What is the best and fastest way to quit smoking? -

Saturday, April 4, 2020

What is the best and fastest way to quit smoking? -

i am 20 and i wanna try and quit smoking by december for my girlfriend because she hate it that i smoke and i am tired of wasting money of cigarettes
I-ve managed to do it. After several attempts I must add. It-s hard but here-s what worked for me...

Break your smoking habits. If you smoke when you drink, try not drinking for a while. If you smoke after meals eat some place where you can-t smoke. If you have a cigarette with your morning coffee, maybe you should stop the coffee for a while too.

I know it sounds like giving up more than you have to but it will break the cycle and you can always use it as an incentive - I can start having a coffee again when I know I-m off the cigarettes.
BTW - it might mean not hanging out with friends who are heavy smokers for a while too.

I also tried to take up some new hobbies. Any physical activity is good because you burn off frustration and you need good lung capacity to do it.

The other thing that got me through temptation was just thinking how stupid I was. First to spend money on cigarettes, then to spend even more money on stuff to make me stop smoking cigarettes.
In fact, when ever a friend asks me for an incentive to stop I tell them to picture the fat cat tobacco industry executive making money from other people-s misery and then tell them that it-s your money they have. It-s true.

The only other thing I will say is this - stop or don-t - -I-m cutting down before I stop, I-ll stop tomorrow, I-m on lights now- They all mean the same thing - I-m still smoking.

Don-t feel bad if you do crack, just don-t plan to do it before you start.

Hey, it-s hard but it can be done. Really it can. People stop all the time and you could be one of those people. Good luck.

I am 56 and starting smoking at 16 only very few to begin with. I stopped smoking at 34 when I was pregnant with my 2nd child and stayed that way for 10 years then just took one on whim and that was me back on the cigs again until 2 months ago when I decided there was better things I could be doing with my money. I am so much better off. I used to look at things I would like to buy but thought were too expensive and then tell myself but you dont object to paying on average £5 per pack for cigs!!! If there is something you would really like that you feel you cant afford then save the price of your cigs everyday and you wont be long in feeling the benefit in your pocket and watching that money building up will keep you from buying another packet of cigs. Do it for yourself nobody else. Also a friend of mine who smoked has had his larynx removed due to throat cancer that is a shocker for any smoker to see. Good luck.
I started smoking when I was nine (I-m 68 now) and as an adult smoked cigarettes, cigars and a pipe. I once gave up for 2 years and later for 4, but always took it up again - usually, by just having one a day for a week or so before accelerating to where I was before. But, now I haven-t smoked at all for 26 years (sometimes I still want to!) Before finally stopping I smoked twice as much as normal until I really felt ill. Then I was pleased to give up. Despite quite a few stressful situations - work, divorce, health, moving house - I was determined not to smoke again and my stubborn willpower won!! Good luck, Martin
Get your girlfriend to reward you for every week you stay smoke free. That would help.
Also, try chewing gum. Your breath will smell nicer, rather than worse after a cigarette.
If you still have cigarettes, take them all out of the packet, break them in half, and throw them in the bin happily, in front of others.
Convince yourself that you-re not a smoker any more, and distance yourself mentally from those who are, and from the urges and lifestyle.
You-re just 20 - the brain hasn-t finished forming quite yet. Far easier to break an addiction at your age than leave it even one or two years longer.
Do yourself and your future kids and partner(s) a favour and quit.
You want to be an ex-smoker, now become one. It-s the simplest thing in the world - just up to your will-power. Are you a man or a weakling who-s a drug addict? I know you want to be a man. Your girlfriend will respect you a lot when you give up. So share the above with her, and go do it!
Hi man, I had been smoking many years until my friend bought me a book by allen carr, it is called the easy way to give up smoking, It worked for me, without the patches or pills, or nicotine replacements, it is an excellent book to read, it makes so much sense. Try and read the book, I am sure if you do, - you really want to quit, you will. good luck man.
Try cognitive hypnotherapy. It worked for me in just one session and it cost only the equivalent of one month-s fag money. If you think that is too much, continue smoking as you are not really ready to be free of this habit, yet; or maybe you are but you dont realise it just yet. Look for a hypnotherapist with the letters HPD after their name.

