What is the best way to quit smoking? -

Friday, December 14, 2012

What is the best way to quit smoking? -

Acupunture was shown to be effect on the BBC Alternative Medicine - Acupuncture documentery. Also consider seeing a clinical licensed hypnotherapist.

Other than that, follow the usual protocol of the patches, gum, ect. If you live in the UK, the NHS has a campaign on to help ween you off.

Also ask yourself why do you smoke?, is it because it has become a habit, or because you think its cool, or because others smoke and you don-t want to be left out, or does it calm you down?

Get to the cause, and address it, either yourself, or with the help of a hypnotherapist.

Hope this helps.
I will give you two helps.. There is an anti-depressant that had great effect on those with depression.. They did some tests and found that only half that dose would make smoking undesirable! Then there is the others.. I bought Nicolette,, chewed tobacco and still had a cigarette hanging from my mouth! We need to get spiritual with addictions! Seek a good Bible believing church and let them help! Addiction, God says, is spiritual. Earl
Mind over matter. Beat your self up a little bit. After you run out don-t buy anymore. Just tell yourself three days. Everytime you think of a cigarette think of something else. It will be hard and painful, but it feels so much better then using nicorette in the long run. Also, lay low for a few days. Chances are your friends smoke and that will just make it harder for you. Good Luck.
I tried everything and none of it worked and it wont until you are ready to quit you have to really wont to quit and not because someone is begging you to when you quit quit cold turkey one day at a time thats how i did it and it has been 8 months
ps i smoked for 27 years
Chew on cinnamon gum, even brush teeth with cinnamon toothpaist. Drink a glass of graprfruit juice after meals. Those flavors make smoking taste terrible. Praying for help wouldn-t hurt either. Don-t be around other smokers and get a support group, or friend that will help you stay distracted.
Congratulations on your decision to get the nicotine monkey off of your back. It takes some people an entire lifetime of coughing and hacking and they never quit.

I quit Jan. 11, 2007 and it took about three days to get rid of the urge to smoke...each day got easier until finally I was nicotine free.

Get answers to your questions and free videos about nicotine addiction at

After you take the pledge, tell others about it...all free!
Cold Turkey! Starting an exercise program and good diet immediately will only accelerate your body back to good health


The BEST way is not to start.

However, I am told that Nicorette is pretty good.

You might also talk to a doctor.
Don-t buy more cigs after you-ve run out.
And don-t ask for one when you see someone smoking.
You have better **** to pay for.
The best way is to lose one lung, than lose the other.. and that-s it.
There is no best way. That is why it-s so hard.
What is the best way to quit smoking? -