How hard is it to quit smoking? -

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

How hard is it to quit smoking? -

It-s hard to do because not only are you addicted to the nicotine but to the hand-to-mouth motion and flicking the cigarette. I used to smoke and still love it. What you need to remember is that it takes only 3 days to get all the nicotine out of your body, then you need to deal with the desire for a cigarette. If you quit, remember you can NEVER have even one more or you will be back again buying a pack. It-s hard to do but I did it....and you can, too. You need to want to do it not just for the reason that your friends are giving you grief about it. When you first quit, take lots of walks, drink lots of juice, and stay away from times you really like to smoke....stay out of bars, stay away from smoker friends, stay off the phone, stop drinking coffee or soda if that is when you light up. It is much easier that way. Good luck.

I am 48 yrs.old. I have made many mistakes in my life.
I can honestly say that starting smoking was by far
THE BIGGEST mistake I ever made.
it is the most difficult thing i have ever done, it was harder to quit smoking then it was to quit getting high (used to be addicted to methamphetamines in highschool) its also totally worth the effort.
it-s hard. pills patches gum lozengers, they don-t help. have you heard of nicotrol puffers, they-re great. they look like a plastic cigarette they take a cartridge. you can use 16 or 18 a day. each cartridge equals 80 puffs. i believe there are 120 to a box. insurance will not pay for them. i believe it was a 116.00 dollars at wal-mart.
good luck
if it were easier more people would quit. Nicotine is and addiction...................It is difficult.
I started smoking around the age of 13, and I quit at the age of 37. I am now 42 and still smoke free. It was hard, after the 1st 24 hours your body withdrawal is finished, that is out of the way. Next is the mindset which is the hard part to beat, the habit of lighting up after dinner, with your friends have to change your pattern of behaviour. Now saying all this sounds easy, it is not easy but it is not impossible. I quit cold turkey and I broke out of that lifestyle, I am no longer chained to that cancer stick, but 5 years later I sometimes will be driving, on my way home and will see a store and think to myself, -I should stop and grab some smokes- and its like, where the heck did that come from. So the thought pattern is still there, I just have control over it now.Quitting was the best thing I have ever done for myself!
VERY hard. Look how many people try to stop and can-t.

Cigarettes are highly addictive.
It-s hard. I second everything everyone has posted so far to answer your question, and in addition, I will say it-s not just an addiction, it-s not just a habit, it-s also a lifestyle. So once you start to smoke, you socialize with others who do. When you try to quit, you still have to deal with the fact that your friends will still be smoking, wanting to smoke in the car, wanting to smoke in the house, wanting to sit in the smoking section of the restaurant, needing to go outside for a smoke, etc. It starts to become a big issue. It-s a lifestyle. People who stop smoking have to change their lifestyle to stay tobacco free.

Also, if someone quits smoking without learning a new technique to handle stress as it comes up, they will excuse reaching for a smoke when something -out of the ordinary- happens that causes them stress. This is one of the most frequent reasons people start smoking again. The thing is that life is always going to be stressful. Until someone finds a new stress reliever, they are very, very vulnerable to starting it up again.
Hello There,

My wife smoked for over 10 years and when she found out that she was pregnant with our now newborn 3 months old daughter, she had promised me that if I found a good solution for quitting, she will try her best to kick the habit.

Well in my spare time I started researching online for quit smoking programs, meanwhile she was trying out patches and gums that you can buy at grocery stores and adventually they would not work for her.

After about a week of researching I had stumbled over a website that really impressed me on what they had to offer and that they actually say that they can almost guarantee your success, and most importantly that you can try it out for free.

The company has been around for over 20 years now and they have helped over a million smokers quit since and their kit has everything that you possibly need to help you quit smoking, I thought WoW that is impressive.

I went ahead and ordered the free trial for my wife (only paid for shipping) and she has quit smoking in just two weeks and she doesn-t want to hear about or smell another cigarette again in her life :)

Now it is up to you, but since my wife has quit, I was so happy about her success, so much so that I had built a small review site of the product to also help other people quit, you can check it out at;
if you want to find out more.

P.S. Also available for Canada.

Thanks for reading my short story, I hope it helps, good luck and stay healthy.
i dont no but my dad smokes, and he cant quit, its too hard for him
How hard is it to quit smoking? -