Hypnosis is the most effective way of giving up smoking, according to the largest ever scientific comparison of ways of breaking the habit. Willpower, it turns out, counts for very little. See the link below.
There is no best or fastest way to quiting smoking. Everyone is different. You have to choose what works for you the best and do that. It takes time to stop smoking since it is addictive. Patches are good but can cause an allergic reaction for some in the area you place them so make sure you get the right strength for what you smoke. The gum I have been told by many does not work for them at all. Most of my friends have told to quit smoking you just have to do it cold turkey. Put them down and don-t pick them back up. Replace a good habit with the bad habit you have. Stay busy, work out, visit friends, get involved in hobbies, and don-t leave yourself allot of free time to think about it. Try to get away from people who do smoke so your not tempted. You will have days where you fall to that temptation but just pick yourself back up and start again. One day at a time as it is a decision you have to make and do not that of drugs or patches.
Half of smoking is being aware of your own breathe,
so breathe next time you want one, three short in breathes and one long out breathe works for me (this breathe also used in kungfu, as a technique before engaging in combat) or one deep long in and out breathe, be aware of the air leaving the tip of your nose as you breathe out, (helps your brain to think about something else)

when the breathe thing stops working (which it will as your brain is very clever and it will tell you -you still want the cigarette-, try and meditate as best you can in the circumstances your in, whether in a group of people or just with your girl, knowone will know what your thinking, just focus on something and let your five senses create it, you-ll have to read up on meditation as it-s a big subject (and widely used in western medicine)

Eventually something in your mind will convince you to light up, whether it be within the minute you think about it or a year from when you stopped

Allan Carr-s -easyway to stop smoking- is useful to read,

He doesn-t recommend taking any NRT drugs but I think you should try it and see if it helps, it will certainly supply you with nicotine which although is very addictive it-s also easy to give up with no long lasting withdrawal sympton effects, gum and patches have worked for a lot of people,

most importantly don-t knock yourself if you light up, you haven-t failed, if they never existed you wouldn-t be in this position
(thankyou government and media!) but do start this wonderful process of training your brain to be a friend to you dont let it work against what you want to achieve. youll get there my son =)

My Method was - Get into your head you don-t smoke, if someone asks you do you want a cig don-t say no thanks I have quite, because people will reply -oh have you, how long has it been, don-t you fancy one- then hey presto you now fancy one with all the cig talk.

Just say -I DON-T SMOKE- that will end the discussion, if you fancy a cig and can-t bear it go to the kitchen and pour yourself a large glass of water, if your out and about and get the craving hold your breath, the mind will have something else to think about and the craving will pass.

Smoking is about dealing with cravings that only last a few minutes at a time, but you get them throughout the day, deal with them one at a time, at the end of the day pat yourself on the back and say I made it, it was easy I will do the same tomorrow.

Good Luck

I quit 7 years ago. Best thing I ever did. saved approx £1600 per year x 7 years = £ 11,200. A new Car.
Pick a day, then go cold turkey. Prepare yourself for what it is going to be like - you will have cravings, you will want to give in. You need a game plan, get alternatives ready so they are there when you need them. The first week or so will be the worst. I have found that cravings are temporary, they last 30 seconds or so, I tell myself, and say out loud, -I don-t WANT to smoke, I don-t NEED to smoke.- Chewing gum helps, I have friends that have found inhalers useful. After a while of not smoking, you can then start to feel smug - -I don-t smoke anymore!- and feel good about your efforts. Giving in to cravings you have after that will undo all the good work you have done, and it will taste pretty awful, too. It will make you feel sick, and if you do it in front of friends/family, you will look a tw*t.

I-ve quit a couple of times and been tempted back into the habit by Mary Jane, so don-t fool yourself you can do one and not the other.

You-re only 20 years old, so you can-t have been smoking that long, it will be easier for you to do it now than in the future. Determination and willpower are your weapons.

