I want to quit smoking and lose weight. Any advice? -

Sunday, May 9, 2010

I want to quit smoking and lose weight. Any advice? -

I-ll admit that I do live too sedentary of a life. I am just concerned about trying to make these two difficult changes at the same time.
One idea:

When you want a cigarette, go for a 15 min walk. Research shows that walking will help curb your nic fit.

There are many other ways to lose weight, so to be general here is the three keys to your success. Caloric restriction (do not go below about 1200 calories a day), cardio, and strength training. Meet with a personal trainer for the first time so you can asses your current fitness level. This will help for a smooth transition into a workout routine. I know a personal trainer can get expensive, but one session won-t strech you too far.
Get alot of gum and healthy foods, and dont forget to exercise like most. 2 of the hardest things to do, and at the same time. Good Luck.
Some say weight can/retention is related to stress, and stress might be a problem as you attempt to quit smoking. Furthermore, smoking can decrease lung capacity and such, and can make it harder to exercise. You should focus on quitting smoking first, as it presents health risks that could hinder your journey to weight loss.

They make gum, patches, and all sorts of things for smokers. Also, simply slowly reducing the amount you smoke each day (or each week, if you want to do it slowly) will help. Just keep in mind that it-s a conscious choice on your part. No medication or aid will *make* you stop smoking. If you really want to quit, and you try, you should be able to succeed.
When mother Nature has provided us with such a simple and easy treatment to cure diseases and even to avoid them we all must follow the instructions given by her. These Therapies only help Nature to cure us. Let us not ignore Nature in our mad pursuit of science. THIS NATURE-S -DO IT YOURSELF- ACUPRESSURE THERAPY ITSLEF IS A SCIENCE AND NOT A MATTER OF BELIEF. Try this Therapy sincerely and regularly for at least 15 days and observe its wonderful and amazing result.

Obesity : This is due to :

1. Malfunctioing of Thyroid/Parathyroid gland and late on other endocrine
glands e.g. malfunctioning of Pineal gland leads to retention of water and
excess water in the body and leads to excess fat.

2. Underworking of Sex glands mainly in ladies after delivery of a child.

3. Overeating i.e. taking more calories than required by the body.

C U R E :

Take minimum 3 liters water in a day.

Take Acupessure treatment on all endocrine glands twice daily.

2. During pregnancy and after delivery, take treatment on all the endrocrine
glands. After delivery, increae heat in the body, take the acupressure

3. Drink charged gold/silver/copper water daily two glasses reduced from 4

4. Drink hot to lukewarm water only during the day and always after meals.

5. In the morning in one glass of hot water add juice of half a lemon and one
tablespooful of honey. Drink it. That will reduec the desire to eat/drink

6. Chew food at least 15 minutes

7. Drink 3 to 5 cups of green juice a day adding 1 teaspoonful of health drink
to each cup. This will help to reduce the body very fast WITHOUT ANY SIDE

8. Eat plenty of salads adding 100 grams of sprouted cereals like Mung. Also
eat two seasonal fruits + 1 glass of buttermilk.

9. Avoid all food if possible. However, in spite of the above diet, if you
feel very hungry, take preparations of only wheat or only rice. That will
rduce the intake of food. But eat this food only when you are very hungry.

10. Do Pranayam + Ling Mundra + Jogging+Skipping+swimming + Acupressure.



In the case of females,damage to endocrine glands of Thyroid/Parathyroid is very common. Moreover, their Sex glands are damaged during pregnancy or delivery because of worry. And so when these two endocrine glands do not function properly, these women start putting on weight more around the waist. Because of damage to these two endocrine glands, sometimes even Pineal gland is damaged and so there is more retention of water in the body, which is also one of the reasons for excess weight.

When such patients come, their obese figure obviously shows their problem which can be confirmed by pressing on point nos. 8, 11 to 15 and no. 3. At this time of checking, it is advisable to check other endocrine glands too, so you can locate any further damage, if any. for cure, first it is necessary to treat these two endocrine glands for 15/20 days and only then start dieting and treatment on not only these two endocrine glands but also on the other endocrine glands. I have treated many cases,where the weight loss was from 2/3 kgs to 10 kgs per month. Once the weight has reached normal then ask the patients to continue Acupressure treatment and they will be able to maintan their weight and pleasing figure.

