What are some things you can do to help quit smoking? -

Sunday, May 10, 2015

What are some things you can do to help quit smoking? -

What I did was get the Patch. Once you have that on they warn you if you smoke a cigarette you could have a heart attack. Once I put that thing on I stayed away for fear of my life. (I-m being over-dramatic, yet also truthful).
After 13 years of smoking it took 8 days with the patch and I never had one since. That was 1 year 45 days ago. It worked for me, never thought it would, but it did. The patch can be worn much longer than that if needed as well. I-m now a nurse, just graduated and in classes it was pointed out that just about every single problem we have can be attributed in part or full to smoking. From the speed our hair grows to the color of our skin. (And of course all the health problems)

Good luck! I still think about that cigarette, but the craving is gone. It-s more because I enjoyed it and it helped me relax.

PS: Before that I quit 3 times cold turkey, but that was because I was pregnant. I don-t suggest that route...lol
That-s a tough one. You probably know about the patches, gum, lollipops (need prescription; butterscotch tastes best), hypnosis, and going cold turkey. Finding another addiction can help, like jogging. Thinking of the rising price of a pack of smokes might help, or maybe you can find a way to see, up close and personal, a blackened lung from a cadaver.

I quit cold turkey after I found out I was pregnant, many years ago. My kids- dad has tried to stop but then started smoking again many times, trying most of the above. I think having a buddy to quit with is worth a try, because you can feel the pain together.
I quit in 1992...cold...stopped. I gained 100 lbs and only lost it now 17 years later. So my suggestion is to replace smoking with something besides food.

Get exercise every day (not much, 30 minutes on a cycle, treadmill, or something like that.) Chew sugarless gum. Get a hobby for your hands (they are just as addicted to the physical action of smoking as your brain is to the nicotine.)

It-s hard, but completely possible and worth it. Good luck!
i-ve never smoked, but I have dealt with other addictions, It-s hard for me to say, but in general here is one important piece of advice that helps overcome any addiction. Find someone who-s oppionion you care about, and every time you have the desire to smoke, tell that person, and have them talk to you and give you strength. Your less likely to do something if you know you will have to report to someone about it.
No person can beat their own weaknesses alone, it takes emotional support from other people who care.
Living in Iowa- with the cost rising- the Fire Resistant strips in the tar sticks....I still have a problem quitting...Not a damned good thing about them, either....Good luck!
LMAO at The Heckler....that -cold turkey- bit was funny!

But seriously....my mom quit cold turkey about 18 years ago and if she can do it....anyone can try. :)
I quit cold turkey...... i still smoke but, i don-t eat cold turkey!
stay busy, that way ull think about smoking a bit less ....
that might help...
Chew that Nickorete gum.
If you find something that works let me know
What are some things you can do to help quit smoking? -