Good luck!
why not try the new quit smoking Mirage electronic cigarette. its just like smoking a real cigarette in both looks and usage and it works out 80% cheaper, but theres no tobacco, no tar or toxins associated with a tobacco cig. it also comes in different strengths of nicotine and flavours. You just gradually use lower strength cartridges till you are on Zero nicotine, at the pace set by you. AND its LEGAL to use in PUBLIC PLACES. it also has a tip that glows GREEN so people don-t mistakenly think you are smoking a real banned cigarette. don-t waste time, start quitting now. Visit www.miragecigarettes.co.uk
Will power and good friends, once you actually spend a day, then 2 then 3 and so on......, not smoking then you realise it-s not as awful as you believed it would be! this doesn-t mean you will never fall off the wagon though. Be careful of believing you-ve cracked it too soon, it takes a long time.
Patches really help with mood swings and i found taking ginsing kept my energy up (i found i got very woozy) Other smoking friends who may push cigarettes on you are not friends, stay away from them untill you-re strong (they will feel threatened by your will power)
Lastly you will look fantastic within 8weeks of giving up, it makes such a difference in your skin, eyes, teeth, you-ll get a libido boost too.
Bright blessings
Tried it all, did everything. nothing worked except...... Alan Carr. It is still the best way, highest % success rate, leaves the NHS support system in the shade. Just buy the book. Alan Carr, The Easy Way.

NHS should have adopted the system decades ago, would have saved hundreds of millions that they could have spent on operations and cancer treatments. Idiots. I went through the NHS system 3 times. They gave me all the lozenges, patches, support and just about everything else you can imagine. Alan Carr says the worst thing you can do is take nicotine substitutes. he is so right. I read the book and just quit, not prob, no putting on weight, no biting nails etc., nothing. I bet the only system in the answers that is constant will be Alan Carr, always is. Just do a search on questions about quitting and see how many answers say read Alan Carr-s book. It is the most regular answer you will see

Bear this in mind.
Smokers have been made to feel like lepers by the anti smoking brigade.
Bear in mind that the excessive tax paid by smokers nearly covers the total NHS costs.
Just think that if you, just like me who is gagging for that fag, just stop and encourage every smoker you know to stop so we become a smoker free nation, income tax will have to go up to cover the loss.
Then we, the ex smoker can sit back and have the last laugh when all the anti smokers are up in arms with having to pay more income tax to cover the loss from tobacco revenue.
True, we will have to pay more income tax too, but it won-t be as much as we are paying for smoking 20 a day.
Now smoke all you have, encourage all other smokers to quit and lets have the last laugh over the jokers who have helped put these new laws into place, as they have to dip deeper into their pockets.
If this does not give you incentive, then nothing will.

Read Allan Carrs-s book Easy way to stop smoking. It-ll help you get your head right about quitting and you-ll find stoppin easy and enjoyable. It doesn-t work for everyone, but I know alot of people who-ve read it and then found quitting for good no problem.