Regarding smoking= Until-unless if not increase your will-power, it is not possible to quit smoking. So again follow these :

Depression, Tension - Increase of will-power.

Increasing the will-power : Our mind has a great effect on these glands. For example, continuous fear damages the Pituitary gland and makes one timid. Similarly,tension and worry disturb the Pineal gland and so leads to high B.P. and as Pineal gland controls other glands it also disturbs other glands and digestive system. In modern times, strees-tension or worry-fear have increased and they often disturb these endocrine glands. If these endocrine glands are not treated immediately, it might lead to malfunctioning of other glands of the body. As these glands are interrelated, whenever one gland is disturbed, the other glands also get disturbed. So, when you press on the points of these endocrine glands you will feel pain on points of more than one gland especially in case of chronic diseases. Therefore, it is very improtant to give Acupressure treatment on all the endocrine glands and keep them under proper control.

These glands also control the mind (the will-power). So in order to get rid of bad habits like smoking, drinking, drug addiction or even overeating, it is extremely necessary to give treatment on all endocrine glands for at least, fifteen days. Because, these people lack the necessary will-power to give up bad habits, they often break their vows to stop such bad habits and so they are considered unreliable. However, a treatment of fifteen days will give them necessary will-power to stop these bad habits after that. And they will be free from the withdrawal symptoms of stopping these bad habits.

Nervous tension : In the modern days because of fast life and loss of contentment,nervous tension keeps on building up increasingly, tending to damage our mind and health.

How to find out : Ask the patient to lie down on the back and ask some one to press on the base of the middle toe in both the legs. If there is a hurting sensation,it means nervous tension. If the hurting is unbearable, it means that the person is on the verge of collapse and needs immediate attention.

C U R E : (1) While the patient is lying on the back, bend all the toes of both legs, backward. It may hurt but give little more pressure and bend them as much as possible. Repeat this three times a day till the tension is removed.

(2) Clasp your hands tightly interlocking the fingers. Then with left hand fingers press on the back of the right hand and then with right hand fingers, press on the back of the left hand. repeat for about 1 to 2 minutes, 3 to 4 times a day.

(3) Insomnia : The above mentioned treatment can be taken for 5 to 12 minutes at night in bed to ensure good sleep and cure insomnia.

(4) Take 2 glasess of gold/silver/copper charged water reduced from 8 glasses of water daily.

(5) Kali Phos 1 m (a Biochemic medicine) : Take 8 pills in the eveining between 8 to 9 p.m. for 10 days, then once a week. After 10 days Kali Phos 12 x 4+4 pills every day. Complete course is of 45 days.
How quickly do you want to lose weight? If you-re not in a hurry, just don-t eat more than 3x a day, eat slowly and stop when you-re full, and exercise! - you can-t avoid this if you really want to lose weight in the right manner.

About smoking, I-m afraid I can-t help you there. I-m a smoker myself and I don-t know how to stop.
I found that quitting smoking was easier when I had a real motivator to keep me focused. When I quit 15 years ago I had my boyfriend help me with getting out and walking as much as possible and I wrote out a list of all the reasons I had to quit - it was a long list because I wrote down every last little thing I could think of. Any time I felt like having a smoke I took out the list and read it a couple times - it was so long that the cravings usually were gone by the time I finished. I sucked on lollipops and chewed gum to help with the -mouthing- cravings.

Unfortunately I started smoking again years later because I thought I could have just one when my fiance (one of those annoying occasional smokers ;-) !) had a pack. Stupid mistake! I ended up smoking for another 5 years until I got pregnant - but being pregnant was motivation enough and I now know that I can never just have one - if I do I will be right back to smoking again.

Trying to do both will be tough and could sabotage both plans. I agree with the other folks here to quit smoking first and worry about the weight later. You may gain a few pounds after you quit (I gained 10 - 15 lbs. each time) but it was easier to lose the weight after because I could do cardio without gasping for air every few minutes!

Try eating five small meals a day to keep your metabolism up and stave off the hunger pangs which can lead to over eating.

Walk as much as you can while quitting, too. It will help get you in better shape in preparation for your weight loss later. Try to do at least 20 minutes a day, if you can, and work up from there. Get a friend involved to help motivate you to get out there and move your feet.

Believe me - if I can quit smoking, you can too!

