How to support my husband quitting smoking? -

Friday, March 23, 2012

How to support my husband quitting smoking? -

My husband is driving me crazy. He says he is going to quit smoking and will do it for a day or two. Isolate himself from the world and then as soon as he is back at work starts back up again. I-ve lost the will to support him because it-s been going on like this almost every other week and i-m at my wits ends. He was doing awesome, got on the patch and quit for five weeks before deciding it wasn-t what he wanted. Where does it end? How can I help him resolve to quit and stick with it instead of constantly reverting back at the first little stress factor. Should I be expected to just deal with the emotional mood swings and isolation week in and week out if he isn-t going to be serious? How can I be expected to just deal with it. Once, twice, even three times no big deal but we are talking 20+ times in the last six months. I-m at my wits ends. I don-t want to be insensitive if this is really normal but what can I do to get him through it once and for all?
Being an ex-smoker, I understand how difficult it is to quit. You may want to sit down with your hubby and tell him how all this is making you feel then load him with some facts.

Once he has not smoked ONE cigarette in 48 hours he is no longer physically in need of the nicotine. Everything else is just in his mind because smoking is such a habit. I have heard you can take a bath in epsom salts and that will help draw the nicotine out of your body.

He does not have to quit smoking alone or go -cold turkey- He can take medication, go on the patch, chew gum and join a support group.

You can show him how much money he can save in a year from not smoking. Challange him to find something he really would like to do or have and put the money he uses for cigarettes towards that! It will give him something to strive for.
Get him to start exercising...a good thing is for him to go for a walk everytime he wants will reduce his stress.

lastly, he is still going to have good days and bad! Try to be as supportive as you can, but you need to tell him when his stress from not smoking is getting to you. It-s not fair for him to take it out on you! He just needs your support you are not a mental punching bag for his stress.

Good luck to you and him!
well it can be that your husband really likes smoking. -_-

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Just remind him the benifits of quitting. You know I once read that for every cig a person smokes, it takes 7 min-s off their life. It is a hard addiction to quit. But when he went 5 weeks thats awesome, too bad he started again.

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Please ignore the person who said to withold sex for an incentive, if your husband is argumentative at the mention of the subject of quitting smoking, imagine what this would unfold into.
Smoking is stinky, costly and damaging to your health. Good luck, I am afraid you will need it.

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SEX...lots and lots of sex.

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Honestly? Leave him the hell alone. I quit once for a good amount of time and there-s nothing more I want to talk about when I-m quitting smoking than quitting smoking. trust me, if he wants to talk to you about it he will. For now let him handle it.

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i know what he is going through, i am a smoker and i quit for 8 months and once things got rough i started again. Best thing to do is dont bring up current bill situations, problems with friends and if you ask how his day was and you see him getting even a little frustrated change the subject.

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Approximately 10 years ago, I quit smoking overnight at the behest of a Christian Girl where I worked. She said she was praying for me and I told her that I would go home and take Yam Extract (it-s an old hokey homeopathic remedy according to a Naturopath that I know.). Well I have not smoked since.

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Hello! dear cybernauta. its for me really expresioness to know that in development country are more smoker than the country the third world. I see my country with a lot essue without result. I believe what-ever in your conutry are the most doctors that may you help with this trouble. good luck!!

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I quit smoking 14 days ago. I went from 1 pack a day to none, cold turkey. It was hard, but I went out and bought candy and every time I wanted a smoke, I grabbed a piece of candy or gum. I drink lots of water, lots of coffee, and go for walks when I get too stressed.

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ive had the same problem with my hubby for years but hes finally done it hes been off them for 2 months now i think it helped when his uncle came off them to
maybe if he goes to the doctors for some help and get in to the support groups he might feel better in giving up he needs something strong to help him maybe the spray that goes in the noise ask the doctor for info
I suggest having him go on a physician monitored program. a doctor can also find methods that will be sucessful for him. every person is different and solutions are different.

there are also quit smoking clinics that can do the same thing.

also I have heard there is a smoking vaccine. but it could still be in clinical trials
i applaud you for hanging in there. I too want to quit and wish i had a loving women to be there for me. there are so many support groups and doctors to help. GOOD LUCK !!
honestly, he-s trying. you might try some positive reinforcement. Cigarettes are more addicting then heroine or cocaine, by far.
How about u try telling him that if he doesnt stop, you-ll stop having sex with him. Scare him a bit, ask him what is more important a stupid habit that will eventually kill him or u. Show him pictures of people with various cancers. U can also support him by controlling his budget...and if he asks for cigarettes just tell him NO.
How to support my husband quitting smoking? -