I used to smoke 20 a day, read the book, stopped straight away, it was sooo easy and I-ve never smoked in 3 years and I-m never tempted to
You should go for sporting. Also, you should always remember that by smoking you are destroying your breathing system. Reading about smoking side effects and how that will affect your 40 year old age for instance can give you strong reason to appreciate the life and work very hard to protect yours.
Swimming will help you to regain your concentration and will increase you will to protect that valued asset called -health-.
I gave up 5 years ago after smoking for 10 years and my boyfriend hated it. I loved smoking but I promised to read the Allen Carr book - The easy way to stop smoking. I read it all in one day - you smoke while you read and by the end of the book it says you won-t really want the last cigarette it tells you to smoke. True enough I didn-t and I even went out that night to celebrate his 30th birthday and it was fine, I went out the next night and there were smokers in the group and it was still fine. I can-t believe how easy it was and since then my mam and dad have both read it and stopped. I can-t recommend it enough but I would suggest that you shut yourself in a room, tell people not to bother you and read it from cover to cover with a packet of fags. Good luck! I-ve never been tempted since I stopped.
I was a smoker once. How did I give up? I didn-t! Sound strange? It must do since I haven-t smoked a cigarette now for over 30 years. What I did was this. One day I was sat in a pub waiting for my girlfriend to finish work so that I could go and meet her. I had boufght a packet of 20 earlier in the day and realised that I had smoked more than half up to then even though I normally smoked around 10 a day. I realised that I was increasing my intake and began to wonder why I was spending so much money on killing myself and others around me, making my clothes, hair, skin and breath smell like a stale ashtray and generally contaminating everything around me. My house and car stunk of smoke and even my desk at the office. I decided there and thaen that I would no longer be a smoker but, rather than -give up- as I knew this would be hard, I chose not to smoke. I crushed my remaining cigarettes and threw the packet into the ashtray. Each time after that I wanted a cigarette I had a choice to make. Each time I had the urge or was offered a cigarette I chose -No- and eventually my friends stopped offering them. As I no longer bought them either it became very easy not to smoke. I have not done now for 33 years. I certainly felt the benefit. More money in my pocket, no more smoker-s cough, my senses of smell and taste returned and I and my surroundings stopped stinking. I never felt any cravings because I knew, deep down, that I could always choose to smoke a cigarette if I wanted to but, each time, I chose -No;. I can-t say that my -method- will work for you but it certainly did for me. Good luck and keep trying.
i also quit because i found it was a serious waste of cash, but i didn-t see the point of spending even more money on quitting ie pills and patches. So I went cold turkey! Thing is you just need to keep yourself occupied,be dedicated and be serious enough about quitting. Found loads of useful stuff on these pages



try looking at someone who is forty plus and has been smoking for years....pay special attention to their teeth and the wrinkles on their skin yuck!...now think that is what i will look like in twenty years..its guaranteed that you will...keep an image of this person in your head and every time you feel like a cig think of this person...this worked for me so far I-m thirty and smoked thirty a day i-m now off them seven months!well good luck you can so do it .remember you have to do it for yourself at the end of the day
i have smoked for 17 years 20/30 a day have now given up for 14 weeks just using willpower, its hard but it does get better time,just promise yourself not to smoke on that day, take one day at a time. i kept a diary of how i felt every day of not smoking and if you get a bad day look back,you will be amazed, good luck
I used to smoke nearly 4 x 20 packs of cigarettes every day. When it became costly I started smoking open tobacco. And I was the chain smoker. For every thing else I used to smoke.
One day I stopped completely. And it happened in this way:
1. I decided not to carry the cigrette pack to my office...except that I should carry two cigarettes every day...for emergency.
2. I decided to smoke two in the morning, afternoon and half pack in evening...evening was usual because I am back from office. I did this for two weeks.
3. Then I decided to smoke two in morning, afternoon and evening.
4. Then I knowingly used to forget cigarettes pack at home. And therefore started avoiding the afternoon puffs.
5. Well, now irritation started and I used to get crazy, I used to buy some chocklate and used to have one bite when ever my mind goes there.
6. After two weeks, I decided to smoke only one cigarette in morning and two in evening.
7. After a week, I stopped smoking in morning and only in evening.
8. I became the fan of chocklates by then...if nothing else chocklates are in my pocket.
9. I threw a full pack of cigarette in evening, thinking myself, that if I threw it now, i am done..i tried it several times..then again picked back the pack...but this time, i thought...i should throw this pack on the street and should run to my home...it happened.
10. Today I dont smoke. I still remember the last pack of my cigarette on the steet.
11. Chocklates became my habit...but inorder to avoide chocklates I used to get cold water and keep near my desk..
12. Today, I have cold water always at my desk. And whenever, I feel irritated or feels like something, then i take a sip of coldwater or a bite of chocklate.
13. I gained weight, my diet increased and I started playing good volleyball.

I am three years old leaving cigarette...and today I hate cigarette and said a lot of people near bus stands to go away.
The more you say, the more hatered you develop for cigarette in your heart.

