Quit smoking? -

Friday, October 14, 2011

Quit smoking? -

I have quit smoking for 18 days now and I am going crazy reason I could last this long is because I could remember how disgusting it was to smoke but since my mouth is watery now (always) and I feel clean overall I forget the disgusting feeling I had before and I want to go back... what can I do to get this thought out of my head ?
Practice the 5 D-s:
1. Drink Water
2. Distract
3. Delay
4. Discuss
5. Deep Breathe

Ever heard of Nicotine Anonymous? There are face to face (f2f) meetings in many parts of the country. If there are none in your area, you can attend regularly scheduled meetings several times a day on the internet.
If you don-t have a mic, you can type share.
I am including a link below that will take you where you need to go to join VOICES OF NICOTINE RECOVERY, an online Nicotine Anonymous Yahoo group.
They have a meetings from early in the morning until late at night, and all day long on holidays.

Go there an join the group. You can post (vent) on the board there, as well as attend meetings. There are MANY people there who can relate to what you are going through and can give you their ESH. (Experience, strength, and hope.)
Only hanging around people who DON-T smoke has worked the best for my husband. To be honest though, that craving may never go away: my father quit over 25 years ago and still craves a smoke every now and then (particularly when he-s around people who smoke). He keeps gum with him at all times, which he says really helps keep him from giving in!
If the symptoms are troubling too much, you may go in for the anti habit forming or anti addiction drugs on your psychiatrist advice please.
I may have misunderstood your question but if you want to remember the nasty taste in your mouth from smoking maybe you should take a big whiff of an ashtray.......smell is connected to taste. As long as that smell doesn-t make you want to smoke it could work. I quit chewing tobacco a week ago so I know what you-re going through......hang in there!
When I quit smoking I found that I had certain -triggers- that would make me want to pick one up. If you know what yours are (such as a cigarette with the morning paper or as reward for finishing a project) you can find ways to substitute that cigarette, such as a cup of coffee with the morning paper or a few minutes reading a favorite magazine for a job well done. Strong flavored gum such as mint or cinnamon also helps. You-re over the worst of it already, so keep up the good work!
Can you try this? As a reminder when you want to smoke have a small piece of garlic handy and when you take a bit you need to remember trying to get rid of the resin in your mouth..the very thing that kept up craving....You still need oranges and citrus to keep your mouth clean. You need to expand on the energy you use....Do not turn back and you will be right where I am sitting..Still thinking about why I do not quit.
I quit smoking about 4 1/2 weeks ago. Obviously- it is on my mind too or i would not have found this question. i quit before for 8 months and went back to it. after being clean for 8 months i felt the cigs dirty my lungs again and it was gross. im only in my 20-s and trust me my breathing is not that great and i have never been overweight. just keep lookign up horror stories and negative things associated. the nights i came so close to smoking over the past 4 weeks, i would always end up thinking -i can-t put one of those nasty thigns in my mouth again- because all the negativity i keep associating with it and it will work. good luck! :)
Quit smoking? -