How can we help people to quit smoking? -

Monday, December 10, 2012

How can we help people to quit smoking? -

what are the different ways to help the massive smoking population quit.... many people want to but there are many ways to stop but most don-t work
It-s there own choice in the end. No medicine and no people can stop them from smoking; they can only try to convince them that it is harmful. It is the smoker-s personal decision to quit smoking.

Hope that bit of info. helps!
Show them a picture of a deceased person who has died from cancer, make sure they resemble a close family member and convince them to stop or they will be next. One at a time my dear not the whole population because............... IM A SMOKER-IM A TOKER IM A ........................................…
Help them get addicted to something else, like yahoo answers.
trouble is the governmnet really don-t want to as they get a lot of money in tax from it... but I suggest sewing their lips together and tying their hands behind their back
oh and Movies.
yes, Hollywood is the problem, if they quit showing all them movies portraying smoking as glamorous then maybe the majority will stop smoking.
This is a very strong reason why so many find it appealing.
People dont know what to use of their precious time, so they spend it well, by smoking it away.
you only get one life.
thats my motto.
ugh...I was one of those die hard smokers...I was told by all family friends how horrible it was,wake up first things I would do is smoke,actually it controled my life!!! I had on several occasions tried to quit however just was too weak and didnt care enough about myself to succeed when I did try.And then it happened...You have cancer!It scared me like there was no tomorrow.The funny thing is I cannot believe I had ever smoked now...I look back and shake my head....On that note you cannot force anyone to quit,sadly you know they are going to get very very sick!Good luck!
Mike if you find out please put it on answeers..I dont smoke and never have but my wife does and is trying to quite for the 100th time..God Bless her she-s driveing me crazy here..Shes into her third week ,WOW Never knew my wife was such a_ _ _ _ _,...I-ve tryed everything really dont think there much we can do to help except try to give support..I tell her how good the house smells now that shes not smokeing, seems to make her happy.... GOOD LUCK... ROB
chew on gum. just keep yourself occupied. dont think smoking
they could come out with cigarettes called TUMORS and they-d come in a black pack and smokers would be lining up for -em
i dnt think so we can....coz so many educated people knowing the hazards of smoking they still smoke....i have seen some doc too who smoke now u tell me ppl belive tht they are the second God who cures thm n they do such kind of thing wht to say... no one can help thm they know n they do!!!!!
How can we help people to quit smoking? -