I started smoking at 13 thought it was the cool thing to do (was the worst thing I ever did). 23 years later and have at long last stopped smoking for the last 6 months. I went to my Dr and as I have tried and failed with the patches and nicotine gum he said to try Champix pills. All I can say is that they are a miracle and would never go back to the cancer sticks. Have managed to save £1100 and am going on a nice holiday next month, try them and see. You wont regret it. Good luck.
if you REALLY want to quit you will. i smoked for 28 years im now 39 scary hah, but i realised the only way was to see my kids (hey , your parents/loved ones may tell you) but if you want to you will. i did have a little help smoking group (i know, cn-t be b-thd etc and Champix from my dr. and i only did half the recommended .(6weeks) it sooooo worked for me. ps my hub hated it. it really couldnt do it on my own and hey since oct 4 , every smoker makes me feel ill - go on, it is ok , honest. i get 1yr free from October 4 - x Raine
Me and the wife used to smoke roll ups for years when cost became high. One night at the works xmas do at my new job - we decided to buy our old brand of ready made fags so as not to show ourselves up rolling up at teh bar so to speak. Any way the next day we both felt so rough from the fags - we didnt bother to spoke anything and the next day and before we knew we had given up. That was five years ago and we are free of the draedful stuff after 25 years!!!!!!
Best of luck whatever works for u!
A nicotine inhalator was what worked for me (30 a day for 30 years). Puffing on a nicotine inhalator is not as satisfying as a cigarette, but it does remove the craving for nicotine.

It-s only the first week which is difficult and having a nicotine inhalator to turn to really does help.

But you must want to give up more than you want another cigarette.

Good luck.
hi, i quit 18 months ago, i smoked 40 a day for nearly 30 years! i did it by using the 24 hour patches and also when i really craved a fag i would have a herbal cigarrette as they are not addictive as they dont contain nicotine or tobacco, i now only have the occasional one when im stressed out which isnt too often, i can honestly say that i will never touch normal cigs again and although i have the odd herbal i dont crave one and could live without them altogether if i chose to. my friend also followed the same method and she hasnt smoked for just over a year now, hope this might help, good luck!
Any addiction becomes bound up with rituals and routine.
Like having a smoke after a meal, during breaks at work, after -significant- ;) events etc..

2/3 weeks before you give yourself a date to give up, break ALL of those routines.

Have a smoke, when you don-t really want one.

Have a smoke, when you would normally have planned to do something else.

Buy a different brand, each time you need to top up supplies (and don-t let your addicted brain convince you to buy 400 duty free-s of your usual brand, to see you through to giving up day..) The foul taste of any brand, other than your usual - including menthols *%( will soon have you looking forward to that day. Believe me.

DON-T have a smoke, when you would normally have one (after that -significant- event, etc..)

Buy lolly pops and have one of those instead (Telly Savalas made it his trade mark, unfortunately too late to prevent him from dying of lung cancer..so best do it now)

On the appointed giving up day, search your house for ANY smoking-related stuff and throw it all away.

Then repeat the mantra -I-m not an ex-smoker, I just don-t smoke-, any time you-re tempted.

Hold your breath, when you walk past anyone having a fag.

If you get to 6 months without a fag, you-ll believe that, when you smoked, your body was taken over by aliens.
Say to yourself every morning when you wake up

-i am not going to smoke today- and focus on getting through that one day,

dont think about not smoking tommorrow or the next day , just focus on getting thought each day at a time, and next thing you know you will have a new -not smoking- habit.
Try Zyban. its tablets u take. start off one a day for a week while still smoking. then move onto 2 a day. slowly it supresses the need to smoke. i used it for 2 weeks but it had side effects with me. i cut down alot on it. have friends that quit totally within 3 weeks. i think here in the uk its perscricption thou so not sure how much it cost.
I-ve done it cold turkey, but kept the habit. I was always outside at work smoking with others. what i do now is go out side and chat away but just don-t stop. Chewing gum (none of this Nicorette rubbish) is good for a distraction. plan ahead, know that at some point you will have another cigarette, but its a planned cigarette and that you won-t give up on giving up. Its a step by step stage, just believe you really can do it.
What is the best and fastest way to quit smoking? -