I want to quit smoking but Im afraid of gaining alot of weight-any suggestions? -

Monday, December 4, 2006

I want to quit smoking but Im afraid of gaining alot of weight-any suggestions? -

The health benefits of smoking cessation (quitting) are immediate and substantial. Almost immediately, a person-s circulation begins to improve and the level of carbon monoxide in the blood begins to decline. (Carbon monoxide, a colorless, odorless gas found in cigarette smoke, reduces the blood-s ability to carry oxygen.) A person-s pulse rate and blood pressure, which may be abnormally high while smoking, begin to return to normal. Within a few days of quitting, a person-s sense of taste and smell return, and breathing becomes increasingly easier.


There are many nicotine substitutes that can help you through this, too.
4knowledge-you get a thumb-s up (smile)

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I-m on my 14th day smoke free. I have smoked for 20 years and have tried the patch before (with it I gained 20 pounds in 2 months). This time I-m using Nicorette FRESH MINT gum. It has made all the difference!! I have not gained 1 pound. Obviously the patch didn-t satisfy the oral addiction for me the way the gum has. I also work out 3 times a week and drink alot of water. I-m not saying it has always been a total breeze, but it hasn-t been all that bad either. Good luck to you!
Don-t worry about that!
Buy yourself a iPod and get some of you favorite music for starters...then get yourself walking and running with it! Have fun!!!
That is correct. Smoking does suppress the appetite,so there is a possibility,that you may gain weight. Try snacking on your favorite fruits and veggies,when you get that urge. Drink a glass of water with them. The fullness will break the smoking urge. (Good Luck)
get the patch is good. Also do you like Twizzlers? I like Strawberry, low fat, I have found that Smoking is a hand mouth fetish. Twizzlers allow me to have my hands and mouth both busy as before. The brain can be fooled. MY DAD quit after 30 years, he twisted napkins.
Another thing, brush your teeth every 30 mins. that is a great feeling to have. Also suck in allot of fresh air and the lungs will jump with joy. Some get a slight high with more air, like joggers. Good luck, GB and hang tight.
Hey, you know what? I packed on a full 100 pounds after quitting.... I still smoke cigarettes; that was meth, actually.
If you want to drop that addiction, then you need to do whatever it takes, and be proud. Stick with eating right - get yourself some good exercise, and you shouldn-t put on much at all, unless it-s muscle. Is it the hand-to-mouth habit that you-re worried about? Try carrot sticks - other healthy finger foods.
Good luck :-)
When you want to snack, snack on something healthy like an apple. When you would take your usual smoke breaks at work go for a short walk. And take a walk through the park every night until you-re done with you quitting.
My doctor told me that gaining 10 lbs and not smoking is better than weighing 10 lbs less and smoking. I wouldn-t worry about it... I didn-t. And if you are concerned... try exercising to burn off the extra calories you are eating.
You might gain some (and that is normal) just get outside more and do more physical activities (I-m sure you can think of some - wink).
Good Luck!
what else are you addicted to. I don-t want to sound mean but by the looks of your 360 profile, you could put a few pounds on, don-t worry about weight gain, worry about your 12 steps, I am recovering meth addict, is why I ask, again sorry if I sound mean. You are a beautiful woman, I am sure inside and out, take care of yourself.
I think you-d still be beautiful.
If you have to havesomething in your mouth, use chewing gum or sugar free mints.
i quit 8 years ago, i have lots of celery and carrot sticks in the fridge, if there in there and cut already then they will be there and convenient, but NO dips or dressings, this is the fatty part.
get the patch
Walk, run, drink water, buy some gum and chew it, chew a straw, If you go cold turkey, its gonna take a lot of will power, but that doesn-t mean you have to eat. Most people gain weight because they need to satisfy the urge to put stuff in their mouth. Fight that urge and you will be fine, good luck, i am a recent quiter, and I feel a lot better!! I also gained weight, but that is because I started to work out every time I got the urge to burn one...GOOD LUCK!!!
should be no promblem, u wont gain weight babe
i quit smoking 6 months ago after 8 yrs, and i lost weight by using the patch(the name brand patches are somewhat expensive but the generic brand works just as well and its like $10 cheaper) for one and i kept myself busy so i didnt think about having a smoke in my hand, i redid the entire upstairs of my house, from moving around furniture to changing the paint color of all three rooms up there, and after so many days with out a cigarette your energy level increases so you will want to do more. dont worry about the weight and good luck quitting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yeah... first off, you know you want to quit smoking... so, don-t not do it because you are afraid of gaining weight. do it because you realize that you want to do it, and then let nothing stop you. second, now focus on not eating any more than you normally would. if you feel the need to, for some reaon, chew gum... lots of gum---don-t bother with the pouch, it-s a waste of time and money, and it-s kinda weak too. just stop it. and be strong, it doesn-t take that long, the cravings will go away... just don-t be a wuss and give in when you know that you really don-t want to
you have to drink oregano water. but you have to dilute it with water. it will high up your metabolism, take the stress, and so on.

Please take your doctors- advise first.
Many of my friend who quit said they had lots of sugarfree gum and candy on call at all times. It does help and its a hard habit to break! Goodluck
Eat all you want and then have lots and lots of sex. The exercise will keep the weight off.
chew gum, sugar free gum. and if you want dip with carrot or celeary sticks get fat free dip or just eat them plain.
Well whats worse, putting on a few pounds or drowning in your own body fluid. Sounds nasty I know but then again it is. I quit after watch my grandfather die slowly of emphysema. I wish I had him back with a some extra weight.
Let-s put it like this. Quitting smoking, particularly if you smoke a lot, changes your metabolism. If you manage to do lots of physical exercise at the same time, you won-t put on a single pound.
I want to quit smoking but Im afraid of gaining alot of weight-any suggestions? -