How can i quit smoking marijuana, i like doining it but its stalling my life? -

Sunday, May 10, 2015

How can i quit smoking marijuana, i like doining it but its stalling my life? -

im trien to quit smoking but like i like being high, but i also want to go back to school and get a new job, any ideas on how to get my mind of the budda
You may want to take passionflower. It has been used in India for all type addiction even Cocaine with great results. It is also effective for addictions because it is an anti-anxiety.

It is readily available and is on th e GRAS list as safe. It can be taken in high doses with no side effects.

Can be found at any health food store.
Why would you want to quit? My bf smokes alot and has a great job. If you stay focused it wont hurt your studies. It will make you study more!!
Well, you could check out the therapy route, which is what I would suggest, but if you just can-t bring yourself to see a therapist, I-d suggest that you rid your home of anything that reminds you of your habit and stop hanging out w/ people who-re still using. Basically, make it as hard as possible for yourself to go back to using.

And, GOOD FOR YOU!!! I wish you all the luck in the world!
it is called self-control and self-discipline. Get your fuzzy butt out of the chair, put the bong down in the trash, and get your sh*t together.
Don-t buy it!!!!
Dude, you can keep smoking and at least go back to school. The job thing is not so sure of, because of those damn drug tests. But get a job at like McDonalds or something I am sure they dont give drug tests. Freakin light one up for me.
good for you... you just took the first step, try a rehab program... they can help you with this... talk to others for support too... and sometimes (i know it-s sad) but change your friends to non-pot smokers... this helps lower your chances of smoking and also increases your fun other ways so you forget about it
Ask Ricky Williams how he stopped. LOL
If you can stay sober LONG enough for all the stuff you let slide catch up, you will find out that you like yourself better SOBER.

Being sober is only a hassle at first because you wind up facing the responsibilities you-ve let slide.

Get to know yourself... you have to be SOBER to do that.

God doesn-t make junk; you are more special than you give yourself credit for.

Try meditation to relax.... no negative side effects and you will pass every drug test.

You may have to change your environment - friends to get away from the drugs.... (they are NOT your responsibility)

Today is the first day of the rest of your life... make the most of it. You can be anything you choose, with God.

You will be surprised at how great you are, if you would just stay sober long enough to find out!

Blessings to you.
yeah. you know what you do? you sit there and remind yourself of all you-re going to miss one day when the crap kills ya. cuz drs have found out that you can get addicted hard core to this stuff...and it can lead to death if not stopped. from what i know of it. so think about your future. job, family, wife...all that you-ll miss if you die from the drugs or dont- get off of them now.
How can i quit smoking marijuana, i like doining it but its stalling my life? -