Good luck!
Don-t try to do both at the same time. You are just setting yourself up for failure. Try Chantix for the quitting smoking. It-s expense ($115.00 a month) but it-s helped a lot of people. Maintain your current weight by walking after dinner and small exercise improvements like that. After you-ve been smoke free for a few months, then set up your diet and more rigorous exercise plan. Good luck to you!!!
For smoking, you may want to find out if any hospitals or clinics near you offer hypnosis. I have a co-worker who tried it, even though he was VERY skeptical, and after one treatment he put the cigarettes down for good and hasn-t picked them up since. It-s been three years and he has been smoke-free. The good news is a lot of health insurance plans cover all or most of the cost of hypnosis to quit.

If you want to quit, regardless of how you do it, leading a more healthy lifestyle will help. Eating right and exercising are your two best and only effective weapons in the quest to lose weight. Going on a diet for a while or taking pills is only a temporary fix -- you may lose weight but then you-ll gain it all back once you stop the diet or the pills. The key is to make permanent changes in your eating and exercise habits that will knock the weight off and keep it off.

Here are a few tips:

1. You MUST exercise if you want to lose weight and keep it off, so do something every day, even if it’s just a 15-minute walk around the neighborhood. Don’t say you don’t have time for exercise; you have to MAKE time. Yes, it takes time and effort, but you’re worth it, right?

2. Walk as much as you want, but don’t do cardio for more than 40 minutes at a time. If you do, you risk burning muscle instead of fat.

3. If you do strength training, use light weights and do lots of repetitions. That’ll really help you “tone up.”

4. Your diet will make you or break you. You have probably learned bad eating habits over time (most people do). That’s not your fault, but now you have to deal with it. Make a commitment to yourself to unlearn those bad habits and re-learn better habits.

5. Eat breakfast every day within an hour of getting up. People who don’t are 450% more likely to be overweight.

6. Eat six small meals or snacks per day instead of three squares per day or one big meal per day. Your body expends energy digesting your food, so eating smaller portions more often keeps your metabolism running high because you’re constantly digesting food.

7. Avoid these as much as possible:

-- Trans fat (any type of partially or fully hydrogenated oil)
-- High fructose corn syrup (soft drinks are LOADED with it)
-- Fast food
-- Junk food
-- White sugar, white flour, white rice, white potatoes
-- The deadly C’s (cookies, cakes, candy, chips, cola)

8. Build your diet around these trim-body-friendly foods:

-- Nuts, any kind (almonds are best)
-- Beans/Legumes
-- Fresh vegetables (green is GREAT!!!)
-- Dairy products (as long as they’re low-fat or non-fat)
-- Eggs
-- Lean meats (fish and poultry top the list)
-- Olive oil
-- Whole grain breads/cereals/pasta
-- Fresh fruits (anything that ends in “berry” is a winner)
-- Tea (green tea or black pekoe tea)
-- Cold water or ice water (your body has to expend extra calories to heat it up)

9. Desserts and treats are the exception, not the rule. Having said that, however, (1) you can have a couple of pieces of chocolate every day – just don’t overdo, and (2) Allow yourself one “cheat meal” every week where you eat and drink whatever you want as long as you don’t gorge yourself. That’ll help keep you from feeling deprived and it’ll make it easier to stick with your new healthy eating plan.

Good luck!
Stop smoking first then worry about your weight.
Smoking is more important to stop.
Weight can wait until after you-ve completed the first!
Keep something in your hands as much as possible. Water bottles have worked for me. Make sure you walk when you can. Make it a habit. Bust out the Ipod and get into some music helps. Food wise, everyone is different. Fiber is important. Natural like from veggies and some real bran mixed with liquid can take off some pounds.
Smoking? Patches but then don-t skimp on food. Go see a Doctor if you can. GUM! Keep the parts of the body busy with diversions. Replace the smokes and food with some different choices.

Mostly it is patience and commitment you have to stick to. For both together it can be hard. Also try and get some friends on board to support your efforts. Staying alone is the worst for quitting anything. Best of luck.
I use the nicotine inhaler....it-s by rx only in the states but it-s cheaper than buying cigs at $4.50/pack, right? It costs about $160 for 168 of them (unless you have insurance) and you would probably use 10 per day....I didn-t/haven-t gained any weight but haven-t lost any either. I also live a sedentary life so I know where you-re coming from! Good luck and try out the inhaler, really....it works!!!
I want to quit smoking and lose weight. Any advice? -