Best why to quit smoking? and should I? -

Friday, October 15, 2010

Best why to quit smoking? and should I? -

Ok i-am 20 turning 21 i smoke camel light 99-s i smoke about a pack a day and i want to quit but i started because A. it-s a appetite suppressant i mean i-am a size 8 i don-t need to get any bigger and B. someone told me it kills calories now if i do quit whats the best why cold turkey,patches or gum? and will quitting make me gain weight if i quit?
Congrats!! First step is to want to quit (and thats the only way- no one can make you). It is HARD to quit... but everyone is different and it takes different things to work for different people. I quit smoking after 1almost 15 years with the patch. It did take me 3 tries at it- but i havent smoked in 7 years. Like they say- your success rate increases each time you try. The first time i thought -ive gone a month without one- i can have just one-... NO- doesnt work... you CANT have just one- you will go back to it. Second time i learned to not go out to bars and be around all the smokers for a few weeks when i was vulnerable. Third time worked- i didnt go out for a bit- and i didnt have -just one-.
As you know smoking is both a mental and physiacal thing- so the patch lets you deal with the emotional side of it (routines like lighting up when you get in car, or after you eat...etc) while its dealing with the physical. You get the nicotine at a slow pace- and actually- i was more relaxed on the patch than without it! lol It really helped me hanging up a calendar on my wall- and i would cross out each day i didnt smoke- shows you progress- and helps to know you are headed the right direction. There are tons of sites to help you quit and give you advice. Main thing i wanted to tell you... it CAN be done- and good for you for doing it!! :) Good luck... you can do it!!! By the way- yes you will probably gain some weight for a bit... who cares- you will live a lot longer- smell better- and twice the people now will find you attractive!!!
It dosn-t matter, we are all going to be dead soon.
I went cold turkey, but it-s not easy. First you have to get rid of all the reminders of smoking, like ash trays, lighters and of course the cigarettes. As for gaining weight, chew gum. When you quit there is a need to chew. So keep plenty of gum around. That will keep you from eating everything in sight. Also find something to do with your hands. If you knit, or crochet, that is a good way to keep your hands busy. Good luck! And yes, you should quit. :)
I-d say cold turkey...but I-m not a smoker. And appertly its better to risk dying then gain a few pounds.
Thanks for taking the initiative to quit. You can try cold turkey but if that doesn-t work, try the patch. My son quit smoking recently and did it with the patch. If you replace the smoking with routine exercise and proper diet, you won-t gain weight.
My son was in the hospital this weekend (he-s ok) and the doctor suggested a new medication for my husband to quit with. It starts with a Chantax. The doctor can give you more information. This stuff is supposed to be great!
Cold turkey is the only way to go. Quitting wont make you gain weight but you will have to watch what you eat so you dont.
Best why to quit smoking? and should I? -