hypnosis and neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) which can make it easier for you to achieve your goal of being a non-smoker.

Why People Don-t Stop Smoking

Most people know that by stopping they will save several thousand dollars a year. Most people know that they could add years to their life. And most people know that if they stop smoking right now, they could save their health - before it-s too late.

So, why do people continue to smoke? With more than 20 years combined experience in dealing with the mind, both in the USA and in the UK, we have found the answer to be the same all over the world. It all comes down to one thing...FEAR.

Fear that you-ll have to give up your crutch or pleasure
Fear that you won-t be able to enjoy life or handle stress
Fear that you will put on weight
Fear that you-ll have to go through an awful trauma to get free
Fear that you-ll never get completely free of the craving
All of these fears are just examples of one overriding fear. The one simple reason that you have not stopped smoking is that you:

Fear that it is going to be too painful and too difficult! But guess what ...

Hypnosis Makes it Easy

In fact, my unique hypnosis technique makes it so easy that after only one hour you-ll leave a happy non-smoker - not feeling deprived, not feeling that you-ve made a sacrifice, and not feeling any pain. Instead, you-ll have a huge sense of relief and elation that you have at last achieved what all smokers long to achieve, you have become a happy, permanent, non-smoker.

When smokers try to stop with other methods they suffer misery and depression caused by the feeling that they are being deprived of a pleasure or a crutch. The beauty of hypnosis, and the way we use hypnosis in particular, is that it removes this feeling of deprivation. It removes the need, and the desire, to smoke.

You won-t need useless aids, gimmicks, or substitutes. No nicotine gum or patches. No inhalers or nasal sprays. No needles or lasers. All that you have to do with hypnosis is sit back in a nice comfortable chair, and relax. It doesn-t get much easier than that!

Lifetime Guarantee

We have so much confidence in our methods that after years in practice we are still the only hypnotherapists that offer a lifetime guarantee. This means that if you ever start smoking again, whether it is two days or two years down the road, all that you have to do is give us a call and we get you back in at no extra charge. You may be wondering how we can offer our clients these free back up sessions for a lifetime...

95% Stop In One Hour

The reason we can offer our unique lifetime guarantee, is because we have such a high success rate. Literally, more than 95% of people stop in one hour, and the remainder stop in a free half-hour back up session. How do we consistently maintain such a high success rate, year in an year out with just a one hour session?

Our Unique Approach

Since the British Medical Association (BMA) and the American Medical Association (AMA) approved the use of clinical hypnosis in the 1950s, thousands of people have found hypnosis to be an effective way to stop smoking, lose weight, and otherwise improve their lives.

Of course, there are varying degrees of success with hypnosis because much depends upon the skill, experience, and general competence of the individual hypnotherapist - as well as the techniques
being used by them.

The beauty of our unique approach is that we use the best of traditional hypnotherapy techniques, and combine them with the new science of Neuro-
Linguistic Programming (NLP), which takes hypnosis to an even greater level of effectiveness.

One of the reasons why it-s not painful or difficult to stop smoking with our method, in fact, one of the reasons why it is so easy, is that we transfer the pleasure derived from smoking to a healthier habit of your choice (e.g. exercise, drinking more water, relaxation). This is the reason why, with us, there is NO unwanted weight gain or other problems associated with kicking the habit - the only side-effects are an increase in health, wealth, and freedom.

Nothing to Fear Everything to Gain

Hypnosis is possibly as old as mankind. The old myths and misconceptions about hypnosis have given way to proven, scientifically sound applications. Today the use of hypnosis is seen in a variety of fields including: medicine, dentistry, law enforcement, professional sports, and education.

Most people have a limited understanding of the positive results that can be achieved in a professionally controlled hypnosis session. We would like to dispel some of the myths and answer the most frequently asked questions about hypnosis.

How does hypnosis work? Our minds work on two levels - the conscious and the unconscious. We make decisions, think, and act with our conscious mind. The unconscious mind controls our habits. In the relaxed state known as hypnosis, we can communicate directly with the unconscious mind. This is why it is so quick and easy to change habits of a lifetime with hypnosis.

Will hypnosis work for me? Generally speaking, every normal person is -hypnotizable.- That is, people with an IQ of at least 70, and no severe mental disorders. Therefore, virtually anyone achieve successful results using hypnosis.

How will I know if I am hypnotized? Most people can-t tell the difference between the hypnotized and the waking states. Some people feel relaxed and lethargic, others feel a lightness. One thing that people do notice is an inexplicable change in their daily behaviours.

Is hypnosis safe? Hypnosis is completely safe. You are aware and in control at every moment and can terminate the session at any time. Hypnosis is not sleep, nor can you get -stuck- in a state of hypnosis. you can-t be made to do something against your will! Hypnosis is a safe, relaxing, and enjoyable experience.

How does hypnosis help me to kick the smoking habit? Because smoking is a habit, it is controlled by the unconscious mind. Since hypnosis and NLP work directly with the unconscious, this is the only method that makes sense! We can help you effortlessly transition into the healthy lifestyle of a happy non-smoker - it only takes one hour to quit.

Become A Non-Smoker Now With The Help Of A Highly Qualified Hypnotherapist

Preston Campbell is a certified Master Practitioner and Trainer of Hypnotherapy, Time Line Therapy, and Neuro-Linquistic Programming.

He is part of a network of leading hypnotherapists using the most effective process available today to stop smoking in just one hour ... with an astonishing success rate of 95%.

Preston has experience with a broad variety of therapeutic modalities and he is absolutely committed to helping you become a non-smoker quickly and easily.

At Last Something That Works

This is a proven system that has worked for thousands of clients across the US and the UK. The more you look at your options, the more you realize you can become a non-smoker now.

Hypnosis makes it easy. Let us make it easy for you. All you have to do is pick up the phone, make an appointment, and keep that appointment. From that moment on your smoking problem is solved.

Call NOW


Offices in Orange County, Los Angeles, San Diego, and San Luis Obispo
by far the best (and really the only) way to quit smoking is this book.


Honestly I have found after many methods, that cold turkey was the best - most effective. I smoked 3 packs a day, for over 10 years - tried the patches, gums, toothpicks, nicotine inhalers, Zyban, etc.... - failed miserably at all of them. but when I just decided I was done - didnt want to die from lung cancer (heart disease, COPD, emphysema, or any other smoking related disease), I just quit! the physical addiction goes away in less than 24 hours! after that its all in your head, all mental! Mind over matter. just takes a little good old fashioned willpower. If I could do it, anyone could! My grandmother also gave up smoking cold turkey after 40 years of 3+ packs non filter cigarettes. trust me this is the best way! - I never gained a pound after quitting, I became healthier all around, - even started losing weight.
A Yahoo search for -how to quit smoking will give you a wealth of useful information and tips.
This is a new idea that no one else is doing. GET ONE OF THESE http://www.dontgivemeasmoke.com/

tell your mates that you are out of the club for good!!!
What is a good way to quit smoking? -