How can I quit smoking without quit smoking products? -

Thursday, April 16, 2020

How can I quit smoking without quit smoking products? -

I don-t want to use quit smoking products, (gum, patches, laser surgery, or whatever....) I want to quit with natural products, anyone here just say -FORGET IT, I QUIT SMOKING,- and successfully quit for at least a year? I want to hear your story....
I tried this method which I made it myself and it really worked! First try not smoking for 3 whole days, if you succeed reward yourself with something like a puff or two.If you can manage to proceed, do so.You can continue it until you no longer needed to resist the temptation to smoke. I tried that ani havent smoked for 4 months (well maybe 1 or two in between xD)
Amanda is hitting on something important there called -interrupting the pattern.- Interrupting the pattern is step 2. Step 1 is leverage. You need a pen and paper, and you need to understand the embarassment, humiliation, guilt, physical pain, anxiety, etc.. that smoking causes, or will cause. For example, you have bad breath and meet a beautiful woman. She-s totally turned off and you feel the pain of rejection. Step 2, interrupt the pattern. You will need somethiing to interrupt your patterned way of thinking that smoking = pleasure. Rubber band, dance move, squeeze your nose and make a honk sound.. whatever! Last, step 3 = create a NEW association. Say to yourself -I am smart.- or -I am gorgeous.- -Smoking = massive pain.- If you believe that you-re giving up something, that you-re losing something.. you will not condition yourself to stop smoking. It has to be about all the GAIN. I-ll gain THIS in my relationships, I-ll gain THAT in my health, I-ll gain THIS in my finances.. all GAIN GAIN GAIN
hello the urge/desperation to smoke is a sign of being addicted which can be easily overcome,

apart other things , a strong will-power can make you overcome the smoking habit,

participating in support groups who have quit the habit of smoking will be useful,

peer pressure to smoke should be beaten by your will power to understand that smoking is not -in- thing atleast for your health

The British doctors study showed that those who stopped smoking before they reached 30 years of age lived almost as long as those who never smoked.

It is also possible to reduce the risks by reducing the frequency of smoking and by proper diet and exercise.

You can also go for telephone quitlines in your place.

i know a website- -it is a fantastic and free online course,i highly recommend you to join this course which will take about 3 mins reading per day
My uncle just quit cold turkey. He wore a rubber band that he snapped on his wrist and he carried around black licorice (which he hates) and whenever he wanted a cigarette he forced himself to eat the licorice and he-d snap the rubber band. Seriously inside of 3 weeks he said even thinking about a cigarette made me sick to his stomach.
Here-s what my granny did she fell asleep w/a cigarette in her mouth and she thought about what could-ve happened so that night she put that cigarette down and said im done and shes never smoked one since and its been about 30 years, ive been trying to get my dad to quit for years one time my sis stole his cigarettes and tried to throw them away :) ( Dad caught her:()
I know two people who have, one girl I know just quit one day after smoking seven years. My father quit for medical reasons and refused any quit smoking products he had been smoking for fiftyone years so it was three-four hard months before the worst was over. Sorry about the lack of punctuation...
How can I quit smoking without quit smoking products? -