Whats the best way to quit smoking? -

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Whats the best way to quit smoking? -

The way I did it was that I set a date to quit. Then I started cutting down each day the amount that I smoked. On the designated day, I saved one cigerette, I smoked it that morning and I havent had one since. Granted it was only 5 weeks ago but so far so good. Its only at times that I want one but I find something else to think about or do. Good Luck, I hope you find something that works.
Have enough will power to just stop and not wean yourself off. but if you are not strong enough, try a nicorette gum or using other aids to help. Some people chew gum or lollipops or carrots instead of having a cig in their mouth. Stay away from people that smoke help too.
Hyponosis and acupucture.
Get pregnant. lol. worked for me.
COLD TURKEY! throw everything out. Ciggs, lighters, ashtrays, open your windows, air out your home and car and be done with it, I smoked for many years and this is how I quit almost 3 years ago, couldn-t be happier and healthier!
find something else to be addicted to...
Hi ,
First of all,well done dreamfrog, great appraoch to quitting.
One technique in hypnotherapy uses a similar approach to this.
Without knowing why you actually started smoking I will say that cold turkey isn-t always the best answer, since the irritability can be overwhelming to most people, and the reasons for having started smoking in the first place play a big part in how you try to stop.

I would recommend you seek out a new interest, a hobby, an excercise plan in conjunction with your attempt at quitting.
This will help alleviate the associated stress.
I wish you the best!
A new medication called Chantix. It is available by prescription and works very well. Worked for me and I smoked for 27 years.
Ive been trying for years, just started the new drug Chantix. Been cigarette free for over 3 weeks, and it has been really easy. I only had one day of really having nicotine fits, then its been easy pretty much. Good luck!!
eat flowerseeds or eat gum
I have found the Homeopathic Medicine CALADIUM S in 1M potency once a week to be the best help in quitting smoking without any side effects or complications.
Take Care and God Bless
Cold turkey. Throw away all you ashtrays, cigarettes, lighters etc. Remember, your going to be miserable and moody and a pain in everyone-s *** but you won-t die if you don-t have that smoke.

Get used to cravings, they taper off but last for years. It-s been 6 years since I smoked and I still want one when things get rough. I-m stronger than that though!
Make a clear choice to quit and write it down on paper, and tell all your friends. You have a better chance of keeping your commitment if you tell people. Find an accountability partner, and stop cold turkey. Put all the money you would normally spend on cigarettes in a glass jar and go for a vacation in six months!
I know a guy that used the lozenger (SP?) but he also popped two tic tac and after awhile all he needed to use where the tic tacs
Whats the best way to quit smoking? -