Any advice on how to quit smoking?? -

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Any advice on how to quit smoking?? -

I have smoked for 9 years, and I know I NEED to quit, but I dont WANT to quit. Even though I hack every morning, I smell terrible and its costing me 10 bucks a week, I just keep going back. I want to start a family soon, so I have to quit smoking! Even though I am a smoker I am very avid about not smoking while pregnant b/c the child has no say over what you do to your body and its not their fault that you choose to smoke. I dont know why, but I keep grabbing for my cigs, no matter what I tell myself. I-ll welcome any advice!!
You need to WANT to quit in order to quit. When you-re ready to quit because you WANT to, ask again.

Contact your local chapter of the American Lung Association. They were very helpful to me before I quit smoking.
put a pack of hard cany where u keep ur cigs then when u want 1 grab a peppermint instead

when you feel like you really need a cig, take some sleeping pills and take a nap.
I smoked from the age of 13 til 26 the whole time thinking I-d be able to stop when I WANTED to. Then that time came and no matter how much I told myself not to smoke I kept going back.

One day at work, my boss asked me if I wanted to quit smoking and my response was -who doesn-t?- That day was to change my life... forever.

I am now nearly 33 and haven-t had a cigarette since 2 weeks after my boss asked me that question. How? I read a book, it was that simple... it-s by Allen Carr and if you WANT to quit check out his website

Quitting smoking was the easiest (yes easiest) and most empowering thing I-ve ever done. I couldn-t have done it without the book.
I have included a link to Chantix below. This perscription has worked for many Family Members and Friends. Everyone that is using this or has told me it makes you NOT want to smoke, you actually have no desire to smoke and if you do it tastes terrible. I highly recommend you look into it. Hope this Helps!
throw all your cigars way far away and dont go to the store to buy more ask your doctor for a med
A Yahoo search for -how to quit smoking- will give you a wealth of useful information and advice.
the key to quitting is wanting to quit and as long as you don-t want to quit you wont. there is no other way around that. but it sounds like pregnancy will be a motivator for you, and you probably wont have any problems quitting once your completely committed to starting a family
Any advice on how to quit smoking?? -